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Award Ceremony



This was a lovely little sprint we had, an amazing turn out when you take into account the current cost of living crisis and to say we produced over 2.7 billion points and that something we all be proud of. No matter if you were a whale or a sardine, you were a part of this achieve and for that, you should be patting yourself on the back.  Thank you to everyone who helps to make the events run smoothly and thank you to everyone who signs up for your understanding of my struggles.


This will certainly not be the longest awards ceremony as is the case with sprint events but I would like to thank those that volunteered to help with the event. With a special thanks to @IkeaGnome @cbigfoot and @leadeater who are event veterans at this point. 


To claim prizes you need to drop me a PM within the next 7 days, with the subject line of, gimme ma prize. 




Thank you to everyone who got involved during this event. It was great to be back even with my own struggles. 


I ended up rewriting this as morphine-brained spec apparently can't write a good post. 


Happy folding,




1 hour ago, TVwazhere said:

Also @GOTSpectrum @cbigfoot I must politely decline the Gift cards to the LTT store; as a Moderator I should be ineligible for winnings (even though events like this have been relatively OK'd by admins, I just dont feel comfortable)

No worries, I'll re-raffle the prize after my stream 

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1 hour ago, jctappel67 said:

I tried my best!


Anyways, I am disappointed to be the only person from positions 18-21 to not get a prize. Stupid RNG


Luck of the draw my friend, luck of the draw 

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6 hours ago, Bianks84 said:

Happy enough with 38th for my first sprint!

Really wasn't sure if I was going to take @RichardR and @rkv_2401 in the last few days.

Didn't expect to feel a bit competitive but now I'm hooked 😆

Need to get me something other than a 1060 and a r9 290 to pose a bigger threat!

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11 hours ago, TVwazhere said:

Also @GOTSpectrum @cbigfoot I must politely decline the Gift cards to the LTT store; as a Moderator I should be ineligible for winnings (even though events like this have been relatively OK'd by admins, I just dont feel comfortable)

if a power outage did not take a half a day of folding.. i would have taken you spot. lol

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3 hours ago, RichardR said:

Need to get me something other than a 1060 and a r9 290 to pose a bigger threat!

Lol I mean I had a 5600XT and a 760 so I'd say it's close

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Hey neat, I managed to just barely wiggle my way into 5th place after all!

Admittedly, I'm sort of dreading what my power bill is going to look like come the end of the month -- by my estimate, I was burning through a little over 1,200W of continuous power consumption the whole week. But it was a fun little event!

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12 hours ago, dogwitch said:

if a power outage did not take a half a day of folding.. i would have taken you spot. lol

I too had power outages 😉  as weell as spending 1/4 of the time on my 1080ti gaming while folding so my PPD for those days was less than it could have been, but there's no chance I would have gone up more than one rank. 

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1 hour ago, TVwazhere said:

I too had power outages 😉  as weell as spending 1/4 of the time on my 1080ti gaming while folding so my PPD for those days was less than it could have been, but there's no chance I would have gone up more than one rank. 

ah. yeah i still trying to get that one 3 gpu rig working. i tried 2 different psu. now am going to have to test each part. which with that. i would have went up 1 rank. from you.

but at the same time i found out a network issue. that came out of no where. which did not allow me to connect to my nas... which when power goes out. you want to be able to safely shut them down.

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i want to thank everyone for participating, i hate to say this but i hope next event i won't be in top 10 as that means others have stepped up...hoping things cool down around here currently all my towers and laptops are off as Mining isnt profitable currently.  and trying to save money for my new Ride i will be buying soon...

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11 hours ago, chairitable said:

I knew falling from 34th to 35th place would be devastating for me. congratulations y'all, imma keep chugging since electricity is covered by my rent 😎

i would have been in top 5 had i had same arrangement...

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On 6/23/2022 at 7:59 PM, cbigfoot said:

i would have been in top 5 had i had same arrangement...

mind, heat is still a factor - I'm not so monstrous as to run AC while crunching numbers, so still some sweating involved!

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