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[Update: Confirmed] Unlimited* Powaaa! – Scientists achieve net positive nuclear fusion reaction

Go to solution Solved by Lightwreather,

Well, it appears it has been confirmed by the Department of Energy,


On Tuesday, the US Department of Energy (DOE) confirmed information that had leaked out earlier this week: its National Ignition Facility had reached a new milestone, releasing significantly more fusion energy than was supplied by the lasers that triggered the fusion. "Monday, December 5, 2022 was an important day in science," said Jill Hruby, head of the National Nuclear Security Administration. "Reaching ignition in a controlled fusion experiment is an achievement that has come after more than 60 years of global research, development, engineering, and experimentation."


In terms of specifics, the lasers of the National Ignition Facility deposited 2.05 megajoules into their target in that experiment. Measurements of the energy released afterward indicate that the resulting fusion reactions set loose 3.15 megajoules, a factor of roughly 1.5. That's the highest output-to-input ratio yet achieved in a fusion experiment.

Although there is a bit of a snag here, it appears that the lasers that produced the 2 MJ, used about 300MJ.


As we noted above, the 3 MJ released in this experiment is a big step up from the amount of energy deposited in the target by the National Ignition Facility's lasers. But it's an enormous step down from the 300 MJ or so of grid power that was needed to get the lasers to fire in the first place.

But many speakers emphasized that the facility was built with once-state-of-the-art technology that's now over 30 years old. And, given its purpose of testing conditions for nuclear weapons, keeping power use low wasn't one of the design goals. "The laser wasn't designed to be efficient," said Herrmann, "the laser was designed to give us as much juice as possible to make these incredible conditions happen in the laboratory."

However she noted


Tammy Ma leads the DOE's Inertial Fusion Energy Institutional Initiative, which is designed to explore its possible use for electricity generation. She estimated that simply switching to current laser technology would immediately knock 20 percent off the energy use. She also mentioned that these lasers could fire far more regularly than the existing hardware at the National Ignition Facility.

And there are a host of other issues with Intertial Confinement.


Kim Budil, director of Lawrence Livermore National Lab, mentioned the other barriers. "This is one igniting capsule one time," Budil said. "To realize commercial fusion energy, you have to do many things; you have to be able to produce many, many fusion ignition events per minute. And you have to have a robust system of drivers to enable that." Drivers like consistent manufacturing of the targets, hardware that can survive repeated neutron exposures, and so on.

Therefore, despite the fact that laser-driven fusion has achieved significant energy milestones, a long list of issues still need to be resolved before it can be commercialised. An alternate strategy, magnetic confinement in tokamaks, is considered to primarily deal with difficulties of scale and magnetic field intensity and, as a result, to be considerably closer to commercialisation.


"There's a lot of commonalities between the two where we can learn from each other," Ma said optimistically. "There's burning plasma physics, material science, reactor engineering, and we're very supportive of each other in this community. A win for either inertial or magnetic confinement is a win for all of us." But another speaker noted that magnetic confinement works at much lower densities than laser-driven fusion, so not all of the physics would apply.

But Ma also suggested that, for laser-driven fusion to thrive, it may need to break away from its past in weapons testing. "Where we are right now is at a divergent point," she said. "We've been very lucky to be able to leverage the work that the National Nuclear Security Administration has done for inertial confinement fusion. But if we want to get serious about [using it for energy production], we need to figure out what an integrated system looks like... and what we need for a power plant. It has to be simple, it has to be high volume, it needs to be robust." None of those things had been required for the weapons work.

My thoughts

So while this has indeed confirmed that there was indeed a net positive energy output, this is only in relation to the power outputted by the lasers. Furthermore, it appears the NIF is having some difficulty reproducing what happened here, so yea. But there is hope that this milestone will be able to be carried forth to more efficient designs and bring commercial reactors. Although it is certainly some time away, this has certainly reduced the time that we will be waiting. Until it happens though, I seriously hope that governments start investing not only in fusion but fission and other renewables as well.



5 hours ago, Bitter said:

Not to pick nits but to nitpick a bit, what the UK considers a renewable is a bit loose. Burning wood pellets from Canada it considers renewable because the trees grow back and recover some of the carbon emissions... eventually. I don't know if they're taking into account the carbon of logging and shipping the pellets. Also it was found that the contracted company was logging old growth, not new growth forest so there's that too. I don't know what percentage those pellets account for but I personally can't call that renewable.


I got the figure from an online source showing renewables percentage by country and year as a map, i assume they used the same criteria for each couintry so in general i'd assume the wood pellets aren't counted.


3 hours ago, Dracarris said:

Due to its sheer complexity and many local, national regulations, there's quite a limit as to how far economy of scale applies to NPPs. As I said before, what is "of scale" for plants that cost double-digit billions per unit? 100, 1000?


Economies of scale is a complex subject and despite my background i am not by far the best person to explain all the nitty gritty details but i'll try to cover it as best i can.


The first thing is to not confuse the traditional concept of economy of scale with it's larger scale brother. Economy's of scale can really refer to two things.


The first is the simple mass production thing. Buy something or manufacture somthing in very large quantities and you tend to get a discount on materials supply for the very large order, and because you can defray tooling costs and transport costs, and a whole host of other costs across the larger number of units produced. Most of this either doesn't apply, or is very limited in application in projects on the scale of a building.


But there's a second form of economy of scale thats based on a seperate set of principles. And what all of those boil down to is that the more rarely somthing is done and the more specialised some of the knowledge is, the more expensive it gets to maintaining the capability to do somthing. Companies have to employ the appropriate specialists, and if there's not a lot of activity in the sector those people are going to be quite rare which means they tend for various reasons, (including but not limited to the workers bargaining power), to be expensive to employ. This leads into the additional factor that companies which only do a specialist type of work may go long periods with no work to do at all which means long periods where the company is surviving on it's last jobs money. And that also has the downside of encouraging companies to optimise their workflow for minimising costs to the company, even at the expense of speed and/or cost to the customer.

The same hyper specialisation factors mean that if a product has a discrete physical location, (like a building), workers may have to travel long distances and be given long term temporary accommodation, that tends to be expensive and result in higher wage demands from the workers. If the work requires this it's also not uncommon for a customer to have few options when it comes to finding someone to do the work, the lack of competition further drives down incentives for the companies to minimise cost and time taken for their customer because the customer can't go anywhere else.

On top of all that as i already noted, if somthing isn't done for long enough all those specialists retire or die and companies wanting to do the work have to figure out all the little details no one ever writes down about how to manage and otherwise carry out the day to day operations of  from scratch, which is allways a very painful, and thus expensive, process.

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Good old scary Google put this video on my YouTube recommended home page, was actually very interesting. 




Uranium abundance under water is about 80 thousand times that of Thorium in the Earth's crust which is also non-existent under water.

Paraphrasing a little but essentially there is no shortage and likely never will be of Uranium we just do not currently mine Uranium from our oceans as it is currently not economically viable. Over time that will change due to need and also technology advancements. 


Something I hadn't thought of that was mentioned around safety was that Thorium reactors need to operate at very high temperatures so if there is a problem and heating power is lost the fuel could cool too much and turn solid which would cause a lot of damage and safety issues.


Another interesting point was the fuel and reaction efficiency of light water reactors is only about 1% of the mined Uranium. Enrichment and processing is expensive but what I think is important is that there is still 99% remaining potential energy from removed fuel, which can be reprocessed. So there are two sources of fuel supply for light water reactors which essentially don't have concerns about long term supply, short term yes.


Now a big concern with Thorium reactors, current designs remove U233 (watch the video) as part of it's operation so anyone operating such a reactor has ready to use weapons grade Uranium.


So I think both light water and molten salt can co-exist and both should be getting built and usage expanded. One or the other may eventually get favored, usage increased proportionally higher or something else but I personally don't see any problems with fuel or safety for either.

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