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German Talk

I think I'd have to pass some German test before I get accepted into the uni , hence I might be learning first. I'm not too sure about the automotive industries but I do have some interest in it

well what subject do you want to study? I personally think being good at german isnt that important since most technical subjects tend to go with equations all the time anyways and often also use english phrasing. There also are many classes for foreign students at many universities.

For example my computer science studies were mostly math and Java-code so all I read was numbers and english text. In the end I failed due to math, so don't focus too much on the language itself since it is not the most important for this kind of subject.

The rest will come by itself eventually when living here.

Bitfenix Phenom M White | ASUS RoG Maximus VIII Gene | Intel i7 6700K @4.6GHz | HyperX Savage 2800MHz CL14 DDR4 16GB | EVGA GTX1080 SC | Intel 750 Series PCIe SSD 400GB | EVGA SuperNova G2 550W | Windows 10 Professional x64 | Logitech G900, Corsair K70 RGB MXbrown O-ringed, BeyerDynamic DT880 (600 Ω) on Fiio E10K & Samson Meteor | Dell U2715H 27", Samsung SyncMaster P2450H 24", Samsung SyncMaster 931BF 19" | DIY Ambilight

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Hallo <- that's like the only German I know ..

Excuse me for using English here but I do not want to create another thread and here goes my question :

I'm quite interested to study in Germany but I would like to know

i)if any Germans here would actually recommend studying/living in Germany

ii)roughly how much does a student need in order to live there ? ( for expensive places and less expensive places )

iii)how hard is it to learn German ? Is it possible to be decent in German in a year ? ( attending classes of course )


I personaly would recommend to study in Germany if you want to study something technical, like engineering or programming. Most of the uni's have a high standard in their classes and you will learn a lot.

I would say, you need at least 500-600€ per month in a not too expensive place. A dorm room costs like 250-300€ per month maybe more if it's in a big city. These are the costs for a dorm room were I live.

A big plus is, there are no real study fees. It's like 250€ per half year at the TH cologne. And you even get a train/bus ticket included. So you are mobile in the city.

I can't tell you how hard it is to learn German as non native speaker. But I can tell you, even if you come here with like no German skills at all you will be fine. Most Germans understand English quiet good and can speak it, so normal life will be no problem. Like shopping or something. But your courses will most likely be in German. Some are maybe in English, but not that much.



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A dorm room costs like 250-300€ per month maybe more if it's in a big city. These are the costs for a dorm room were I live.


That's damn cheap, a room over here will easy cost you between 350€-400€ (water-, heating-costs included) + internet/phone (30€-50€) + energy-costs (20€-35€) and the costs for studying every half year (100€-300€) + food (80€)



My costs for a whole year of studying were around 6500€ (not the cheapest place to study nor the most expensive).

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well what subject do you want to study? I personally think being good at german isnt that important since most technical subjects tend to go with equations all the time anyways and often also use english phrasing. There also are many classes for foreign students at many universities.

For example my computer science studies were mostly math and Java-code so all I read was numbers and english text. In the end I failed due to math, so don't focus too much on the language itself since it is not the most important for this kind of subject.

The rest will come by itself eventually when living here.

Not too sure yet as I still have a year to think about it , but it could be actuarial science , economics or engineering

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Thanks , I was thinking less than 700 euros a month should be alright considering that the universities fees are free

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That's damn cheap, a room over here will easy cost you between 350€-400€ (water-, heating-costs included) + internet/phone (30€-50€) + energy-costs (20€-35€) and the costs for studying every half year (100€-300€) + food (80€)

My costs for a whole year of studying were around 6500€ (not the cheapest place to study nor the most expensive).

Thanks for your info , may I ask which city did you study in ?
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Hallo <- that's like the only German I know ..

Excuse me for using English here but I do not want to create another thread and here goes my question :

I'm quite interested to study in Germany but I would like to know

i)if any Germans here would actually recommend studying/living in Germany

ii)roughly how much does a student need in order to live there ? ( for expensive places and less expensive places )

iii)how hard is it to learn German ? Is it possible to be decent in German in a year ? ( attending classes of course )

1.) There are few Countrys where you can live as good as here.

2.) Depends on what you are used to.

3.) German is very difficult. It´s an extreme accurate Language with many Rules. One Year is not enough.

CPU i7 6700k MB  MSI Z170A Pro Carbon GPU Zotac GTX980Ti amp!extreme RAM 16GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance 3k CASE Corsair 760T PSU Corsair RM750i MOUSE Logitech G9x KB Logitech G910 HS Sennheiser GSP 500 SC Asus Xonar 7.1 MONITOR Acer Predator xb270hu Storage 1x1TB + 2x500GB Samsung 7200U/m - 2x500GB SSD Samsung 850EVO

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Thanks for your info , may I ask which city did you study in ?


The costs I mentioned are for Paderborn/Bielefeld/Detmold etc.

Berlin would be a little bit more for a room, but not that much (400€-450€).


EDIT: Also try to use Multiquote ;)

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Thanks , I was thinking less than 700 euros a month should be alright considering that the universities fees are free


Bavaria is usually more expensive especially munich. I study at Regensburg (much smaller, still cool city though and has a camps uni) and i get 730€ a month, all of which i need. That being said, i don't really watch my cashflow because i don't have to, i can ask my parents for money if i'm low.


Living in germany is generally nice i think. people are mostly friendly and there are very little people who don't speak at least a little bit of english, most speak it quite well. I would however not recommend living in eastern germany (Sachsen, or generally the former DDR "Deutsche Demokratische Republik") since it's still financially and socially far behind the rest of germany (at least imo). *please don't hurt me if anybody here is from E.G.* :D


Learning german.... some think it's managable, some thing its horrible. Its easier the other way round; learning english as a german, that's for sure. You can also look up if some of your lectures are offered in english, at least some of mine are. (chemistry).

who cares...

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Das hast du gerade nicht wirklich gesagt, oder? [emoji34]

rekt :D :D :lol: :D

Bitfenix Phenom M White | ASUS RoG Maximus VIII Gene | Intel i7 6700K @4.6GHz | HyperX Savage 2800MHz CL14 DDR4 16GB | EVGA GTX1080 SC | Intel 750 Series PCIe SSD 400GB | EVGA SuperNova G2 550W | Windows 10 Professional x64 | Logitech G900, Corsair K70 RGB MXbrown O-ringed, BeyerDynamic DT880 (600 Ω) on Fiio E10K & Samson Meteor | Dell U2715H 27", Samsung SyncMaster P2450H 24", Samsung SyncMaster 931BF 19" | DIY Ambilight

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That's damn cheap, a room over here will easy cost you between 350€-400€ (water-, heating-costs included) + internet/phone (30€-50€) + energy-costs (20€-35€) and the costs for studying every half year (100€-300€) + food (80€)



My costs for a whole year of studying were around 6500€ (not the cheapest place to study nor the most expensive).


Ich spreche vom Studentenwohnheim vom Kölner Studentenwerk ;) die sind sehr günstig. Und man muss sich um nichts kümmern, mit Wasser, Strom, Internet oder so. 



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Das hast du gerade nicht wirklich gesagt, oder? [emoji34]


es gibt immer ausnahmen aber eben auch tendenzen. Ich hab vor allem erfahrungen mit Chemnitz

who cares...

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Das hast du gerade nicht wirklich gesagt, oder? [emoji34]


Er hat halt recht.


Ich spreche vom Studentenwohnheim vom Kölner Studentenwerk ;) die sind sehr günstig. Und man muss sich um nichts kümmern, mit Wasser, Strom, Internet oder so. 


Das ist cool, sowas gibt's hier im Raum leider nicht und genau deshalb muss man auch so viel für ne Bude etc. hinlegen...

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Jaja, immer diese zurückgebliebenen Ossis :P

CPU i7 6700k MB  MSI Z170A Pro Carbon GPU Zotac GTX980Ti amp!extreme RAM 16GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance 3k CASE Corsair 760T PSU Corsair RM750i MOUSE Logitech G9x KB Logitech G910 HS Sennheiser GSP 500 SC Asus Xonar 7.1 MONITOR Acer Predator xb270hu Storage 1x1TB + 2x500GB Samsung 7200U/m - 2x500GB SSD Samsung 850EVO

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Er hat halt recht.



Das ist cool, sowas gibt's hier im Raum leider nicht und genau deshalb muss man auch so viel für ne Bude etc. hinlegen...

Wat? Ich hab in PB im Studiheim gewohnt :D wobei.. du musst ja nach Lemgo.. wäre sinnlos in PB 2 "Wohungen" zu haben xD

Bitfenix Phenom M White | ASUS RoG Maximus VIII Gene | Intel i7 6700K @4.6GHz | HyperX Savage 2800MHz CL14 DDR4 16GB | EVGA GTX1080 SC | Intel 750 Series PCIe SSD 400GB | EVGA SuperNova G2 550W | Windows 10 Professional x64 | Logitech G900, Corsair K70 RGB MXbrown O-ringed, BeyerDynamic DT880 (600 Ω) on Fiio E10K & Samson Meteor | Dell U2715H 27", Samsung SyncMaster P2450H 24", Samsung SyncMaster 931BF 19" | DIY Ambilight

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Jaja, immer diese zurückgebliebenen Ossis :P


Lass mich raten... :D


Ich hab das Gefühl, dass ich mich garnicht erst versuchen sollte zu rechtfertigen...


Ich habs eigentlich garnicht so böse gemeint, aber das ist irgendwie anders raus gekommen auf englisch. :D

who cares...

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Also ich weiß ja nicht wie du " socially far behind the rest of germany" deutest... [emoji38]

wie waers mit Nazis? die population bei euch ist doch deutlich hoeher als sonstwo in Deutschland ^^

5.1GHz 4770k

My Specs

Intel i7-4770K @ 4.7GHz | Corsair H105 w/ SP120 | Asus Gene VI | 32GB Corsair Vengeance LP | 2x GTX 780Ti| Corsair 750D | OCZ Agility 3 | Samsung 840/850 | Sandisk SSD | 3TB WD RED | Seagate Barracuda 2TB | Corsair RM850 | ASUS PB278Q | SyncMaster 2370HD | SyncMaster P2450
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5.1GHz 4770k

My Specs

Intel i7-4770K @ 4.7GHz | Corsair H105 w/ SP120 | Asus Gene VI | 32GB Corsair Vengeance LP | 2x GTX 780Ti| Corsair 750D | OCZ Agility 3 | Samsung 840/850 | Sandisk SSD | 3TB WD RED | Seagate Barracuda 2TB | Corsair RM850 | ASUS PB278Q | SyncMaster 2370HD | SyncMaster P2450
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Also ich weiß ja nicht wie du " socially far behind the rest of germany" deutest... [emoji38]

wie waers mit Nazis? die population bei euch ist doch deutlich hoeher als sonstwo in Deutschland ^^


Damit will ich im prinzip nur auf die erhöhte konzentration von linkem und vor allem rechten Gesocks bei euch hinaus.

who cares...

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Was macht der Hubschrauber da unter meinem Tisch?! xD


Die Lautstärke bei 12V ist das eine aber die startspannung von 5,5V ist erbärmlich! :D

who cares...

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Was ist denn eine normale Startspannung, und wieso sind 5,5V so schlecht?


Naja 5V sollten schon spätestens die startspannung sein, gute lüfter starten spätestens ab 4V. 5V ist deswegen so wichtig weil das bereits die niedrigeste spannung von Lüftersteckern in motherboards und lüftersteurungen ist...


5,5V sind nicht brutal schlecht, hatte aber auch mal die 3-pin versionen von den apollish da, die haben bei 7 V gestartet. :D

who cares...

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