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Arduino undefined NApowerCodes and EUpowerCodes


So I am trying to make an arduino based TV-B gone by this instructable:


Here is my wiring:
width=500 height=491https://i.stack.imgur.com/xLAqd.jpg[/img]

So my issue appears in Arduino.
When I first tried to verify the code I got an error saying I had to put const after the * in this code, both for EUpowerCodes and NApowerCodes:

"const struct IrCode *EUpowerCodes[] PROGMEM = {"

And So I filled out the const in the areas needed, but then I got this new error where there was an undefined reference to both EUpowerCodes and NApowerCodes. More specifically here's the error message:

Arduino:1.6.0 (Windows 8), Card "Arduino Uno"

TVB.cpp.o: In function `sendAllCodes()':
/Arduino/TVB.pde:261: undefined reference to `NApowerCodes'
/Arduino/TVB.pde:261: undefined reference to `NApowerCodes'
/Arduino/TVB.pde:264: undefined reference to `EUpowerCodes'
/Arduino/TVB.pde:264: undefined reference to `EUpowerCodes'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error by compiling.

The error occures at line 261 and 264, here I have the code from line 259 to 265:

259// point to next POWER code, from the right database
260    if (region == NA) {
261      data_ptr = (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(NApowerCodes+i);
262    }
263    else {
264      data_ptr = (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(EUpowerCodes+i);
265    }

Now I have tried putting "* cons" or just "const" in front of NApowerCodes and EUpowerCodes, and removing + i, and putting "const struct IrCode *EUpowerCodes[] PROGMEM = {" instead inside of the parenthesis.

Does anyone know what I did wrong or what I can add of code to fix this?

Attached is the TVB file with the undefined reference error.

Here is the code (I couldn't include the full code, but I have included what I think is most important. I have attached a file with the full file of the project if you want to take a look at that.

void sendAllCodes() {
  // startOver will become TRUE if the user pushes the Trigger button while transmitting the sequence of all codes
  startOver = FALSE;

  // determine region from REGIONSWITCH: 1 = NA, 0 = EU
  if (digitalRead(REGIONSWITCH)) {
    region = NA;
    num_codes = num_NAcodes;
  else {
    region = EU;
    num_codes = num_EUcodes;

  // for every POWER code in our collection
  for (i=0 ; i < num_codes; i++) {
    PGM_P data_ptr;

    // print out the code # we are about to transmit
    DEBUGP(putstring("\n\r\n\rCode #: ");

    // point to next POWER code, from the right database
    if (region == NA) {
      data_ptr = (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(NApowerCodes+i);
    else {
      data_ptr = (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(EUpowerCodes+i);

    // print out the address in ROM memory we're reading
    DEBUGP(putstring("\n\rAddr: ");

    // Read the carrier frequency from the first byte of code structure
    const uint8_t freq = pgm_read_byte(data_ptr++);
    // set OCR for Timer1 to output this POWER code's carrier frequency
    OCR2A = freq;
    OCR2B = freq / 3; // 33% duty cycle

    // Print out the frequency of the carrier and the PWM settings
    DEBUGP(putstring("\n\rOCR1: ");
    DEBUGP(uint16_t x = (freq+1) * 2;
    putstring("\n\rFreq: ");

    // Get the number of pairs, the second byte from the code struct
    const uint8_t numpairs = pgm_read_byte(data_ptr++);
    DEBUGP(putstring("\n\rOn/off pairs: ");

    // Get the number of bits we use to index into the timer table
    // This is the third byte of the structure
    const uint8_t bitcompression = pgm_read_byte(data_ptr++);
    DEBUGP(putstring("\n\rCompression: ");

    // Get pointer (address in memory) to pulse-times table
    // The address is 16-bits (2 byte, 1 word)
    PGM_P time_ptr = (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(data_ptr);
    code_ptr = (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(data_ptr);

    // Transmit all codeElements for this POWER code
    // (a codeElement is an onTime and an offTime)
    // transmitting onTime means pulsing the IR emitters at the carrier
    // frequency for the length of time specified in onTime
    // transmitting offTime means no output from the IR emitters for the
    // length of time specified in offTime

#if 0

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