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I had a chance to play with ios7.. It was alright. I did a week trial with a iphone5 using the beta and it was alright. I felt to limited with the phone. The battery died to fast. 



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Tbh I'm really excited to see what Apple's developers did to iOS.


I started a decade ago with Windows mobile on my first smartphone, switched to Nokia's Series 40 and then 60, then to iOS, then had two android devices and switched back to iOS last december when I bought my iPhone 5.


So starting at the beginning Windows mobile was one of the first 'real' smartphone operating systems and it wasn't that bad. Even the performance wasn't bad back then. But someday it's time for something new and I switched to a Nokia E90 Communicator which was a stunning device. You had a full size keyboard, a big screen and it fitted better in my pocked. I used it for about 3 years until it broke and I bought my first iPhone which was a 3 GS. And really I was so damn surprised by the performance and all the apps and the haptic and how the surface feeling and everything. That was just wow. But I learned that snowboarding and iPhones are not the perfect match.^^ It broke on a snowboard trip and the only shop around there just had android smartphones available so I picked up an Sony Xperia Arc S. And first of all the whole set up process on android p*ssed me off a lil bit because you know, comparing to iOS to me it's a lot more complicated. And then the fact that you need an google mail address to set it up completely. And also I really didn't like the whole menu. It's weird to an iOS user to have apps on your home screens AND on your menu. I didn't liked that much. Also it felt a little laggy all the time.

My second android device was given to me by my boss. It was an HTC Desire X what was a really nice device at the first 4 weeks. But (you knew there would be a 'but') it was... idk slow.^^ And the software that came with was just crap. The device itself was really nice, it felt good, wasn't too large, had a nice screen and the audio performance was nice. But to fill it up with all the stuff I wanted to have on it was really weird. The PC software that came with copied all my photos and music to another folder and then to the phone. Once I figured out that HTC doesn't use the standard android folders for pictures, and which folder they used for music I deleted the whole software on my PC. (Also it caused blue screens several times or just hang up). Once I deleted the software I used Windows explorer to bring music to my device and also wallpapers, pictures and stuff which really p*ssed me off a bit bc it was a lot more work than I expected. And after all that was done I had to set up all the home screens. I played around with apps and these tiny little apps that shows you the weather and stuff and news feeds and so on. Once I set up all that the performance seemed to slowed down a bit and also that phone always needed a couple of seconds until it opened up the photo app and stuff. It crashed a couple of times and I had to restart the whole device. And that isn't really funny. So I lend an Galaxy S2 from a friend to check out if that's the phone I'm searching for but it was not. Sure it was faster and stuff but tbh I missed all that iOS feeling, the simplicity, the surface feeling so I headed to the next Apple store which is about 1 hour away and bought an iPhone 5 last year.

And hell yes! That was what I missed. Once home I set up my device and after 5 minutes I was done. Syncing it to iTunes is as simple as cooking water, syncing photo library, music, that's what I call simple. I don't wanna waste time to move that all by hand and that's what iTunes gives me. And also that iOS feeling! To me it's great. It's simple. I know some people say 'iOS is for people who don't wanna think much' and I don't mind them for saying this because it's a bit true. And I'll tell you why: an smartphone to me is a device that should give me the ability to make calls, send messages, check news, read and send emails, take photos and share them and so on. And additionally to all this I wanna backup my phone as easy as I can. And with iOS? Plug it onto your computer and let iTunes do the rest. Also buying music. That's one thing that really s*cked with android to me. First of all I needed a credit card (glad I had one), I needed to copy the bought music by hand to my pc and put it into iTunes (I use iTunes for managing my music a lot longer than I had an iPhone). With iOS it's a bit more simple. You don't really need a credit card to buy stuff on the stores and iTunes syncs your new music automatically. Perfect to me. No waste of time bc that's what android to me is. A little bit a waste of time. All from the set up process to the copying process to the back up process and this going into the menu and finding the app you wanna use at this moment. Really? No, thanks.


So and now they announced iOS 7 a few month ago. And when they announced I was just like 'wow that's f*cking beautiful!'! Sure that's maybe what just I think and really not what everyone else thinks. But I really liked what they showed. This whole system design fits in every view. The whole structure seems to be the same as iOS 6 and previous but still it's all new and a lot more and they added some awesome 'new' features. Sure the android users may know a lot of these features but I still think if you compare all the user interfaces on android by all the companies you won't find just one that looks so beautiful like iOS 7. The performance (I tested the beta 6 on my second iPhone 5 - I know I have too much money whatever) is incredibly increased since iOS 6. The new look & feel is really awesome and when you compare iOS 6 to iOS 7 on the SAME phone you wouldn't believe that's the same device. The 3d-seemed background is really nice - in fact it isn't really 3d but with the more-layer technology apple used in iOS 7 it's really looking like - it gives you a feel of a living device. The new designed Photo app is awesome and reminds me a to the iPad app and the old iPhoto on mac os. If it works the way I wanna have it I've to see when I update my all day iPhone 5 on September 18th. Same goes for the music app. It's really nice looking and the fact that the surface let's your wallpaper shine through a little bit gives the whole thing a brand new style. It brings you your wallpaper color (which you normally choose bc you like it) to all apps. Really nice. Safari - the web browser - is really fast, they increased the whole performance to a new level (for iPhone users) and the new design makes it more simple (to me) to read what I want to read, what's mostly caused on how they call it edge-to-edge design which gives you the feeling to have a bigger display. iRadio didn't work in Germany so I can't say something about it.

Next step: Control center. I knew control center from android and that was something I really liked. It was a simple way to activate/deactivate WLAN, Bluetooth and so on and now I have it on my iPhone! (Sure some will say 'Oh my god they stole that from google', whatever, without Apple we would walk around with Communicators by Nokia these days like 2006.). But I don't have it on my iPhone the google-way, I have it the Apple way! With all that shine through wallpaper, the look and feel of iOS7 which is really - and I can't say that enough - really great and it feels so living like! Awesome! (I know I'm an Apple fag, whatever but I f*cking love this company. Maybe not this company but I still love their phones and the team of Jonathan Ive did an amazing job!).

Air drop. Bluetooth sharing but it's not bluetooth.^^ It's secured WLAN P2P sharing, which means it's a lot faster than bluetooth! I tried that out and it's amazingly fast!

Camera. Okay that's a little bit... idk. I really don't know if I like the new camera app. Maybe it's just because I hadn't enough time to test it out a lot. It's simple as hell to take photos, that's clear. What I don't really like is the new look of the app. On iOS6 the app used the whole screen as searcher for the image you're going to take and now you have this black border on the right side... I don't really like that bc it looks a bit like the camera app on the HTC I owned for a while. And I don't need to be able to use filters for my photos while I take them, but that's my personal view to it. I'll play around a bit with this app when I update my all day iPhone to iOS7. (I took about 8000 pictures with my iPhone since I got it in December last year which is about 5000 photos more than I took with my Nikon DSLR^^). So there will be enough testing afterwards. :D

The new app icons fit perfectly into iOS7 which - to me - is a great point. I like them a lot more than the old icons in iOS7. They look more sharp and clear.

Ehm... What's left? Yes, the new designed keyboard. When I first saw it I was like 'WTF?' bc I really liked the old keyboard - which I learned to love so much and which I missed a lot when I had my two android phones! - but, thb, it looks different than the old keyboard in iOS6 but it feels like the old, so not really a problem. Seems that the design team at Apple knew exactly that you can change the look of a keyboard but you shouldn't do the hell to change the feeling. And compared to the look of iOS7 it fits also perfectly like all the other stuff.

The new keypad at the phone app surprised me. First I looked at it and though 'Okay, looks like my grandma's phone' :D But it's nice. Ive's team changed the whole look and feel to improve it and so they did it with the keypad. Here also the background shines through which - I can't say this enough - is really awesome! And when it does that little blink of the ring around the keys *-* I wanna press them all the time :D haha. Awesome design work.

Some of you may know these clear designs from the company Braun or also maybe Bauhaus. I loved that designs because they've been clear and simple and also simple to use. And that's a fact I really love in iOS7. It's clear and simple AND simple to use. When I think back to my Windows Mobile days and compare them to what I do now with my phone that's a completely different world. I listen to music - I'm really music addicted and I need music a lot more than air -, I send emails and instant messages all the day, I read and watch news, I check the weather forecast, I blog, I take photos, I edit photos, I read books, I write on my own novel, I check out what's new in technology, I manage my whole day (I forgot to tell about the calendar^^ I'm sorry, watch the videos on youtube :D lol) with my phone and in fact that I do so much with it, it became part of my life. And I really don't have the time to waste my time. I really love to plug in my phone and iTunes does so much work for me!

And so iOS does so much work for me. I wanna have a simple and good looking user interface which is easy to use to save my time with all I do and that's what iOS7 does, what it does better than iOS6 and what it does - to me - a lot better than android.

I'm so excited to see the final release version and I really count the days till then.

I know a lot of people want to have the user interface their way and want to change the whole look and feel a lot or just like windows or mac or whatever. But to me... I need a system which I can use blind and that's what Apple provides and what I learned to love. I'm really impressed what they did since iOS6 and I really didn't expect what they delivered. It's awesome!

If some of you have the chance to, you really should check it out for a while. Just do what you do with your phone every day. And I bet some of you will be pleased how simple a simple to use operating system can make your life. 

Also I know that iPhones not the cheapest phones on the market, for real, I paid mine by myself, the full amount and yes, it hurt a little the first days. But afterwards I can say it was really worth it. And that Apple brings you the feeling of a whole new phone just with a new operating system is awesome. You don't have to buy a new phone but you'll be pleased like you had.


So, please don't shoot me for all my Apple infected writing, my boss will hate you bc I have to go to work now.

If some of you are interested and have questions about iOS7, I'll update my phone right on Sept 18. So if you have any asks to the final version I'll provide you with answers and pictures if you want.


Nice day to all of you and I don't hate you if you're using Android or if you hate Apple. I love you all :D <3





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The ugly baby of Windows Phone 8 and Android

Folding for LTT since April 2016.

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I'd like to agree with you on android not feeling like a complete OS, My main probably with android is that there's sooo many devices that need compatibility with the apps and new androids feel 4 years old. With so many devices you dont really know if an app will run at all and most apps are specifically optimized for a particular device. Also the amount of duplicated apps, i don't need 10k clock apps ._.


also ios7 GM was released if you aren't aware :)

My point exactly. I don't care about overlcocking my phone and rooting it like crazy. I like a complete phone and is plug n play almost with little or no customization. Apple's software is really complete and the app store sorts through apps that you can and can't use. People still on iOS 4 can't use anything hardly because Apple almost forces people to upgrade. 


My mom uses Android and constantly complains that some of the apps she has downloaded will not fit her screen perfectly. She has the Galaxy Note which as most people know has a massive screen. Simple apps from 2 years ago look stretched out and warped. 



Another complaint I have about Android devices is that the screen collects sweat really easily. If you hold it up to your face while walking outside in any kind of warm weather the screen looks like its melting because of how much grease and sweat collects on it over time. The display also has some kind of strange washed out blue tint (notice it on almost all newer Android devices) and personally I can't stand it. 


People complain about me "giving in" to the Apple BS and that I should switch to Android because of the wider selection of devices. I really just want a mobile device that is set up and works 24/7. Apple has nailed it with the iPhone with handy features like iCloud that sync with my Mac and back up my phone if its ever lost. I left my phone at school one time and the GPS on "Find my iPhone" was so accurate I was able to pin down exactly what room it was in. With an Android device I would have had to have 3rd party (probably subscription based) software to track my phone. 


Apple thinks about features that people like me would appreciate. Android is fine and dandy for people who spend most of their time browsing the internet on their phone. I use my phone for phone calls and texting, with the occasional game or two. My computer is for web browsing. I couldn't give 2 craps about your 1080p screen.


Also not sure what the iOS 7 GM is. It's been a while since I have logged into the Apple ID on the developer program website.  



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Gonna actually answer your question:

Thank you dave and anyone else who actually said something and not just "android".... we get it, you like it but he asked what you thought of iOS 7.


I personally think the 64-bit was a bit of a waste. It doesn't really add that much in terms of performance, just an ability to add more RAM... which I doubt we will need any time soon.


Apple got 64 bit just for the bragging rights pretty much.


I haven't tried out iOS 7 myself, because I still use iOS 5 so I don't lose the old youtube app (which is amazing.)

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My point exactly. I don't care about overlcocking my phone and rooting it like crazy. I like a complete phone and is plug n play almost with little or no customization. Apple's software is really complete and the app store sorts through apps that you can and can't use. People still on iOS 4 can't use anything hardly because Apple almost forces people to upgrade. 


My mom uses Android and constantly complains that some of the apps she has downloaded will not fit her screen perfectly. She has the Galaxy Note which as most people know has a massive screen. Simple apps from 2 years ago look stretched out and warped. 



Another complaint I have about Android devices is that the screen collects sweat really easily. If you hold it up to your face while walking outside in any kind of warm weather the screen looks like its melting because of how much grease and sweat collects on it over time. The display also has some kind of strange washed out blue tint (notice it on almost all newer Android devices) and personally I can't stand it. 


People complain about me "giving in" to the Apple BS and that I should switch to Android because of the wider selection of devices. I really just want a mobile device that is set up and works 24/7. Apple has nailed it with the iPhone with handy features like iCloud that sync with my Mac and back up my phone if its ever lost. I left my phone at school one time and the GPS on "Find my iPhone" was so accurate I was able to pin down exactly what room it was in. With an Android device I would have had to have 3rd party (probably subscription based) software to track my phone. 


Apple thinks about features that people like me would appreciate. Android is fine and dandy for people who spend most of their time browsing the internet on their phone. I use my phone for phone calls and texting, with the occasional game or two. My computer is for web browsing. I couldn't give 2 craps about your 1080p screen.


Also not sure what the iOS 7 GM is. It's been a while since I have logged into the Apple ID on the developer program website.  

exactly, and those using ios 4 they are probably on an iphone 3g (and should upgrade) or either have a JB or to lazy to update for app compatibility. And I've noticed that too with the blue "tint" on a lot of android devices as well. And backing up an iphone, it saves everything down to your icon arrangement which i absolutely love, android would never do that without a third party app.

A GM version of any iOS stands for "Gold Master" it's the final build of what ever version iOS happens to be coming out but its released a week or so to devs so they can be absolutely sure there apps will be ready of the next iOS.

Case: NZXT Phantom PSU: EVGA G2 650w Motherboard: Asus Z97-Pro (Wifi-AC) CPU: 4690K @4.2ghz/1.2V Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 Ram: Kingston HyperX FURY 16GB 1866mhz GPU: Gigabyte G1 GTX970 Storage: (2x) WD Caviar Blue 1TB, Crucial MX100 256GB SSD, Samsung 840 SSD Wifi: TP Link WDN4800


Donkeys are love, Donkeys are life.                    "No answer means no problem!" - Luke 2015


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exactly, and those using ios 4 they are probably on an iphone 3g (and should upgrade) or either have a JB or to lazy to update for app compatibility. And I've noticed that too with the blue "tint" on a lot of android devices as well. And backing up an iphone, it saves everything down to your icon arrangement which i absolutely love, android would never do that without a third party app.

A GM version of any iOS stands for "Gold Master" it's the final build of what ever version iOS happens to be coming out but its released a week or so to devs so they can be absolutely sure there apps will be ready of the next iOS.

Not only does it back up all of your stuff, it sets up a new phone EXACTLY like your old one. It even keeps messages. You don't even have to plug into a computer, it does it automatically over iCloud and you can choose to do it only over WiFi. 


I should probably try out the gold version of the OS then. I really want to see how it is. I will probably just wait until Wednesday though. 



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Not only does it back up all of your stuff, it sets up a new phone EXACTLY like your old one. It even keeps messages. You don't even have to plug into a computer, it does it automatically over iCloud and you can choose to do it only over WiFi. 


I should probably try out the gold version of the OS then. I really want to see how it is. I will probably just wait until Wednesday though. 

yea! :D 


and its pretty, good, im liking it so far! :) 

Case: NZXT Phantom PSU: EVGA G2 650w Motherboard: Asus Z97-Pro (Wifi-AC) CPU: 4690K @4.2ghz/1.2V Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 Ram: Kingston HyperX FURY 16GB 1866mhz GPU: Gigabyte G1 GTX970 Storage: (2x) WD Caviar Blue 1TB, Crucial MX100 256GB SSD, Samsung 840 SSD Wifi: TP Link WDN4800


Donkeys are love, Donkeys are life.                    "No answer means no problem!" - Luke 2015


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iOS feels more like a complete OS. Its smooth and rarely has any bugs. Apple takes care to make sure their devices super nice and quality feeling. 


Android is a little different. The only device I really like is the HTC one because of the build quality. Android feels a little laggy and some of the apps don't work properly. I have spent a fair amount of time in Android so im not pulling this out of nowhere. 


I prefer iOS but I won't bash anyone for liking Android more. iOS 7 Dev Preview was alright, I used it on an iPhone 4s which ran it without any problems. Obviously since it was a preview it wasn't all ironed out like the final version. I liked the visual changes and it was much easier to use. I look forward to getting my hands on the iPhone 5s. 


I recently switched from iOS (been using it for about 3 years on touch + phone) to my dad's old S3 with cyanogenmod. I love android already with all its features and customizability (my phone is set exactly how i want it). If i were to try to customize like that on the iPhone, I would need to jailbreak which hasn't been out for 6.1 for a while. because of this, my next phone will probably be android.


However, the other day I turned on my 4s to check my calendar and I realized how the iphone was smoother. So i agree with you that it may seem smoother and without bugs but the difference isn't that big of a deal for me to go back to ios.


Case & Mobo: Stock Dell Optiplex 7010, CPU: i5 3470, RAM: 16gb 1333 DDR3 (1x8gb Corsair Vengence, 2x4gb Random), GPU: Diamond Radeon HD 7970,

PSU: EVGA GQ 650W, SSD: Kingston v300 128gb (OS), HDD: 700gb Seagate 7200rpm (Storage)

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I really like the look of the design - much better looking than the iOS6. But that is what it is: updated design and some new features. iOS needs mere than that I think to be really interesting. Right now it's just icons, not really "smart".

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Wow just read through this thread and it seems like people just don't care what Apple does, in their eyes its just bad cause you know "apple"


To answer you question I have been an iOS user for 4 years now. Been using iOS since 2.2.1. A very long time ago, I've stuck with it and I will call myself more of a power user. I like the look of iOS 7 and the new animations, plus some of the speed enhancements under the hood along with true multitasking. I currently use an iPhone 5 as my main phone and I look forward to installing it. 

Control centre I don't find to be very useful because I rarely have the need to turn off my wifi or bluetooth. But do not disturb mode from control centre is nice. I really wish I could put my own apps in there as well but thats not too much of an issue. 


I am also a big fan of the new keychain feature, although on launch it doesn't seem to be present hopefully it comes out soon. Security is a big thing for me. 


The new way of auto updating the apps and while doing background syncs is also quite useful for me.


Overall I think that iOS 7 while not bringing a tonne of new features improves in efficiency of the device. 


I have owned the iPhone 5 (iOS 6), iPhone 4S (iOS 5), iPad 3 (iOS 5), iPad 1 (iOS 3), iPod touch (iOS 2). So you can say I am a big iOS user.

Also used Android devices: HTC Desire (android 2.3), Samsung Galaxy Tab (android 4.1)

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| CPU: INTEL i5 6600k @ 4.6Ghz @ 1.328v | Motherboard: ASUS Z170-AR | Ram: G.SKILL 2x8GB 2400Mhz | CPU Cooler : Corsair H100i V2

| GPU: GIGABYTE GTX980Ti G1 GAMING | SSD: SAMSUNG 840 EVO 250GB  Storage: WD 1TB GREEN | OS: Windows 10 Pro 64bit | PSU: FSP 650W AURUM S |

<<<<< BLK-Phant0m >>>>>


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Tbh I'm really excited to see what Apple's developers did to iOS.


I started a decade ago with Windows mobile on my first smartphone, switched to Nokia's Series 40 and then 60, then to iOS, then had two android devices and switched back to iOS last december when I bought my iPhone 5.


So starting at the beginning Windows mobile was one of the first 'real' smartphone operating systems and it wasn't that bad. Even the performance wasn't bad back then. But someday it's time for something new and I switched to a Nokia E90 Communicator which was a stunning device. You had a full size keyboard, a big screen and it fitted better in my pocked. I used it for about 3 years until it broke and I bought my first iPhone which was a 3 GS. And really I was so damn surprised by the performance and all the apps and the haptic and how the surface feeling and everything. That was just wow. But I learned that snowboarding and iPhones are not the perfect match.^^ It broke on a snowboard trip and the only shop around there just had android smartphones available so I picked up an Sony Xperia Arc S. And first of all the whole set up process on android p*ssed me off a lil bit because you know, comparing to iOS to me it's a lot more complicated. And then the fact that you need an google mail address to set it up completely. And also I really didn't like the whole menu. It's weird to an iOS user to have apps on your home screens AND on your menu. I didn't liked that much. Also it felt a little laggy all the time.

My second android device was given to me by my boss. It was an HTC Desire X what was a really nice device at the first 4 weeks. But (you knew there would be a 'but') it was... idk slow.^^ And the software that came with was just crap. The device itself was really nice, it felt good, wasn't too large, had a nice screen and the audio performance was nice. But to fill it up with all the stuff I wanted to have on it was really weird. The PC software that came with copied all my photos and music to another folder and then to the phone. Once I figured out that HTC doesn't use the standard android folders for pictures, and which folder they used for music I deleted the whole software on my PC. (Also it caused blue screens several times or just hang up). Once I deleted the software I used Windows explorer to bring music to my device and also wallpapers, pictures and stuff which really p*ssed me off a bit bc it was a lot more work than I expected. And after all that was done I had to set up all the home screens. I played around with apps and these tiny little apps that shows you the weather and stuff and news feeds and so on. Once I set up all that the performance seemed to slowed down a bit and also that phone always needed a couple of seconds until it opened up the photo app and stuff. It crashed a couple of times and I had to restart the whole device. And that isn't really funny. So I lend an Galaxy S2 from a friend to check out if that's the phone I'm searching for but it was not. Sure it was faster and stuff but tbh I missed all that iOS feeling, the simplicity, the surface feeling so I headed to the next Apple store which is about 1 hour away and bought an iPhone 5 last year.

And hell yes! That was what I missed. Once home I set up my device and after 5 minutes I was done. Syncing it to iTunes is as simple as cooking water, syncing photo library, music, that's what I call simple. I don't wanna waste time to move that all by hand and that's what iTunes gives me. And also that iOS feeling! To me it's great. It's simple. I know some people say 'iOS is for people who don't wanna think much' and I don't mind them for saying this because it's a bit true. And I'll tell you why: an smartphone to me is a device that should give me the ability to make calls, send messages, check news, read and send emails, take photos and share them and so on. And additionally to all this I wanna backup my phone as easy as I can. And with iOS? Plug it onto your computer and let iTunes do the rest. Also buying music. That's one thing that really s*cked with android to me. First of all I needed a credit card (glad I had one), I needed to copy the bought music by hand to my pc and put it into iTunes (I use iTunes for managing my music a lot longer than I had an iPhone). With iOS it's a bit more simple. You don't really need a credit card to buy stuff on the stores and iTunes syncs your new music automatically. Perfect to me. No waste of time bc that's what android to me is. A little bit a waste of time. All from the set up process to the copying process to the back up process and this going into the menu and finding the app you wanna use at this moment. Really? No, thanks.


So and now they announced iOS 7 a few month ago. And when they announced I was just like 'wow that's f*cking beautiful!'! Sure that's maybe what just I think and really not what everyone else thinks. But I really liked what they showed. This whole system design fits in every view. The whole structure seems to be the same as iOS 6 and previous but still it's all new and a lot more and they added some awesome 'new' features. Sure the android users may know a lot of these features but I still think if you compare all the user interfaces on android by all the companies you won't find just one that looks so beautiful like iOS 7. The performance (I tested the beta 6 on my second iPhone 5 - I know I have too much money whatever) is incredibly increased since iOS 6. The new look & feel is really awesome and when you compare iOS 6 to iOS 7 on the SAME phone you wouldn't believe that's the same device. The 3d-seemed background is really nice - in fact it isn't really 3d but with the more-layer technology apple used in iOS 7 it's really looking like - it gives you a feel of a living device. The new designed Photo app is awesome and reminds me a to the iPad app and the old iPhoto on mac os. If it works the way I wanna have it I've to see when I update my all day iPhone 5 on September 18th. Same goes for the music app. It's really nice looking and the fact that the surface let's your wallpaper shine through a little bit gives the whole thing a brand new style. It brings you your wallpaper color (which you normally choose bc you like it) to all apps. Really nice. Safari - the web browser - is really fast, they increased the whole performance to a new level (for iPhone users) and the new design makes it more simple (to me) to read what I want to read, what's mostly caused on how they call it edge-to-edge design which gives you the feeling to have a bigger display. iRadio didn't work in Germany so I can't say something about it.

Next step: Control center. I knew control center from android and that was something I really liked. It was a simple way to activate/deactivate WLAN, Bluetooth and so on and now I have it on my iPhone! (Sure some will say 'Oh my god they stole that from google', whatever, without Apple we would walk around with Communicators by Nokia these days like 2006.). But I don't have it on my iPhone the google-way, I have it the Apple way! With all that shine through wallpaper, the look and feel of iOS7 which is really - and I can't say that enough - really great and it feels so living like! Awesome! (I know I'm an Apple fag, whatever but I f*cking love this company. Maybe not this company but I still love their phones and the team of Jonathan Ive did an amazing job!).

Air drop. Bluetooth sharing but it's not bluetooth.^^ It's secured WLAN P2P sharing, which means it's a lot faster than bluetooth! I tried that out and it's amazingly fast!

Camera. Okay that's a little bit... idk. I really don't know if I like the new camera app. Maybe it's just because I hadn't enough time to test it out a lot. It's simple as hell to take photos, that's clear. What I don't really like is the new look of the app. On iOS6 the app used the whole screen as searcher for the image you're going to take and now you have this black border on the right side... I don't really like that bc it looks a bit like the camera app on the HTC I owned for a while. And I don't need to be able to use filters for my photos while I take them, but that's my personal view to it. I'll play around a bit with this app when I update my all day iPhone to iOS7. (I took about 8000 pictures with my iPhone since I got it in December last year which is about 5000 photos more than I took with my Nikon DSLR^^). So there will be enough testing afterwards. :D

The new app icons fit perfectly into iOS7 which - to me - is a great point. I like them a lot more than the old icons in iOS7. They look more sharp and clear.

Ehm... What's left? Yes, the new designed keyboard. When I first saw it I was like 'WTF?' bc I really liked the old keyboard - which I learned to love so much and which I missed a lot when I had my two android phones! - but, thb, it looks different than the old keyboard in iOS6 but it feels like the old, so not really a problem. Seems that the design team at Apple knew exactly that you can change the look of a keyboard but you shouldn't do the hell to change the feeling. And compared to the look of iOS7 it fits also perfectly like all the other stuff.

The new keypad at the phone app surprised me. First I looked at it and though 'Okay, looks like my grandma's phone' :D But it's nice. Ive's team changed the whole look and feel to improve it and so they did it with the keypad. Here also the background shines through which - I can't say this enough - is really awesome! And when it does that little blink of the ring around the keys *-* I wanna press them all the time :D haha. Awesome design work.

Some of you may know these clear designs from the company Braun or also maybe Bauhaus. I loved that designs because they've been clear and simple and also simple to use. And that's a fact I really love in iOS7. It's clear and simple AND simple to use. When I think back to my Windows Mobile days and compare them to what I do now with my phone that's a completely different world. I listen to music - I'm really music addicted and I need music a lot more than air -, I send emails and instant messages all the day, I read and watch news, I check the weather forecast, I blog, I take photos, I edit photos, I read books, I write on my own novel, I check out what's new in technology, I manage my whole day (I forgot to tell about the calendar^^ I'm sorry, watch the videos on youtube :D lol) with my phone and in fact that I do so much with it, it became part of my life. And I really don't have the time to waste my time. I really love to plug in my phone and iTunes does so much work for me!

And so iOS does so much work for me. I wanna have a simple and good looking user interface which is easy to use to save my time with all I do and that's what iOS7 does, what it does better than iOS6 and what it does - to me - a lot better than android.

I'm so excited to see the final release version and I really count the days till then.

I know a lot of people want to have the user interface their way and want to change the whole look and feel a lot or just like windows or mac or whatever. But to me... I need a system which I can use blind and that's what Apple provides and what I learned to love. I'm really impressed what they did since iOS6 and I really didn't expect what they delivered. It's awesome!

If some of you have the chance to, you really should check it out for a while. Just do what you do with your phone every day. And I bet some of you will be pleased how simple a simple to use operating system can make your life. 

Also I know that iPhones not the cheapest phones on the market, for real, I paid mine by myself, the full amount and yes, it hurt a little the first days. But afterwards I can say it was really worth it. And that Apple brings you the feeling of a whole new phone just with a new operating system is awesome. You don't have to buy a new phone but you'll be pleased like you had.


So, please don't shoot me for all my Apple infected writing, my boss will hate you bc I have to go to work now.

If some of you are interested and have questions about iOS7, I'll update my phone right on Sept 18. So if you have any asks to the final version I'll provide you with answers and pictures if you want.


Nice day to all of you and I don't hate you if you're using Android or if you hate Apple. I love you all :D <3





Thats a lot to freaking read lol ^^

Gaming rig- Cpu- Amd 9590, 16gbs of G Skill Ram, Gpu- GTX 760 windforce 3 edition 2gb. A Thermaltake water 2.0 water cooler for my cpu. Keyboard- Thermaltake Posieden , Case- 750D, Mobo Asus 990fx R2.0. 24 inch Dell LED monitor

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Is this really necessary?





I updated my iPhone 4S yesterday and I have to say I love it. It is by far the biggest step in iOS I encountered in the last years. iOS 6 felt dated. I also love the fact, that you can still install the newest OS version on an over 3 year old device.


Just updated my iPad 2 ...

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Is this really necessary?





I updated my iPhone 4S yesterday and I have to say I love it. It is by far the biggest step in iOS I encountered in the last years. iOS 6 felt dated. I also love the fact, that you can still install the newest OS version on an over 3 year old device.


Just updated my iPad 2 ...

Did you install the gold master?

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ios 7 looks yummy but i prefer kitkats to it

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LOVE, that you don't have to double click the home button anymore to get to the media controls :D

Can't wait to get it on the 18th! Have to wait for official release :(

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ios 7 looks yummy but i prefer kitkats to it


At least their marketing works ... bought 2 kit kats (real) last week ... first since years :D

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Is this really necessary?





I updated my iPhone 4S yesterday and I have to say I love it. It is by far the biggest step in iOS I encountered in the last years. iOS 6 felt dated. I also love the fact, that you can still install the newest OS version on an over 3 year old device.


Just updated my iPad 2 ...

is it really unnecessary? :o

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