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  • Gender
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  • Occupation
    Professional mean girl
  • Member title
    Professional mean girl


  • CPU
  • Motherboard
    Dear god what sunken ship did you find this on
  • RAM
    enough to play doom and run dos
  • GPU
    sli voodoo2
  • Case
    old pizza box
  • Storage
    rubbermade tupperware
  • PSU
  • Display(s)
    apple 2 green crt
  • Cooling
    tub of superman icecream
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Sound
    pc speaker
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  1. I don't care about mobile cpu advancements

    I don't care if it's fast CONSIDERING how much power it uses. Just don't care.

    Might as well say how fast it is CONSIDERING how slow it is

    If I want speed i'll use a desktop , laptops have basically always just been a downgrade from a desktop with the only advantage being that it's portable.

    This was typed on an 11 year old laptop while playing minecraft and watching youtube. Tell me how much laptops have changed in 11 years so I can tell you how much i don't care.

    1. da na

      da na

      I'm the exact opposite. I love telling people my Core 2 Duo will beat the hell out of their Chromebook's Celeron without mentioning the tenfold power increase.

    2. djksm


      1 hour ago, da na said:

      I'm the exact opposite. I love telling people my Core 2 Duo will beat the hell out of their Chromebook's Celeron without mentioning the tenfold power increase.

      bbbut my chromebook is new


  2. Yeah nobody I know would have ever recommended or used that psu. Least we know what the target demographic for it was
  3. I've noticed that solid laptop recommendations are few and far between in the pc enthusiast space.


    There's not really any specific go to answer for good choices. It's kinda just becoming like printers where none of the options are good and you just roll the dice on longevity and quality based on sparce testimonials.


    Most people's recommendations have very little merrit with either a low sample size or a low amount of actual ownership time.

    1.   Show previous replies  4 more
    2. BlueChinchillaEatingDorito


      44 minutes ago, da na said:

      With basically anything electronic you're better off with a high-end, used piece of gear from several years back than a new one for the same price.

      That's something the Apples, Dells, and HPs in the high-end space don't get enough credit for. Yes, they may be expensive to repair, but at least the chances of needing a repair are low. Unlike the consumer garbage from Acer, ASUS, and MSI which are all ticking timebombs. 


      Not to say Dell, Lenovo, and HP aren't capable of making landfill. At least there's a side of their business that isn't.  

    3. LloydLynx


      The problem would be solved if we could engineer drop-in compatible CPUs and chipsets for old laptops using modern process nodes. It would be amazing if I could get a Merom compatible CPU to replace my T7600 but be 10x faster, and even better if a 945GM compatible chipset could be soldered on and allow for greater than 3.2GB of RAM. Add in refurbed battery packs with todays best 18650 cells and god might strike you down for creating heaven on earth.

    4. Kilrah


      So many laptops nobody can test all of them, such rate of change that if you test some that model's gone 6 months later,...

  4. A serious competitor to this is any pc case , and any 3 monitors , and duct tape.
  5. Have you done any diagnostics so far
  6. no they'll just reinstall it on the next update , any method you come up with , gets patched in the next update. that's whats great about windows , you pay for the privilege of them legally doing anything they want to your computer. not only can they decide to reinstall copilot , but they can also just copy all your files , hand them over to the nsa , then give you a big middle finger and laugh knowing you agreed to their terms and can't afford to sue them. welcome to the future.
  7. then use more than one drive. if it's for a job and redundancy is important then never use one single drive.
  8. I like how windows 10 defaults to telling you what the weather is in the taskbar.......

    just in case you are too stupid to already know what weather is....... or in case you're locked in a windowless basement...... what an amazing DEFAULT feature to have. wow , never would have known it was currently raining without my taskbar telling me. oh now it changed and is telling me how the S&P 500 is doing like i care? Amazing , love the future , sure hope it tells me a bunch of other crap i didn't ask for.

    I hope they add a big fricken lever to the taskbar so when i pull it an arrow spins around and tells me "the cow goes moo"

    1.   Show previous replies  3 more
    2. GoStormPlays


      how else are you gonna know what sound the cow makes?

    3. Ripred


      6 hours ago, emosun said:

      I like how windows 10 defaults to telling you what the weather is in the taskbar.......

      just in case you are too stupid to already know what weather is....... or in case you're locked in a windowless basement...... what an amazing DEFAULT feature to have. wow , never would have known it was currently raining without my taskbar telling me. oh now it changed and is telling me how the S&P 500 is doing like i care? Amazing , love the future , sure hope it tells me a bunch of other crap i didn't ask for.

      I hope they add a big fricken lever to the taskbar so when i pull it an arrow spins around and tells me "the cow goes moo"

      I like when it doesn't agree with my phone, it's like a contest every time I look out the window 

    4. Techstorm970


      Hey Microsoft!  Notice how literally no one has even attempted to reproduce this feature in other OSes!  😃


      BURN IT.

  9. That case isn't worth 1000$. Idk who the hell determined it was 1000$ or rare. There's literally one on ebay with a computer in it for 150$ and another for 120$. Even I have an atcs and i'm not rich either , someone gave me it for free. And it's not one of the later ones they're using it's an actual original one from 1999. Can we get a citation for that 1000$ valuation?
  10. if your goal is to use less power then you're probably going to want something that not only measures the power , but also shows just how little of an effect it has on the electric bill. Which is why I've never cared how much power a computer uses over the past 20 years.
  11. have you actually checked the power draw of the machine at the plug with some form of meter?
  12. any electrical load would cause it to shut off or crash The power supply is one of the few analog components in the build and usually would cause more basic functionality issues rather than software dependent issues. this to me sounds more software related than hardware but if the bios update doesn;t work then remove one of the ram sticks and see if it's more stable with just one installed instead of two
  13. maybe that should get done then is it stable with windows 10
  14. have you applied any of the 12 bios updates the board has had how old is the windows install
  15. most brands in the professional space are more reliable than consumer electronics server parts , IT infrastructure , etc.... supermicro is pretty good from my experience I'll still never forgive Asrock for making some of the worst motherboards on earth. In the windows xp days Asrock just made garbage. thank god new people are born to replace the old people otherwise asrock would have died out 3 presidents ago.