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What is your Favorite Anime/Manga?


I can't pin one thing to not liking it. I've tried watching it before and I guess it just wasn't my thing. Oh, and my favourite anime would have to be a parody of The Last Airbender, since that is one of the few I watched.


Lol, sorry had to laugh since thats not anime it more of America's take on anime.

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AKIRA, Ghost in the shell.

Anybody got any recomendations of what i should watch next? Ive heard Cowboy Bebop is rather good along with FMA, am i right?


Wow dude your stating way back. When you say GITS so you mean the original movie(s) or GITS SAC? It depends what you want, do you want to keep watching classics? In that case even though FMA is good its by no means a classic or even a cult hit, the original anime adaptation was quite mainstream and had all the elements to make a hit at the time. Check out this pic its something I picked up quite a while ago but is a food starting place. http://goo.gl/xZ3fXf

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my bad replace animation and anime there and youll basically get what i was trying to say there. Though that doesnt matter too much as with the general shift in anime as a whole the animation changed with if for the most part. As for the anime I thought was good out of your list that would have to be Ano Hana, Clannad, Hyouka, Spice and Wolf, The girl who leapt through time, and Welcome to the N.H.K.


What I was trying to say is that NHK doesnt count because without that there wouldnt be a story. This unlike many today where it really isnt needed and a lot of times feels like they possibly added that in later to try to give a character more depth or be more appealing or something.


I would have to disagree there are many dubs that are quite faithful. Also if you basing whether a voice fits the character or not based on the original audio, thats the incorrect thing to do. You need to judge whether or not it fits the role, as many actors can play one role. This doesnt mean im saying all dubs are good, far from it. Out of the ones you listed though Spice and Wolf, The girl who leapt through time, and Welcome to the N.H.K have decent dubs but i wouldnt say great. Many of the ones you listed I dont even know if there are dubs available for. One anime you did list that in my opinion has a horrible dub would be Clannad as I feel is changes the whole mood of the anime in a negative way.


They didnt change those shows to fit an audience they changed them to fit out society's view of what a kid should watch at that age which has everything to do with localization.


What you watched first does have a great impact on what you prefer. For me to watch classics like Trigun and Cowboy Bebop subbed just feels weird as I have seen them so many times dubbed and in the case of FLCL its actually better dubbed. It doesnt help that FLCL was not where near the cult hit it was in the US in japan. 

You like the Welcome to the N.H.K dub? B-b-but it sounds like crap.



How can you like this? I am sorry, but I don't get it. Satou doesn't even sound depressed, he just sounds like someone who has a sour throat. I didn't even know Spice and Wolf had a dub.

I listed anime I would recommend someone who thinks no good anime have been released after 2005 (also tried to keep a fairly wide variation of genres so that he would find at least one or two shows that would fit his taste), I activly avoid dubs so I didn't take that into consideration when I was making the list.


Maybe I grew up in a crazy world, but I was watching very violent things when I was 13 and up (which is what shounen manga/anime such as One Piece are aimed at). Maybe you are right, and that people don't think young teenagers should see blood (in a cartoon mind you), but I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Some of the shows dubbed and edited by for example 4kids feels like they are targeting people ~5 years younger than the Japanese version.

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You like the Welcome to the N.H.K dub? B-b-but it sounds like crap.


How can you like this? I am sorry, but I don't get it. Satou doesn't even sound depressed, he just sounds like someone who has a sour throat. I didn't even know Spice and Wolf had a dub.

I listed anime I would recommend someone who thinks no good anime have been released after 2005 (also tried to keep a fairly wide variation of genres so that he would find at least one or two shows that would fit his taste), I activly avoid dubs so I didn't take that into consideration when I was making the list.


Maybe I grew up in a crazy world, but I was watching very violent things when I was 13 and up (which is what shounen manga/anime such as One Piece are aimed at). Maybe you are right, and that people don't think young teenagers should see blood (in a cartoon mind you), but I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Some of the shows dubbed and edited by for example 4kids feels like they are targeting people ~5 years younger than the Japanese version.


Wow you did pick a bad ep there with all the random characters that never show up again (which BTW are voiced quite horribly) but I would have to agree its under par but I still find the main characters watchable for the most part. And man your memory does remember what it wants doesnt it. As for spice and wolf is my guess you may have watched a fansub not too long after it came out as it took over year and a half for the first parts to come out subbed in the US. They then waited for the second half before releasing both on BD.


I understand that I picked out of your list. I think in multiple places I mentioned others though not many. I try to remember more if you want but itll mostly be older stuff or remakes of older stuff as I tend to be following the japanese industry more than the US for the past while.


As for shonen manga/anime like Naruto and One Piece they are usually aimed at boys in middle school in japan. This can easily be seen in the fairly simplistic straight forward story and constant action.

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My favorite anime of all time would be Dragon Ball Z, but I like a lot of anime shows to many for me to name them all but here are some of them.

  • Dragon Ball
  • Dragon Ball Z
  • Dragon Ball GT
  • Shakugan no Shana (As you can see from my avatar)
  • Sekirei
  • Baka and Test
  • Full Metal Alchemist
  • Freezing
  • Heavens Lost Property
  • Attack on Titan
  • Corpse Princess
  • Elfen Lied

There's a lot more but you get the idea I LOVE anime.




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Man when did you start watching? Because if it was recently I surprised you started with those not that their bad their actually very good. Its just that most people entering anime now days would never look back at a classic as their more than the thralled with their bleach, one piece, naruto, and fairy tale (one piece using rave masters characters). Im also surprised about NGE as that in my eyes is a hefty anime as a first timer.




Yes back in the profitable days of anime (at least in the US) all the big licensing companies subbed most of their titles. This is because that what they though it took to sell them. The problem is is that this is the reason dubs got a bad rap because as the perceived popularity of the anime went down so did the quality of dub, quite sharply in some cases. I think they have finally figured out something that work which is dub the mainstream stuff and huge blockbusters. As for everything else it just gets the sub treatment. Which in the end I thjink is better because it gives us better dubs (especially on the blockbusters) and lower prices on things that come sub only. I think funimation was probably the worst offender of this as they felt like they had to aim at mass market (and still do to some extent) instead of catering to the anime crowd even in the slightest way. This allowed other companies to step in and full fill that, the latest being NIS and man have they expanded since I first started buying their stuff.


Man I do remember when they had specific UK dubs, now I doubt they do anymore as it not cost effective and the UK is a even smaller market than the US and since most dubs that are not done by funimation are Canadian (and even some of theirs are) its kind of a moot point now days.





I wouldnt say few especially considering that the only stuff you watched is dubbed and I wouldnt surprised if youve only seen what was on TV, mainstream or considered classic at the time. I can probably find quite a few in my physical collection alone that predate the 2005-2007 switch which coincided with switching to nearly 100% CG and HD anime. The other thing that you might want to think about is that your probably aware of more anime now then you were then speaking on a what was released in a year basis. Now I would say that its more common in certain genre's now but thats because it is what defines those genre's in a way and besides that as I said before its and easy starting point for a story and with the demographic many of those stories are aimed it doesnt have to be anything really ground breaking.


What names of anime are you looking for as I can probably suggest quite a few good ones. As for having 1tb of anime thats not all that much unless you somehow only managed to get older SD anime. I currently have just under 3TB of encoded anime and thats after having 2 complete server failures in the past (that what I get for cobbling random parts together I guess). That doesnt include my physical collection or raw/source collection. I also really have to stress that a physical collection is something that everyone that is into anime should have as long as it available in their region. I say this because without buying official anime, manga, or their related collectibles you not supporting the industry outside of japan which is who you should be supporting if you want anime to grow in your respective region.


I think nostalgia goggles still applies to a great extent. All you have to do is look at the anime you even watched then and revere today. The other thing is that even though you may have started watching anime in 2004 the anime you were watching then was probably much older than that because when someone gets into anime they watch either mainstream anime which has taken is sweet time to cross the ocean or highly rearguard anime which in order to become highly regarded has to be in that respective community for some time. The other thing to remember is that the big change in anime started at the earliest 2005 and took until 2007 or later for all the studios to finally make the transition. Taking that into consideration you would have started watching in the later years of the anime boom in the US which created many of the classics especially ones that have good dubs.


One thing I just realized is that you have supposedly been watching anime for 9 years which is nearly a decade. Within that amount of time the feeling of nostalgia can easily be developed.




There is a quite a good amount of good dubs many of them are older prior to the crash of the US anime industry. The ones that i recently found quite good were ones on Funimations big movies like Summer Wars and Evangelion. The Summer Wars one specifically moved me more than the sub and felt completely natural.


Yes it quite possible to have that much anime that was dubbed quite easily especially if your taking pre 2005-2007 anime. Dubbing is once again ramping up especially funimation as more people are slowly getting drawn in. The reason why less things get dubbed now days is that the US industry is in no way what is once was and each title sells 1/5th or in some cases 1/10th of what it would have so they have to release more titles. I see this as good and bad as we get more anime but less attention is put on each one and many are treated as budget anime from initial release.


As for the anime you though all of them were technically release after 2005 many of them still are in the older style of animation this is due to how long it takes to produce them. Also complete transition of all the studios was still happening in 2007 this was dude to stufios waiting for HD production to become main stream so they wouldnt have to switch to full digital then upgrade like a few of the studios, some of them being bigger ones, had to do. The ones on your list that I would say fall into this category would be Clannad, Haruhi, and Welcome to the NHK without having to look anything up. I would also have to say that your idea of good anime is vastly different in most cases than mine as maybe 1/3 of that list would I put in my good category.


Welcome to the NHK kinda has to have a "protagonist with low self-esteem" because its a story about and a stereotypical Hikikomori NEET. And I dont know what you have against dubs. I think they have gotten an unnecessary bad rap yes there are some bad ones and there are some really bad ones but there are some quite good ones as well. Also have you ever watched any anime that have a bad japanese voice acting because I sure have. Also when ever anime is brought to a different country or region it always in some way localized whether it is a sub or dub. Additionally your examples of Naruto and One Piece dont really make sense as in japan they are aimed at a younger demographic as well even younger than what they were initially aimed at when the premiered on cartoon network (I believe late into toonami's life).





Action is a quite popular genre so you should have many choices but since its popular only a small percentage would be anything of good to great quality. As for horror there are a few releases a year of true horror but its still quite rare as the demographic for it is quite small so when they do make one they have to make it decent. SciFi is another story as there is tons of stuff that fits that but not in the same way it used to as genre isnt very popular in japan surprisingly but does very good in the US.


I can probably recommend some good anime if you list some that you hold of high regard personally.

I've only started a few months ago. I have a friend of mine who is much older than me recommend Trigun, and that really got me into it so i watched NGE, and damn the ending stills boggles me. I've seen some newer animes and personally I like the older hand drawn stuff more than some of the newer animes. I really want to try and watch some of the gundams, especially wing.


Also I watched The End of Evangelion... and, I don't even know how to explain what happened... 

CPU: Phenom II X4 965. GPU: Sapphire Vapor-X 7770. MoBo: AsRock 970 Extreme3. Ram: Corsair Vengeance 8gb 1600. PSU: Antec BP550. HDD: 1tb Seagate Case: RoseWill Challenger. CPU Fan: Arctic Freezer 7 Pro Rev 2. Monitor: Some crap gateway 1650x1050.


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My favorite anime of all time would be Dragon Ball Z, but I like a lot of anime shows to many for me to name them all but here are some of them.

  • Dragon Ball
  • Dragon Ball Z
  • Dragon Ball GT
  • Shakugan no Shana (As you can see from my avatar)
  • Sekirei
  • Baka and Test
  • Full Metal Alchemist
  • Freezing
  • Heavens Lost Property
  • Attack on Titan
  • Corpse Princess
  • Elfen Lied

There's a lot more but you get the idea I LOVE anime.

Have you watched Gurren Lagann?

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Have you watched Gurren Lagann?

No I haven't watched that anime yet. Is it good?




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Ive only started watching anime, but ive been watching it with a friend and ive watched Angel Beats! and Oda Nobuna no Yabou.


Watching Kanon 2006 and crying hardcore in it. 

You should watch Clannad after Kanon. It's kind of like Kanon, but much better and far more sadder. If you thought Kanon was sad then you'll cry your eyes out during Clannad After Story (both sadness and happiness tears)

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I've been watching anime for like 7 years and managed to watch quite a lot during that time. 
I have a myanimelist (www.myanimelist.net/animelist/bakaidiot), but it hasn't been updated in a long time.

My top 10 favourites are (in no order):

Anything Type Moon (Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Kara no Kyoukai, etc.)

Code Geass
Higurashi No Naka Koro Ni

Honey and Clover

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's

Neon Genesis Evangelion (First ever anime and still my favourite)

Ouran Highschool Host Club
Steins; Gate

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

CPU: Intel 2700k (4.7) MOBO: Asus P8Z77-V DELUXE GPU: Sapphire Vapor-X R9 290X RAM: 16GB Corsair Vengence (1866) CPU Cooler: Corsair H100i w/ 2x Noctua NF-F12 Storage: 256GB Samsung 830 Pro SSD (Boot), 64GB Crucial M4 (SSD Cache), 1TB WD Black Cavier, 2TB Hitachi, 2.5TB Buffalo Sound Card: Xonar Essence STX Case: Corsair Graphite 600t w/ full acrylic side PSU: Corsair HX750 (individually sleeved) 
Peripherals: Filco Keyboard (Brown) Razer Deathadder, Sennheiser HD595, Zalman ZM-MIC1, Steelseries Qck Mass mousepad.
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I am surprised that I haven't seen Iria Zeiram on any of these lists, I thought it was amazing (even though it's only 6 episodes).


My absolute favourite anime is Cowboy Bebop.  It has a phenomenal soundtrack, better than anything on the market today (movies included, aside from Tron Legacy), and the story is awesome.  I mean come on, any story where the hero dies at the end?!?!?!?!  Amazing.


Next in line for me:

Samarai Champloo
Ghost in the Shell
FMA Brotherhood
Death Note
Tron Uprising

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I don't really watch anime , but Attack on Titan is freaking awesome. Neon Genesis was pretty good too, I just wish they hadn't been rushed at the end.

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Wow dude your stating way back. When you say GITS so you mean the original movie(s) or GITS SAC? It depends what you want, do you want to keep watching classics? In that case even though FMA is good its by no means a classic or even a cult hit, the original anime adaptation was quite mainstream and had all the elements to make a hit at the time. Check out this pic its something I picked up quite a while ago but is a food starting place. http://goo.gl/xZ3fXf

Yeah i've only watched the 2 movies, and AKIRA, but im up for anything really. I was going to start with either FMA or Steins Gate and for a movie, maybe Mardock Scramble or Ninja Scroll.


I'll save that link and have a good look later and see if i can find anything i might be intrested in, thanks :D

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I've only started a few months ago. I have a friend of mine who is much older than me recommend Trigun, and that really got me into it so i watched NGE, and damn the ending stills boggles me. I've seen some newer animes and personally I like the older hand drawn stuff more than some of the newer animes. I really want to try and watch some of the gundams, especially wing.


Also I watched The End of Evangelion... and, I don't even know how to explain what happened... 


yes I was quite surprised that you watched eva so early on yo umay want to pick it back up again once you have watched a few more anime from the period.




Yeah i've only watched the 2 movies, and AKIRA, but im up for anything really. I was going to start with either FMA or Steins Gate and for a movie, maybe Mardock Scramble or Ninja Scroll.


I'll save that link and have a good look later and see if i can find anything i might be intrested in, thanks :D


I was hoping you watched the movies first as SAC though withing GITS is a different beast. No problem.

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My friend did say we will probably watch Clannad After Story so ill make sure to have 5 boxes of tissues with me if we do.

You need to have seen Clannad before you see Clannad After Story and yes, your friend is correct. You're going to need tissues.



I don't really watch anime , but Attack on Titan is freaking awesome. Neon Genesis was pretty good too, I just wish they hadn't been rushed at the end.

From what I've heard, they literally ran out of money and had to bullshit their way through the last episode (and you can see the extreme drop in quality in the second to last episode as well). That's why they made End of Evangelion (a movie) which basically throws the last 2-3 episodes out the window and gives us a much better ending, which actually makes sense.

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From what I've heard, they literally ran out of money and had to bullshit their way through the last episode (and you can see the extreme drop in quality in the second to last episode as well). That's why they made End of Evangelion (a movie) which basically throws the last 2-3 episodes out the window and gives us a much better ending, which actually makes sense.

The english VO version of the first one just sucked, very hard to watch.

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Well, that would be hard. I have may be too many favorites.

Currently I`m watching my 1003 anime 87.gif






And you should start to understand that american cartoon like Avatar is not true anime :) If you are not sure which is which check in online base like http://anidb.net for example ;)


Looks like i got myself a bit of a rival here  also knowing what that image is from makes it kinda hard to think of a good reply.

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No I haven't watched that anime yet. Is it good?

It's epic, ridiculous, and ends with a bang.


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I watched Pokemon when I was little... That's it.

Sarah Jessica Parker

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It's epic, ridiculous, and ends with a bang.


Cool thanks ill check it out. :)




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Neon Genesis Evangelion.  I first watched it some 15+ years ago.  I still come back to it every year.

Current Rig: i5 3570K @ 4.2 GHz, Corsair H100i, Asus Maximus V Gene, Asus GTX 970 Turbo, Patriot Viper Black Mamba 8 GB DDR-3 1600 (2x4GB), Sandisk 120 GB SSD + Seagate 500 GB HDD + WD Blue 1 TB HDD, XFX 750W Black Edition, Corsair 350D - https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/b/cbxrxr


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Neon Genesis Evangelion.  I first watched it some 15+ years ago.  I still come back to it every year.


How do you manage to deal with cry baby Shinji every year?

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Yes. Its very useful for me because I watch too much :D


 and the here is my whole list :)dm-1113674577644.png


I prefer anidb mainly because of the good structure of all the information I need :) Otherwise I download everything from trackers like nyaa and bakabt. Of course everything is preferably in HD, except the old ones.

Also there are many subbing groups but only few make truly good subtitles :) It took me years to choose them among many.

Lol I'm registered there too, didn't really use it. I have nothing in my list there.

As of what is my favorite anime... wow there's so many. I guess I'll try to think of some now:

Not in this particular order, but maybe somewhat close:


-Fate/Stay Night

-Hellsing Ultimate

-Fairy Tail

-Naruto Sh.


-Ao_no_exorcist (aka Blue Exorcist)


-Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukanai

-Highschool DxD & Highschool of the Dead


-Yu Yu Hakusho


Okay I give up on making any order in it

-Black Lagoon & Jormungand

-Mirai Nikki


-Cowboy Bebop & Trigun

-Elfen Lied


-GTO(Great Teacher Onizuka)

-Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 


-Rurouni Kenshin

-Shaman King (Lol, saw this as a kid, but I still like it)


-Trinity Blood


This is pretty much all that I liked more than the others. I can't really pick one, even now I think I almost said them all I have in my list.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12; GPU: GeForce RTX 3080 Gigabyte Vision OC V2 10GB; PSU: EVGA 750W 80+ Gold Certified; RAM: 4x32GB (w/RGB xd); SSD: 1xM.2 Samsung 980 Pro 1TB, 1xM.2 Samsung 970 Pro 1TB, 1xWD 6TB HDD; OS: 10; Monitor: 2xAorus IPS 27" (2560x1400)Keyboard: Corsair K95; Mouse: Mionix Naos 7000 w/ Steelseries QcK mousepad.

Laptop - HP Omen 15" w/5800U, GPU 3070, 1TB M.2 WD Black, 16GB RAM.

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How do you manage to deal with cry baby Shinji every year?

I learned how to tune him out after a few years ;)

Current Rig: i5 3570K @ 4.2 GHz, Corsair H100i, Asus Maximus V Gene, Asus GTX 970 Turbo, Patriot Viper Black Mamba 8 GB DDR-3 1600 (2x4GB), Sandisk 120 GB SSD + Seagate 500 GB HDD + WD Blue 1 TB HDD, XFX 750W Black Edition, Corsair 350D - https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/b/cbxrxr


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