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Madison reveals experiences working at LMG

Message added by SansVarnic,

*03NOV2023: Topic is now locked for the time until the investigation results are released, will not be re-open prior.*



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1 hour ago, DakotaCx said:

I don't go to Christmas parties because 1) I have social anxiety in group situations and 2) the ones who tend to go (in my environment) are not the ones I prefer to spend my time with at work (day shift clicks, administration, team leads, etc). That's not to say the company is bad, it's just not people I find enjoyable outside of a work environment. I prefer breakfasts after work with people I enjoy spending time with, so I'm not sure about this test.  

It's been my experience that the Christmas party is the big tell. Always.


I'll elaborate a bit, but I'm not saying you're incorrect.


The first job that I had an actual "paycheck" from, the Christmas party was stale/moldy food that was not sold from the previous day (This was RCSS.)


The most elaborate one was Futureshop which was a "dress up" in nice clothes ballroom at Canada Place.


The one I alluded to in the other post was much smaller. The first time. The second time it was pizza. I learned that the company was shutting the place down.


The signs always point that if the company is willing to spend money on the christmas party, that is a sign that the company is doing well, and that everyone should attend.


But If the company doesn't have a christmas party, or worse... cheaps out on it (RCSS basically just salvaged food they would have thrown in the dumpster.) Then the company is actively hostile to it's employees. This told me that sticking around is just going to result in more abuse from management and co-workers. And sure enough that was the case, things only got worse.


You are not required to attend the christmas party, but if you are a no-show for no reason (Eg you're not sick or have a prior engagement,) you are sending the message to the company that you don't value being there, and you'll be leaving soon.


I'm not saying it's going to be 100% true everywhere, but it's certainly very true for companies in the US and Canada. The Christmas party is the thing that tells you how well the company is doing, and if the company is going to survive.


My mother would always relay to me what happens at her christmas parties at work, and at first they were good, but then the owners would lean heavily on nepotism and putting family members in management positions despite mom being the one doing the work of 5 people, and everyone just dumping things on her. Eventually she quit because nobody was ever listening to her. 


Like back on the topic, "Status quo" does not mean things are good, things might just be simmering until someone does something damaging to the company, and that's when it all the skeletons fall out of the closet.


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10 minutes ago, Reclus said:

That's nice. You ignored the wall of text to jump to this part. I am done. 

Keep telling women that reporting a sexual crime of whatever nature is best serve via Twitter if it makes you feel better. Keep telling people that seeking validation on the internet will somehow solve the problems they are facing at work with abusers. You have the right to speak.

Keep telling women that it is pointless to seek police and legal help. Keep telling everyone that claims on Twitter are to be believed because of their nature. 

Don't worry I will be there to defend you to say innocent until proven guilty when you are on the wrong side of twitter.


I'm not telling women. I'm telling you that it isn't always that simple. You aren't getting it. You are arguing for the sake of arguing.


If someone has any evidence at all they should 100% go to the police. But what do you think the police will do with this kind of bullshit workplace bullying?


Bust down the door, start arresting people, taking away computers and CCTV recordings to check everything checks-out? No. They ask the other party for their side of events and if there's no evidence someone can provide and they can't magically find some, it gets left there. They can't just magic shit up. That's why people sue civilly and go to discovery and request documents that do incriminate people.


I'm not trying be an arsehole to you, but you're really going around in circles with this shit.

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7 minutes ago, Sartre said:

From Linus to The Verge, via email

My lord, Linus needs to get out of his own way. His reply is not as bad as the one on Gamers Nexus, to be abundantly clear.

Most of his reply is actually measured and professional, but the problem to me is that he's clearly not on the same page as Terren Tong (CEO). Linus' third paragraph says that the HR team would be conducting a review (which, given that his wife, who owns 50% of the company, is the CFO and apparently the head of HR, would be impossible to be totally impartial).

Terren in a separate email says what needed to be said: 


as part of this process,

beyond an internal review we will also be hiring an outside investigator to look into the allegations and will commit to publish the findings and implementing any corrective actions that may arise because of this.

While Terren's email does supplement what Linus said, it is a massively important distinction (because it means someone with no stake in the results of the report will review the allegations and give an impartial opinion on what is or is not true) and it indicates that Linus gave a reply that was either not fully vetted by everyone or not vetted at all. For god's sake man, you NEED to run everything through a proper PR process for issues this serious. All of this should have been in one cohesive statement given at once. And apparently LMG doesn't have a press email? (Dextero used the contact form on their website because it didn't list a press contact email...) A lot of this pain and disjointed replies could be avoided if they had a central inbox for press inquiries.

I will say on a positive note no matter your opinion on the veracity of the claims, hiring a third party impartial investigator is absolutely the most responsible thing you could do, so props to LMG on that. And the limited nature of the response from LTT is understandable given the circumstances and pending investigation.


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2 minutes ago, IronArm said:

It is hard for people with financial security or that haven't been traumatized to make those suggestions though.


People with traumatic experiences have trouble approaching the situation - because its a traumatic experience. She has been relatively silent about all of this, since her initial leaving LMG, till recently because she was getting bombarded by people about her issues with her work environment. We all know, even Linus had to make statements about his fans/community needing to leave the kid alone about the play button. If she chooses to not keep going through the massive stress of having to deal with the idiots among the LTT fans, on top of having the stress of trying to take legal action against a company (previously) valued at $100 million - that should be her choice about what is right for her. 


Even if she were to win, we all know that it wouldn't stop a significant part of the hate messages she would get. So, from her perspective, why drag this out with a lawsuit that could possible takes years and when each new detail dropped she would get bombarded by hate messages and death threats. 

Unfortunately, Madison may no longer have a choice in keeping this out of courts (barring a settlement). With the statements made, they could very well pursue a defamation suit. The ball is in LMG’s court, as to go forward or not.

For the best outcome, Madison should absolutely be consulting a lawyer right now, and making sure to have her defense together. 


My eyes see the past…

My camera lens sees the present…

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14 minutes ago, Middcore said:


Seems like if you don't have a Twitter account you can't see this, would it be possible for you to screenshot which tweets he liked? 

It was all of them. The whole thread of tweets.

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10 minutes ago, LumpyCrumpet said:

It's really fucking hard coming out with this stuff, either to the public or to law enforcement. 

This is spot on. This is why I hate when people say "Why didn't (the person) come out with the complaints to the company in the first place?" 


It's hard to deal with the backlash and the investigation in general. 





These data do not tell the full story of sexual harassment in our nation’s workplaces. In June 2016, the EEOC released a report on the study of harassment in the workplace which noted that workplace harassment often goes unreported.[2] For example, one study cited in the report found that 90% of individuals who say they have experienced harassment never take formal action against the harassment, such as filing a charge or a complaint.[3] 

People do not realize that victims fear retribution from filing a complaint along with the emotional trauma having to go through an investigation as a victim. 


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1 minute ago, Grendelw said:

"We've investigated ourselves and have found no wrongdoing"


Hiring an outside investigator is a good sign. Of course, we don't know whether that investigation will be substantive. But I am willing to view it as a positive sign, this isn't by any means LMG just denying everything like you're implying it to be. 

Corps aren't your friends. "Bottleneck calculators" are BS. Only suckers buy based on brand. It's your PC, do what makes you happy.  If your build meets your needs, you don't need anyone else to "rate" it for you. And talking about being part of a "master race" is cringe. Watch this space for further truths people need to hear.


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1 minute ago, IronArm said:

You would never be able to review the evidence, regardless. You think you are going to just able to get a bunch of court documents instantly? 


Even if Madison had all the evidence anyone would ever need, it would still be a extremely lengthy process in which she would constantly be bombarded by hate messages from the idiots in the LTT community (see the EVIDENCE from Linus having to tell his own community to stop and they didn't stop harassing the kid with the play button). 


The people that are jumping to a conclusion aren't thinking logically either, but neither are the people that are like: "sHe ShOuLd JuSt SuE iF sHe HaS eViDeNcE!!!" Because these people clearly lack the understanding or knowledge about how long the process is, what it is like trying to go against a company worth $100,000,000, or how people deal with trauma. 


Call me old fashion, but I like to see people actually thinking about things before making comments.

We have this culture of trial by the public who know exactly nothing but seems to think they have an informed opinion on what did or didn't happen it needs to change I have no opinion on either side I follow the facts and there are none at this present time.

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1 minute ago, Grendelw said:

"We've investigated ourselves and have found no wrongdoing"

Per Terren Tong, they're going to pay an external third party investigator to conduct a review of the allegations and the workplace. It's an absolutely responsible and proper thing to do given the seriousness of the allegations and the need to make sure the end report is accurate from someone with no financial interest in LMG.

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1 minute ago, William Isted said:

I'm not telling women. I'm telling you that it isn't always that simple. You aren't getting it. You are arguing for the sake of arguing.


If someone has any evidence at all they should 100% go to the police. But what do you think the police will do with this kind of bullshit workplace bullying?


Bust down the door, start arresting people, taking away computers and CCTV recordings to check everything checks-out? No. They ask the other party for their side of events and if there's no evidence someone can provide and they can't magically find some, it gets left there. They can't just magic shit up. That's why people sue civilly and go to discovery and request documents that do incriminate people.


I'm not trying be an arsehole to you, but you're really going around in circles with this shit.

It isn't meant to be simple. It is meant to be serious. 

Your own words describing this issue: this kind of bullshit workplace bullying 

I really have nothing to add. 

Good luck to you.

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6 minutes ago, Kravatie1 said:

at least they have done a statement now 



Well crafted. I am surprised they put out that much and feel it's another big step. That being said, I know it will do little to dissuade a large portion of those with the pitchforks either way. 

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19 minutes ago, starsmine said:


To the whole crowd of people asking why now. Try reading her posts. PLEASE.

ya sorry, she is trying to play the woman card, like somehow her being a woman would sway opinions, this isn't 1920 anymore, do women still get the shaft with alot of things in society today, of course, but her believing she wouldn't be taken seriously because she is one is BS, she is playing that up 

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12 hours ago, Legitsu said:

I am well aware and she doesn't strike me as the most geniune person 

Also someone confessing 'mental health issues' should have any of their statements viewed with a grain of salt. Her 'mental health issues' could included schizophrenia for all we know.


Feels like some politics involved, given the statements. None of it really matters unless there's a lawsuit in my opinion. Accusations are that unless something's actually done about it legally, especially if the accusation involves illegal behavior.

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13 minutes ago, IronArm said:

It is hard for people with financial security or that haven't been traumatized to make those suggestions though.


People with traumatic experiences have trouble approaching the situation - because its a traumatic experience. She has been relatively silent about all of this, since her initial leaving LMG, till recently because she was getting bombarded by people about her issues with her work environment. We all know, even Linus had to make statements about his fans/community needing to leave the kid alone about the play button. If she chooses to not keep going through the massive stress of having to deal with the idiots among the LTT fans, on top of having the stress of trying to take legal action against a company (previously) valued at $100 million - that should be her choice about what is right for her. 


Even if she were to win, we all know that it wouldn't stop a significant part of the hate messages she would get. So, from her perspective, why drag this out with a lawsuit that could possible takes years and when each new detail dropped she would get bombarded by hate messages and death threats. 

There 'should' be support paths. Get well, seek guidance, determine whether there is a real problem as part of that guidance (professional that is). If there IS a problem, then seek the legal path so that hopefully the environment that fostered it has to change AND you get some recompense for your trauma.  


Using twitter as your therapy should be the last thing anyone does.


But in general, I hear you and I understand.

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He went on to note that “as part of this process, beyond an internal review we will also be hiring an outside investigator to look into the allegations and will commit to publish the findings and implementing any corrective actions that may arise because of this.”


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Just now, DarithINAbby said:

ya sorry, she is trying to play the woman card, like somehow her being a woman would sway opinions, this isn't 1920 anymore, do women still get the shaft with alot of things in society today, of course, but her believing she wouldn't be taken seriously because she is one is BS, she is playing that up 

saying shes playing the "women" card proves that women get still get shafted by society

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Just now, DarithINAbby said:

but her believing she wouldn't be taken seriously because she is one is BS


You need look no further than many replies in this thread to see that the culture of dismissing women's credibility is alive and well in tech and tech enthusiast spaces. 

Corps aren't your friends. "Bottleneck calculators" are BS. Only suckers buy based on brand. It's your PC, do what makes you happy.  If your build meets your needs, you don't need anyone else to "rate" it for you. And talking about being part of a "master race" is cringe. Watch this space for further truths people need to hear.


Ryzen 7 5800X3D | ASRock X570 PG Velocita | PowerColor Red Devil RX 6900 XT | 4x8GB Crucial Ballistix 3600mt/s CL16

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15 minutes ago, Booch121 said:

"They aren’t consistent with my recollections. They aren’t consistent with our internal processes. They aren’t consistent with our company values."


This kind of response in my honest opnion is much worse than "I was unaware of these issues."

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1 minute ago, cbale2000 said:


Not to beat the dead horse on this point, but this was the thing that initially raised my eyebrow for this whole story.
I will be the first to admit, 3 tweets, 2 Instagram posts and 2 TikToks per day could be a lot of work, but when you consider the types of content (even the older content from years ago) posted on LTTs Twitter and Instagram pages are basically just low-effort memes, teaser images from upcoming videos, or links to videos. The TikTok content appears to have a bit more production behind it, but we're still talking about less than 60 seconds (sometimes, much less).

I have no idea what went into the Floatplane videos, but twice a week still sounds fairly manageable, all things considered.
Now, maybe the "writing" for this kind of content takes a lot more time than one might otherwise think, but it still sounds like something someone hired for a social media role should have been able to handle.


IF we grant the possibility that maybe she was just bad at her job and over-exaggerating the workload in her post, do we also also have to grant that maybe some of the other claims she made were over-exaggerated too? Especially considering we're dealing with a disgruntled former employee? I'm not one to completely dismiss these sorts of allegations out of hand, but I don't think they rise to the level of "cancel LTT completely" until some actual evidence is provided.


There are things that go beyond just making the social media outreach. I am sure that particular things couldn't be said and that trying to remain relevant while not making any of the sponsors upset also impacted the workload. Plus the creative pressure for just one person. Think about how many jokes you know. Now you have to tell 5 new jokes a day, evey day. How long would you last before you are starting to scramble for ideas on new jokes - oh and the jokes have to be vetted by other people and fit within a set ruleset. That is more pressure than most people think. 


A single person making two videos a week is fairly manageable for a single person? What are you basing that on? Social Media role doesn't equate to being a writer - that is why LMG has writers AND social media managers now. Those are different skill sets. Would you get a plumber to fix an electrical issue you are having at your house - since they both work in home-repair? I'm curious what kind of work you do because I could possibly have a better analogy for you.


She may have been bad and over-exaggerating the pressures of her workload - almost everyone does. People still working for X company and those no longer. In most cases, former employees don't have good things to say about their previously employers. 


But you are saying is  "Oh this girl is mad at her former employer, so we don't really need to take her sexual harassment statements as seriously" <- You do get how messed up that sounds. Like if you or someone you care about talked about their boss and also that they were sexually harassed would you have a similar opinion? Regardless of "how bad" the sexual harassment was, it was still sexual harassment in the workplace - WHICH ISN'T OKAY AT ANY LEVEL.


Yes, the people that want to completely cancel LTT aren't approaching the situation logically either - but don't let that side of the argument take away from the valid criticism and the potential harm that was done to a young female while she was working there. Sympothy doesn't cost you anything. 

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1 minute ago, Agall said:

Feels like some politics involved

There's definitely politics involved in how some in this forum are reacting... 

Corps aren't your friends. "Bottleneck calculators" are BS. Only suckers buy based on brand. It's your PC, do what makes you happy.  If your build meets your needs, you don't need anyone else to "rate" it for you. And talking about being part of a "master race" is cringe. Watch this space for further truths people need to hear.


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Just now, Agall said:

Also someone confessing 'mental health issues' should have any of their statements viewed with a grain of salt. Her 'mental health issues' could included schizophrenia for all we know.


Feels like some politics involved, given the statements. None of it really matters unless there's a lawsuit in my opinion. Accusations are that unless something's actually done about it legally, especially if the accusation involves illegal behavior.

It's quite a spectrum. Some play the card to get out of work or hard situations, some struggle with depression/anxiety/etc, some have more serious DSM-5 diagnoses for sure, and you'd never pick up on it unless you're around it often - even then maybe not.

The challenge here is the pairing with the other claims that make it taboo to question that aspect. Hopefully time will tell one way or another. 

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Just now, William Isted said:

"They aren’t consistent with my recollections. They aren’t consistent with our internal processes. They aren’t consistent with our company values."


This kind of response in my honest opnion is much worse than "I was unaware of these issues."


I mean, "internal processes" doesn't mean much coming from LMG right now.


By itself, Linus's response is iffy, but Terren's makes me feel better about things. 

Corps aren't your friends. "Bottleneck calculators" are BS. Only suckers buy based on brand. It's your PC, do what makes you happy.  If your build meets your needs, you don't need anyone else to "rate" it for you. And talking about being part of a "master race" is cringe. Watch this space for further truths people need to hear.


Ryzen 7 5800X3D | ASRock X570 PG Velocita | PowerColor Red Devil RX 6900 XT | 4x8GB Crucial Ballistix 3600mt/s CL16

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Important Note to anyone discussing in this Thread!


Until there is Proof Madison is correct Linus/LMG staff has to be seen as innocent AND until there is proof they are innocent Maddison must be taken at her word.


This is not logical but you should ALWAYS treat both Parties this way when it is about serious stuff like assault (especially implied sexual assault) and other mistreatment that could be considered severe.


Your own actions, meaning weather you watch the Content or buy Merch, etc. can be influenced by your feelings about the Matter, yet they absolutely cannot influence the Discussion.


As of now Maddison is telling the Truth and LMG is to be seen as innocent.



As a German and music lover I have recently learned a lot about how these Situations should be handled because of the Rammstein Controversy, and I sincerely think that this approach is the one that has the potential to hurt the least people.



IF Maddison is telling the truth, none of the people even knowing about what was going on, should ever be given a platform again. Such cruelties, if they have taken place in the way she says should honestly land some of the people responsible in prison. That's fucked up stuff.


IF LMG is truly innocent, they should just do their best to repair what damage has already been done and everyone should help spread the word of their innocence.


IF There is truth to what she said, but it is presented in a way that is leaving out information or exagurates what truly happened how the hell should I know how this should be handled?

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