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Your take on how to ask someone out....


Hasn't happened in my experience. The girl I tried to help, and actually deeply cared for, is now a mother, unwed. Has spent time in jail, as well as having been abused. I was a close friend with her in high school (would spend all days on end with her, outside of school as she had a different home class than me). She would stay the night at my house for days on end. I always tried to help her, support her, tell her she didn't have to end up like her crack/heroin addict of a mother, and guess how she ended up?


as a crack/heroin addict?

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Let me put it this way: Rarely have I had a friendly relationship that lasted more than a year. Understand that it wasn't because of what anyone said or what anyone did. They ended on good high notes. The thing is that I'm a transient person. I'm here and there an awful lot, and most of the people I have made friends with have all but forgotten me. I try not to forget, but there you are. I literally have two people my age who remember who I am from ten years ago, and they're both those childhood friends I mentioned yesterday.

Don't think that I undervalue high school friendships, temporary as they may be. I think they're incredibly valuable. However, it's because of their fleetingness that I hold it as a priority to hold onto the long-term friendships that I have, and one day find someone I can spend the rest of my life being awesome with. That's who I'll look for. Not doing it at the moment, and I don't reckon it's a good idea to start in high school, but at the very least you can learn how it's done.

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Hasn't happened in my experience. The girl I tried to help, and actually deeply cared for, is now a mother, unwed. Has spent time in jail, as well as having been abused. I was a close friend with her in high school (would spend all days on end with her, outside of school as she had a different home class than me). She would stay the night at my house for days on end. I always tried to help her, support her, tell her she didn't have to end up like her crack/heroin addict of a mother, and guess how she ended up?


Seriously, if she had reciprocated and decided to be with me, I'd have done whatever I had to, to take care of her. I knew she had a good heart deep down, but she just didn't see it for some reason. I tried as best I could as a friend, but if she'd have been "with me" I could probably have convinced my parents to have let her live with us when her dad kicked her out. (although it was a rough time, my parents had just filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy and we were moving to a new city, all in a one week period)


If I could remember a lot more about my life than I do, I could write a fucking book about it and retire.

That's the problem, really. After all we can do, it's on them to make the decision to lift themselves. I hate it when it goes like that, and I know it does happen an awful lot, but what else can you do... Sometimes people just let the matter drop, and that's sad to see.

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as a crack/heroin addict?

She wasn't an "Addict" at that time. As far as I know she'd only done coke. Which I'd always turned down because I have ADD/ADHD and already taken ritalin on prescription and known exactly what it would do, (turn me into a zombie and completely zonk me out)


trigger pulled?

Yes, on both.



That's the problem, really. After all we can do, it's on them to make the decision to lift themselves. I hate it when it goes like that, and I know it does happen an awful lot, but what else can you do... Sometimes people just let the matter drop, and that's sad to see.


Yeah. It's weird because I feel bad for her, but at the same time hate her for doing what she did. She knew EXACTLY how I felt (because of my sisters big mouth) for three of the four years we were friends.. And she still just used me and never really saw me as more than a friend. I'd have married her if only she'd have felt the same and not fallen the way she had.


We dated for about two weeks when we first met, made out twice. I was taking things slow (because I like to get to know someone before I get serious with them, because I'm not just a penis with legs) and she ended up dumping me (sort of) for a piece of shit ex boyfriend she ran into at a mutual friends birthday party. Luckily I had a friend who'd driven me to the party (who was old enough to buy alcohol at this point) and he bought me a bottle and I drank myself into oblivion that night.


Then, about a year later we ended up becoming friends through my sister dating her cousin, as well as mutual friend and a strong desire to get weed lol

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She wasn't an "Addict" at that time. As far as I know she'd only done coke. Which I'd always turned down because I have ADD/ADHD and already taken ritalin on prescription and known exactly what it would do, (turn me into a zombie and completely zonk me out)


Yes, on both.



Yeah. It's weird because I feel bad for her, but at the same time hate her for doing what she did. She knew EXACTLY how I felt (because of my sisters big mouth) for three of the four years we were friends.. And she still just used me and never really saw me as more than a friend. I'd have married her if only she'd have felt the same and not fallen the way she had.


how old r u?

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how old r u?

26. I've never tried again, unless you consider a terrible diet, smoking 2+ packs a day, and drinking every single night, a slow form of suicide (which it kind of is, in a way)

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She wasn't an "Addict" at that time. As far as I know she'd only done coke. Which I'd always turned down because I have ADD/ADHD and already taken ritalin on prescription and known exactly what it would do, (turn me into a zombie and completely zonk me out)


Yes, on both.



Yeah. It's weird because I feel bad for her, but at the same time hate her for doing what she did. She knew EXACTLY how I felt (because of my sisters big mouth) for three of the four years we were friends.. And she still just used me and never really saw me as more than a friend. I'd have married her if only she'd have felt the same and not fallen the way she had.


We dated for about two weeks when we first met, made out twice. I was taking things slow (because I like to get to know someone before I get serious with them, because I'm not just a penis with legs) and she ended up dumping me (sort of) for a piece of shit ex boyfriend she ran into at a mutual friends birthday party. Luckily I had a friend who'd driven me to the party (who was old enough to buy alcohol at this point) and he bought me a bottle and I drank myself into oblivion that night.


Then, about a year later we ended up becoming friends through my sister dating her cousin, as well as mutual friend and a strong desire to get weed lol

Some people are just messed up like that. no reason, no rational explanation for why they self-destruct like that, other than the fact that they just do not care about anything. I think that's what it boils down to.

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Some people are just messed up like that. no reason, no rational explanation for why they self-destruct like that, other than the fact that they just do not care about anything. I think that's what it boils down to.

It's hard for me to agree with that. I honestly, truly had deep feelings for her. I straight up loved her. If she'd had felt the same way for me, there would have been no length I wouldn't have gone to, to help her. I always felt that she needed something like that, but something in her just, overrode it and she made terrible decisions. What's even worse, I knew she felt something for me, however minute. At one of her birthday parties, she kept avoiding me because her and this guy were doing coke. She was trying to hide if from me, SPECIFICALLY ME, as I only found out because both my sister, and her cousin (who also somewhat lived at our house at times) caught her doing coke with him at the party. When they told me I got mad and left.


I really need to write that book lol. Because all of this is barely scratching the surface of the shit I went through in high school.

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It's hard for me to agree with that. I honestly, truly had deep feelings for her. I straight up loved her. If she'd had felt the same way for me, there would have been no length I wouldn't have gone to, to help her. I always felt that she needed something like that, but something in her just, overrode it and she made terrible decisions. What's even worse, I knew she felt something for me, however minute. At one of her birthday parties, she kept avoiding me because her and this guy were doing coke. She was trying to hide if from me, SPECIFICALLY ME, as I only found out because both my sister, and her cousin (who also somewhat lived at our house at times) caught her doing coke with him at the party. When they told me I got mad and left.


I really need to write that book lol. Because all of this is barely scratching the surface of the shit I went through in high school.

memoirs are probably the way to go. or be manly enough to keep a diary :3 not a journal, a diary.

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memoirs are probably the way to go. or be manly enough to keep a diary :3 not a journal, a diary.

The trouble with either of those, is that high school is one. long. BLUR. Mainly because of the frequent marijuana usage (it does effect your memory, when you're under the influence) as well as drinking and the two times I did LSD.


I can remember a HELL of a lot of nights, but no order to them. Except for major events.

Ketchup is better than mustard.

GUI is better than Command Line Interface.

Dubs are better than subs

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memoirs are probably the way to go. or be manly enough to keep a diary :3 not a journal, a diary.

Is keeping a diary... not manly? Some jobs require to keep some kind of a log, and I don't see why wouldn't some want to keep a diary of themselves. Today though, vlogs are a lot more common: they are basically a diary in video form, not only keeping a log of your thoughts, but also your voice and appearance (and through the video files, the accurate time, even location if GPS-tagging is enabled). A traditional diary can be easier to make in some ways, though. Plus some people are more comfortable writing things down than speaking in front of a camera.

Never trust my advice. Only take any and all advice from me with a grain of salt. Just a heads up.

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Is keeping a diary... not manly? Some jobs require to keep some kind of a log, and I don't see why wouldn't some want to keep a diary of themselves. Today though, vlogs are a lot more common: they are basically a diary in video form, not only keeping a log of your thoughts, but also your voice and appearance (and through the video files, the accurate time, even location if GPS-tagging is enabled). A traditional diary can be easier to make in some ways, though. Plus some people are more comfortable writing things down than speaking in front of a camera.

Diaries and journals are basically  the same thing, "Diary" just has a feminine connotation to it, which is an unappealing thought to some.

Not to me. I'm too lazy to keep a journal anyway :P

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Diaries and journals are basically  the same thing, "Diary" just has a feminine connotation to it, which is an unappealing thought to some.

Not to me. I'm too lazy to keep a journal anyway :P




i said hi

she nodded

i asked if she was taking her notebook home(locker cleanout)

she said yes




all for today

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Hi! I have condoms. Do you wanna go for a drink?

AKA Link0712 on Twitch/WAN Show

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Hi! I have condoms. Do you wanna go for a drink?

i dont think im of age where im allowed to buy condoms....

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Is keeping a diary... not manly? Some jobs require to keep some kind of a log, and I don't see why wouldn't some want to keep a diary of themselves. Today though, vlogs are a lot more common: they are basically a diary in video form, not only keeping a log of your thoughts, but also your voice and appearance (and through the video files, the accurate time, even location if GPS-tagging is enabled). A traditional diary can be easier to make in some ways, though. Plus some people are more comfortable writing things down than speaking in front of a camera.



The trouble with either of those, is that high school is one. long. BLUR. Mainly because of the frequent marijuana usage (it does effect your memory, when you're under the influence) as well as drinking and the two times I did LSD.


I can remember a HELL of a lot of nights, but no order to them. Except for major events.



i said hi

she nodded

i asked if she was taking her notebook home(locker cleanout)

she said yes




all for today

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Hi! I have condoms. Do you wanna go for a drink?

Is keeping a diary... not manly? Some jobs require to keep some kind of a log, and I don't see why wouldn't some want to keep a diary of themselves. Today though, vlogs are a lot more common: they are basically a diary in video form, not only keeping a log of your thoughts, but also your voice and appearance (and through the video files, the accurate time, even location if GPS-tagging is enabled). A traditional diary can be easier to make in some ways, though. Plus some people are more comfortable writing things down than speaking in front of a camera.

The trouble with either of those, is that high school is one. long. BLUR. Mainly because of the frequent marijuana usage (it does effect your memory, when you're under the influence) as well as drinking and the two times I did LSD.

I can remember a HELL of a lot of nights, but no order to them. Except for major events.



Crap, feel so accomplished, lol

So we had the 8 grade annual end of year trip to Disneyland,ca,U.S.

So in a timely order

We get there, ~10:00 am : do stuff in our group of ~10 her and I talk

~10:40: we go in a haunted house, she freaks out, I'm holding her, she doesn't object ,Her and I talk

Fast forward.......... (Small talk between)

~11:30 we share churro and soda

~12:00 they go on a ride, I wait outside at the exit

~12:10 I start freaking out, I can't find them.........

~2 I find another group from my school(Disneyland is huge)

I ask to borrow phone, call members of group, all except her(I forgot my phone)

I asked a friend to borrow friends phone to call "her"

I call her

She answers

As follows(she doesn't know what my friends number is

"Where are you guys" -me

"Who are you"- her



She Hangs up

Me stands sad :( gives phone back to friend

Fast forward

~5 I find her

Small talk

Me "yd u Hang up on me"

Her *shrugs

Me goes to purchase nother churro

Share half and half(same with other one)

Small talk to ~5:50 pm

We should go line up go get to the busses and trams

3-4 of her friend around her

Her Friends watch strangely as we still share what's left of the churro

We walk half a mile to the trams

~6:10 I talk to one of the guys who were in the group On bus,

Bus starts trip to school from Disneyland

Me- u guys ditched me

Him- u left us

Me- I went to the exit, and I couldn't find u guys

Me happy, people don't usually worry about me, literally

Him we looked for about 10 minutes

Continuation after edit


B LAh blah blah k

Getting to good part

Me-who was looking the hardest?(secretly hoping its her)

Him probably (insert HER name), it was her idea to look for you

Me secretly happy as crap

After me feeling bad, I don't like to burden people

Sees her outside, bids later to her



Strange, but whatever


Don't care will ask for her number before school ends

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(but she's so hawt it hurts lol)


Go with the flow,dont push too hard or she/he will think you are desperate.


lol if you want to use the technical term then yeah sexual assault


in my mind it should be something simple to do but for me its not.


I asked a girl by asking if she wanted to get a coffee, she replied with "why?".


Turned out she had a boyfriend so yeah...


why do i feel like the only guy here to actually ask a girl out face to face ? 



i did it 3 times but was turned down nicely ....


...I-I'm at a loss... 


Back to the topic at hand, well, I don't know. If she really ignores you like that, you might be barking up the wrong tree unfortunately :/



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what i would say if i didnt live in a goddamn conservative society:
hey you're beautiful and it would make my day if you were to get a  _________ with me and let me get to know you better 
cue smile

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what i would say if i didnt live in a goddamn conservative society:

hey you're beautiful and it would make my day if you were to get a  _________ with me and let me get to know you better 

cue smile

wait wut? xD
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And body have advice, what to do next?

DimasRMDO Commander_Z Ruostunut kokis @Slick @Mattrixx GeneralTheoryOfBadassery @LinusTech


Do this:

4e83bad0-c1c9-11e3-b812-f709edc55f29_204But seriously, don't do that. I think the only thing to do is to "get over" her. She isn't a nice person anyway from what we can tell, and you would be better off without her than with her.

I don't do signatures.

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Do this:

4e83bad0-c1c9-11e3-b812-f709edc55f29_204But seriously, don't do that. I think the only thing to do is to "get over" her. She isn't a nice person anyway from what we can tell, and you would be better off without her than with her.


We shared churros which were expensive as crap $4 for bout a foot and a half, I got two and shared

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How would you ask someone out?


would you use a pickup line?




YOU LOOK LIKE TRASH.... let me take you out?






Thanx :D

do this.

Lets play a game. i willl flip a coin if heads i win of tails u lose and ask her for a coin

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