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Spotify Connect doesnt behave with PBR



I am running the latest "stable" OpenWRT build on my routers. I have a policy based routing setup for VPN, my phone's data traffic is always routed over VPN while being connected to the same VLAN as rest of my network. However issue here is Spotify Connect (devices running Spotify client) takes around 30-60 seconds to recognize any devices on the network and another 30 to 60 seconds for each action. If I disable PBR for my phone issue is no longer there. All devices are in the same network/vlan/ip range and there are no restrictions for LAN or VPN traffic.


Couple of google searches led me to believe Spotify Connect is a Zeroconf/Avahi based solution and that is where I am out of ideas. Do I just capture all UDP traffic on port 5353 and redirect it to LAN ?

Any ideas?

mY sYsTeM iS Not pErfoRmInG aS gOOd As I sAW oN yOuTuBe. WhA t IS a GoOd FaN CuRVe??!!? wHat aRe tEh GoOd OvERclok SeTTinGS FoR My CaRd??  HoW CaN I foRcE my GpU to uSe 1o0%? BuT WiLL i HaVE Bo0tllEnEcKs? RyZEN dOeS NoT peRfORm BetTer wItH HiGhER sPEED RaM!!dId i WiN teH SiLiCON LotTerrYyOu ShoUlD dEsHrOuD uR GPUmy SYstEm iS UNDerPerforMiNg iN WarzONEcan mY Pc Run WiNdOwS 11 ?woUld BaKInG MY GRaPHics card fIX it? MultimETeR TeSTiNG!! aMd'S GpU DrIvErS aRe as goOD aS NviDia's YOU SHoUlD oVERCloCk yOUR ramS To 5000C18


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