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Is my old i3-6100 the problem?

Hey people 


I started building my budget gaming PC Last year on a budget of around £400.00. I originally brought the I3-6100, GTX 1050 TI, 550w Ps, 2x4GBDDR3  and a 500GB hard drive. Since then i have acquired a GTX 1070 OC, 16GBDDR3 and a 240gb SSD.

Now i have been playing some AAA titles like GTA 5, PUBG even in CSGO and i have noticed some crazy FPS drops.

Does anyone have a clue what i need to try and make the Frame Rate stay stable as its so frustrating!!!


I feel like a New CPU might be the answer as i think its seriously bottle necking.....


Any HELP???

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I would definitly say the CPU. You can, however, see for yourself. Start your games in windowed mode alongside task manager, and have the performance tab. You'll be able to see for yourself

Bow down to me humans.

I can't help if you don't quote me. How am I supposed to know if you need my premium support? Now starting at £399.99 a year.

Also, be a sport and mark the correct answer as the correct answer. It will help pour souls in the future when they are stuck and need guidance.

"If it works, proceed to take it apart and 'make it work better.' Then cry for help when it breaks." - Me, about five minutes ago when my train of thought wandered.

Remember kids, A janky solution is still a solution.

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I have a feeling it is the core i3 that is causing the FPS drops. That processor is pretty weak when used with titles that are getting updates here in 2018. 

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I'd check usage. 

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What CPU would people recommend to get for maybe some light streaming and playing AAA titles?


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9 hours ago, DayMan2412 said:

What CPU would people recommend to get for maybe some light streaming and playing AAA titles?

Ryzen 5/1600 or, if possible, 2600.


YOu can't upgrade to any usable CPU with that plattform, the 6k i5 and especially i7 are just way too expensive and still only 4 Cores.


And with rizing Intel Prices it makes less sense to look in that direction. So financially it makes more sense to throw the Board out as well...

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12 hours ago, DayMan2412 said:

Does anyone have a clue what i need to try and make the Frame Rate stay stable

Are you using Windows 10? I have a few things you can try to do now to see if you can get rid of stuttering.


  • Click on the Start menu in the bottom left hand corner of your PC and go into your settings. Then click on Power & Sleep. Then click on Additional Power Settings. Then click on High Performance. Apply the setting if given the option. Close out everything.


  • Right click on your desktop and click on NVidia Control Panel. Then click on Manage 3D Settings. Under Global Settings, look for Power Management Mode. Click on it and then click on Prefer Maximum Performance. Apply the setting(wait about 3-10 seconds after the click). Close out everything.


  • This next one is a trick that may benefit you a lot with that dual core CPU. So bare with me, it may seem like a difficult process but trust me when I tell you, it's a breeze once you get used to it. Google a program called Process Hacker. Download and install it. It's a very trusted program and a VERY beneficial program. It's also a breeze to install and it's a very small file size. Before opening it up, do this, and remember this... Right click in the middle of your Start menu, found at the bottom middle of your desktop. Then click on Task Manager. Then click on the Performance tab. Near the bottom, click on Open Resource Monitor. Close out the Task Manager behind this new Resource Monitor tab. On this Resource Monitor tab, click on Memory. Now, what you are now staring at is very important. You should see a bar graph. Look for the word Standby. There should be a LOT of Standby memory you are staring at. Now, this is where Process Hacker comes into play. It will basically free up that Standby Memory. Thus, helping performance during games. Don't worry, this isn't hurting your PC in any way. And this Standby memory will go back up again after doing random tasks and playing random games. Now the fun(and very simple) part, while you have the Resource Monitor open, open up Process Hacker. Click on System Information. Then click on More, then Empty, then Empty Standby List. If you want, have that Resource Monitor tab to your right so you can watch all that Standby memory go away. That's it, this process is over. Close out everything. Repeat this process before every game you play.


Let me know if doing these things helps you out in your gaming. I would start with GTA 5 because if you can run it without stuttering, you're set. If they don't work, the next thing I would try is to lower some individual graphic settings. Things like AA, AO, Grass Quality, Distance Scaling, Shadows and/or Reflections.

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