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Award Ceremony



I believe it is important that during the times of outlining and appreciating the efforts of high rankings we reflect on why we are folding. We give thanks to those that made it possible and treasure each and every single person that pushed and folded against this invisible enemy.


Coronavirus has claimed over 100,000 lives across the globe, infecting over two million people. This is why we fold, this is the reason we have been brought together. Only in times of such hardship do we see the best and worst of mankind. People from all walks of life doing what they can to help, volunteering, folding, shopping and delivering for their communities, singing, cheering to our key workers. This is the embodiment of humanity, this is how our generation should be remember during this crisis. We are strong, united, resolute. We will not let ourselves be overcome by fear for as long as we have each other. So, go fourth caring with respect, with patience, with tolerance, with kindness in your heart, because it is surely needed in today's world.


Before we get into the rankings there are a few things I want to mention;


1. Although I have been the fact of this event I want everyone to take a moment to give thanks to @Metallus97 for his amazing contribution with the FAQ, tech support and help with the datasheet, @j1philli who has been a tremendous help with validating entries on the sheet and finally @leadeater who wrote the script we used for ensuring smooth data collection. 


2. I'd like everyone to head over and donate a few dollars to Jason at EOC, his servers must have taken a beating with all the traffic we have thrown at the guy over the last few weeks or so. You can either use this PayPal link or find the PayPal donation button on the EOC Website on the right. Don't forget to include a note so he knows it came from team LTT, mine said 'With love for LTT, thanks for everything you do.'


3. I'd like to give a personal thanks to everyone who has been understanding of my own health during this event, it was hastily thrown together which lead to more issues than usually found!


4. Finally I'd like to ask that you continue to fold, for the benefit of all of us, even if it is in a far more limited capacity moving forward. 


It has been an exciting event, despite the darkness that looms over the world currently many of us, including myself have found a little lightness on the event thread, this doesn't have to end, we do have a Folding Community Board in which you can continue the conversation in all its glory! You can find that Here! 


I want to give thanks to everyone who has been involved folding for TeamLTT over the last few weeks, no matter if you are folding only a few points a day or millions, no matter if you signed up to the event or not, your hard work and dedication is appreciated! Don't forget that if you talk about folding on twitter use the hastag #TeamLTT and I will be trying to keep an eye on it, so now, after you have read this post and feel the need to go troll PCMR a little, and lets be honest, after the pitiful attempt to challenge us, you will feel the need. We can all be a little more connected! 


In first place, we have @Macaw2000 with an impressive 339,946,109 points warned with 5,613 Work units over the 14 days of the event. He utilised mercenaries well to make a final dash for the throne and now he sits comfortably, in the plush luxury smiling upon those that stand below him. 


Second place we have the great oppressor, the disgraced king, @Den-Fi, who failed to take by his throne lost during the great crusades of Folding Month 2019. With 296,964,235 Points achieved with a surprising small 1,444 Work Units it has to be said that he certainly had one of the highest P/WU ratios in the event. 


Third place we see is occupied by @walderston, who, given just a little more time could have snatched the silver spot from the fallen king. 237,268,117 Points taken with 1,261 Work Units is nothings to bite your thumb at for sure. But he will be left wondering if he can do better next event!


Fourth place is taken by the veteran @miker07 who has once again proved his worth with 196,425,757 points taken through 2,203 Work units. Forth place is nothing to be ashamed with but it will be interesting to see if he expands his forces by the time folding month comes around. 


Fifth place finds @ZombieStew content with his first showing in a LTT Folding event, 145,684,152 Points and 2,079 Work units. He will certainly be looking forward to future events!


Sixth place we have another newcomer, @Unilevers, a fine showing that we hope to see again in the future. 


Seventh place is @bafo_ah, another newbie shaking up the team with a good showing.


Eighth place is @wi3si, it will be excited to see if they can muster any more force for the future.


Ninth place can be claimed by @Ayren, who only folded for 13 days should be asking did that one day down cosy them too much?


Tenth place is where we leave this today, @GalaxyNetworks is the proud holder of 10th, the gatekeeper, but will they be bettering themselves next time out.



And here you can find the full set of data including the Prize allocations:- Full Folding Data and Ranks!


If you don't see your name on the list above you either did not sign up for this event or you did not meet the minimum requirements. This event was not eligible for Folding Event Badges, PLEASE DO NOT message me or the team about event badges. For general folding badges use the thread Here!


Now it is time for the prizes!


I was planning to tag each winner but due to the number of prizes and limitation I have recently been made aware of the winning ranks will be listed here and the winners will be tagged in comments to this post. This will ensure all winners get a notification for the tag. 


The winners will have 7 working days from the publication of this post to claim the prize, if the prize goes unclaimed it will be added to the community pool for use in future events. In order to claim the Prize you will need to PM me here on the forum, with the subject


'Give me the key that I am owed!'


Also please can you include your rank to make it quicker and easier for me to get it all sorted!


Events that are coming up!


5th May, BOINC Pentathlon - Starts on the fifth of may, this is a BOINC competition where tech forums compete against each other for The Glory of The Sontaran Empire Bragging rights!


13th June, Summer Folding Sprint, this small folding event will run for one week leading up to the summer solstice! Can you take the heat!


2020 Folding month, TBD(expected between September and November), Our longest and flagship folding event, this is where you get folding event badges!


Top Jank of The Event! 


Big thanks to @Xoggy for helping to compile this list!


On 3/29/2020 at 6:48 AM, hydrochloric said:

Damn, it's been so long since I logged on I didn't even remember I had an account until the account creation told me my email was already in use lol.


I've been trying to keep up with some of y'all, but my hackjob of a "media" machine can barely match my normal gaming rig.  It's got my old 7970 and a Vega 56 in 1x slots I hacked the back from so I could fit two at once, with two power supplies and it's in a case that literally appeared at my desk at work one day.


If I could keep them running (the hackjob machine has constant driver hiccups that soft lock the whole system), HFM claims a PPD of 2.1mil.  In reality I don't think I've managed to babysit them long enough to crack 1mil/day.


Also I don't know how you guys are undervolting at all.  The instant I move any of my 3 machines' GPUs away from factory FAH starts throwing bad results and gives up.  I think I lost 3 WUs today while fartzing around.




On 3/30/2020 at 1:25 AM, nickd_games said:

My media centre PCs were getting a bit hot and shouty running 24/7 so I thought I'd give them a some room to breathe. Looks janky as all hell but they are a lot happier now and it's the most use that ironing board has had in quite a while!!



On 4/9/2020 at 11:12 AM, Psedog said:

I took a CPU AIO and drilled holes through the bracket and widened the holes on my Vega64. At 200w (gpu 1703Mhz / Memory 1100Mhz) consistent draw for the last 5-6 days max temp was 61 gpu / 55 memory. Not bad at all. Especially considering my house is a warm 79f / 26c and my computer is under an enclosed desk, lol. The CPU AIO is blowing hot air into the case though, so the GPU AIO is getting that warmer air as well 😅


On 4/8/2020 at 4:25 PM, NetoriusNick said:

Big ASS dual CPU boards 
MY SR-2 is 2off E5690 and 48GB Ram watercooled sits under 30 at full tilt. (could get 96GB ram in it from what I have read)
SR-X is in geto build so not doing as great. yet to water cool and fill it with ram properly. (think its 128-192GB RAM max)

 planning custom case that the pair will sit in.


On 3/28/2020 at 12:35 AM, LAR_Systems said:

After digging though my office for random bits, stealing from other systems, sacrificing some parts from a planned ebay part ITX build I started, but had no case for and a little 3D printing and zip ties to fill in the gaps of a makeshift body on a monitor stand, this abomination what brought online.

When powered, its first words to me were "What is my purpose?" and I said "To fold for LTT!", and that is what it is doing ever since...

 Meet Creaser, the spare part folding bot!


On 3/17/2020 at 12:01 AM, BrewThatStew said:

I've joined! I have a stockpile of old computers and I've installed Linux Mint on to them and got going! I currently have a total of 7 computers folding. 2 are mobile Core 2 Duos, one is a desktop Core 2 Duo, that bare board on the bench is my old server, which is a Xeon 3070, and that computer on the end is an AMD Trinity something... it's got built in Radeon graphics so that helps. I also have my computer on the task, which is a Ryzen 7 2700 paired with an ancient GTX 750 as well as my server, which is a Xeon X3440. I wanted to get some of my really old hardware going like a Slot 1 PIII and a few Celerons, but I don't feel like trying a million old versions of Mint to find one that works just to squeeze out a little more horsepower. I hope this all amounts to something because this is quite the power consumption lol


On 3/20/2020 at 12:44 AM, FakeGamerGuy said:

It's not; the side that the hub is mounted to should be the exhaust side. The fan is there to help feed the GPU and create positive pressure to push the warm air out (it makes sense if you could see the system in the case).


Edit: photos were moved to the cloud so I couldn't find them in my file browser.


On 3/30/2020 at 1:06 AM, CotyDlux said:

I threw together a little rig to contribute. It's sitting right in front of my audio rack in the living room. I know it's not much but these RX480s have been on a shelf for over a year so I'm glad to put them to use.



On 3/27/2020 at 4:07 PM, Shlouski said:

My wife told me because of the quarantine I had time to get some jobs done around the house, this might not be what she had in mind 😆 



On 3/27/2020 at 10:18 PM, DonGuano said:

This is my folding setup atm 😅






I really just want to thank you all again for taking part in the event, you guys have really made it special, every single one of you!


with all that said it is finally time to wrap this one up, but please continue to fold and I am looking forward to seeing you guys take part in the BOINC Pentathlon, Summer folding sprint and most assuredly, Folding Month 2020! 


This is Spectrum signing off,


Happy Folding,




The "Full Folding Data and Ranks" sheet seems to have some issues. The "Daily Stats Week 1" sheet hasn't anyone alphabetically past "2192 elfensky", the "Dailty Stats Week 2" one not past "3192 InvaderLin" --- and the "Final Summary" one has only 3681 rows, which may or may not be an issue; I suppose it could be the case that more did not end up qualifying. Those first two seem a problem though, assuming it's not just me / my system.

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1 minute ago, Yujah said:

The "Full Folding Data and Ranks" sheet seems to have some issues. The "Daily Stats Week 1" sheet hasn't anyone alphabetically past "2192 elfensky", the "Dailty Stats Week 2" one not past "3192 InvaderLin" --- and the "Final Summary" one has only 3681 rows, which may or may not be an issue; I suppose it could be the case that more did not end up qualifying. Those first two seem a problem though, assuming it's not just me / my system.

Am a little confused as to the list of winners but not really important, just icing on the cake of donating to a cause.


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1 minute ago, Yujah said:

The "Full Folding Data and Ranks" sheet seems to have some issues. The "Daily Stats Week 1" sheet hasn't anyone alphabetically past "2192 elfensky", the "Dailty Stats Week 2" one not past "3192 InvaderLin" --- and the "Final Summary" one has only 3681 rows, which may or may not be an issue; I suppose it could be the case that more did not end up qualifying. Those first two seem a problem though, assuming it's not just me / my system.

And this is what you get for being sober while spreadsheeting,


The final sheet was the only one that was checked here, the first two I will sort now, but be assured the final ranks are correct!

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Right so the sheets should now be correct, can someone look them over and let me know if it is sorted on your end now?


I have a master copy and for some reason the copy-pasting didnt seem to work properly... oh google..

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I'm proud that we took 1st for F@H on the teams monthly leader board 

and moved up to 4th on the over all board.

Ranked #618

    618 Mackay42 Mackay42   8,586,817 216   14   Steam key                              

1 Steam Key please 😃

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12 minutes ago, GOTSpectrum said:

Right so the sheets should now be correct, can someone look them over and let me know if it is sorted on your end now?

Looking good from here now; 8144 participants total both Week 1 and Week 2, and apparently 3681 eventually qualifying ones. Found myself on all 3 sheets...

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Just now, Yujah said:

Looking good from here now; 8144 participants total both Week 1 and Week 2, and apparently 3681 eventually qualifying ones. Found myself on all 3 sheets...

This is why I like to post the full sheet, it helps with both transparency and accountability!


Plus having more people check it is never a problem!

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Thank you to all who put this together and for all the time it took to pull it off. Congratulations to all the prize winners. I am on my push for 100m points so you will see me keep moving up the team rank all be it very slowly lol. See you all in the next event. 

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Thanks for the great event, didn't win anything, but at least I got over 1,000,000 points and it was a lot of fun to contribute to something bigger and I'll continue to do so ^^

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So why did they go by points and Not WU work units as that it the point of the system completing work ? seems like  stefan927 won with 6907 work units done what a great job

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Waw! OMG I'm a prize winner, am I?! 😮😃

It was 2 weeks of madness here... My 7820X was screeming every night because I left its overclock on, and during the day I put my 2080ti at 150W powercap so it's not summer in my self-quarantine appartment already! It was jet-engine noise all nights long... And you know the best part? After 20 days of folding (I started earlier than the contest), I just had a major power fail due to my failing UPS! 😅 The RAID5 checked no error (after 12 hours verification...), so I'm still happy 😆


@GOTSpectrum here is the winning proof:

95 Mesterial Mesterial   25,017,090 410   14   25USD Steam Gift Card


I'm pausing folding for the time I change the battery of my UPS, so to account for that, I got an LTT folding shirt 🙂

Thank you for this great event!

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29 minutes ago, Danny757 said:

So why did they go by points and Not WU work units as that it the point of the system completing work ? seems like  stefan927 won with 6907 work units done what a great job

WUs are the jobs, points are a measure of how demanding are those jobs. So for example you can have a WU that takes 1hour on your CPU and another one that takes 3h because it needs more computation. The 3h one will be worth more points.

So all in all points are a more accurate measure of how much computational ressources were given by a certain user. 


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