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Do you think handheld PCs will ever be a thing again?

16 hours ago, Prysin said:



Look at the current gen handheld consoles. Vita has shitloads of games, but is still dying.

3DS is mostly reduced to 5 good games and the rest being fillers.


I love my Vita. But it is a dead fucking end. Just like every non mobile handheld gaming device will be forever onwards.


Most phones have as fast or faster hardware then any handheld gaming device has atm.... But the phone costs just a little bit more, wheigs less, has more functionality.


Ok, but you seem to be missing several points.  3ds and vita aren't comparable to this. Those are their own ecosystem, and all things about them exist in and of themselves. A handheld x86 console is not. Its not limited to games developed  specifically for it as a device. Laptops or x86 tablets are a closer comparison.


And about phones, yeah, they have more functions and weigh less but thats irrelevant. A handheld console is a gaming specific device. Claiming its better to get a smartphone instead of a vita or 3ds is the better choice is about what you're saying when the intent is to get a gaming device.


Phones have controllers too, but to me they dont do justice. I've got a moga but honestly haven't even used it after the first week of having it. Part of it is that its a lower end model and isn't as good as their full gamepads, but those sacrifice portability for me.


But the most important thing here, for me anyway, is what games are there to even play? Shitty mobile games,  a few good "proper" games here and there but really none I'm interested in. And a few of them that I am, but I either already own (final fantasy for instance) on pc or are not available on my device (bioshock is ios exclusive on mobile) and don't want to rebuy them, and even more so on a platform I really won't be playing on. For me a dedicated pc handheld is the better choice over an x86 phone when they come out. I could also deal with a cheaper phone for the extra functions not on the handheld.

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