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Anime Club - Heaven Society


the one time I didn't use PayPal at humble bundle my bank put a freeze on my debit card over a $3 charge lol

Your bank was trying to save you money.

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What's wrong with their deals?

nothing, assuming you don't mind waiting a month to save 5$ in most cases.

you go to massdrop to get something sold to you, rarely do you go there looking for something

in the situation of the hyper whatever II's cheaper on Amazon and wait a month less to receiver it.

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nothing, assuming you don't mind waiting a month to save 5$ in most cases.

you go to massdrop to get something sold to you, rarely do you go there looking for something

in the situation of the hyper whatever II's cheaper on Amazon and wait a month less to receiver it.

I go there to window shop for key caps and keyboards thinking oh I like those maybe I will get them at somepoint.
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the one time I didn't use PayPal at humble bundle my bank put a freeze on my debit card over a $3 charge lol

That would actually make me trust my bank more. 

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annoyed the hell out of me. It has had no problem using it out of state but spend $3 online and clearly it is stolen

They probably thought HumbleBundle was porn or drugs.


Anyway that is a bit odd. 

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when your bro's want you to take a picture of a hot girl.


start @2:50

|CPU: Intel i7-5960X @ 4.4ghz|MoBo: Asus Rampage V|RAM: 64GB Corsair Dominator Platinum|GPU:2-way SLI Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 980's|SSD:512GB Samsung 850 pro|HDD: 2TB WD Black|PSU: Corsair AX1200i|COOLING: NZXT Kraken x61|SOUNDCARD: Creative SBX ZxR|  ^_^  Planned Bedroom Build: Red Phantom [quadro is stuck in customs, still trying to find a cheaper way to buy a highend xeon]

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So this image looks good and all that, but the addition of the character at the very bottom makes this stand out....




11/10 will make a vertical wall scroll for a 5-floor building again...

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Oh boy.

The such-n-such I've had to deal with today. 

So this guy who works for Intel lives in Austin (Texas). 1 hour+ drive away. We drive there, and of course the traffic is terrible (it always is on south-bound Interstate 35). Of course it will take 30 minutes for some guy at a vendor to get us two 10ft HDMI cables. Of course we forgot the caulking and have to go to Lowe's to get it. 

Of course the guy didn't know the cavity in his house we were drilling into was directly under his closet. 

The day I've had man. And I'm going back tomorrow morning at 8AM to finish the job. I just got home. :||||

He's a nice guy. I just... UGGGGGGH

middle click to scroll can save you some spinning of the wheel lol

But that's the wager. You can't know you need to do that until long after you've needed to do that. :|

Free-spin ftw.

† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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But that's the wager. You can't know you need to do that until long after you've needed to do that. :|

Free-spin ftw.

I'm about 50/50 on I'd I middle click or scroll as it is.

I have never had this magical free spin :(

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But that's the wager. You can't know you need to do that until long after you've needed to do that. :|

Free-spin ftw.

that's the issue I have

I don't always know I'll need it

45 seconds into scrolling down on this page of the thread I usually think I might as well just finish scrolling with my finger, and then the image goes on for another minute.


I know for certain I'll need to autoscroll this page now because someone quoted it in their post



Status: Poking Prison School with a sticking wishing it would be funny again




god dammit please be funny

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that's the issue I have

I don't always know I'll need it


45 seconds into scrolling down on this page of the thread I usually think I might as well just finish scrolling with my finger, and then the image goes on for another minute.


I know for certain I'll need to autoscroll this page now because someone quoted it in their post


I have free-spin, so I use it all the time anyway. 

We could just look at the side bar, but that's hard to gauge how long you'll be on the page anyway. It's just a losing bet.


Please remove the image from your quote.

† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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Please remove the image from your quote.




Put it in spoilers now...


also, I got spoiled by the two extra buttons on my mouse which I tied to scrolling...

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Oh, oh oh, I forgot all this too (blinded by rage, I'm sure).

I was looking for a Coax splitter as we needed one. The ones we had have DirecTV on it because that's what they were from. We weren't doing the job for DirecTV, so we had to scrape that label off before we used them. 

I cut my hand on a chisel that was sharpened that day by my co-worker (he sharpened it right in front of me) because I was scraping off the label of a new splitter since I couldn't find the one that was already bare. 

On our way home, my co-worker (same guy who sharpened the chisel) checks his pockets before leaving and finds it in his pocket. 

This sonuvabich. 

Oh, oh, oh, and he thought he drilled into the guys closet, right? Well, he thought (not knew, but thought) an hour before, but didn't want me to go check "in case the guy follows you and finds out if we really did". ... You sonuvabich. So they spend another hour trying to figure out the cavity situation (we were running some wires through it), only to find out they drilled like 4-5 more holes into that same area. 

I was gonna go look inside his closet to begin with and check the walls when he first told me, but noooo. Being honest and up front about your screw ups is too much work for this guy. Even when it wasn't his fault (the owner said it was fine to drill there as the cavity "was empty".)

I just... can't even. 

And this is the one that tipped me over the point of "I'm infuriated now." I tell him "We only need 1 coax for that run." He proceeds to cut off a long and short cable off the spool. I stop him at first on the short one, but he looks at me, I go "We don't need that." and he doesn't bother explaining and cuts it anyway. 

Just before he did that, he is cutting the long wire, and I go "it doesn't need to be that long" and he looks at me, looks back at the wire, cuts it right where he was going to before I said that. 

.... This sonuvabich. 

At that point, I was done. My apathy was at maximum overdrive. 

I'm sorry I'm ranting here. I just... can't even.

Edit: And this guy said, not 15 minutes before he cut that short piece of Coax off the spool, "nobody ever listens to me". 

orly nobody listens to you. Well, nobody listens to me, so nobody is gonna get no help with the rest of any of this job. How about that, nobody?

† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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Looking for that really long longcat image. Gonna post it just for helping and his scrolling. Find longcat rule 34. That's enough Internet for the day.

Time for Netflix! Too bad they removed most of the stuff I wanted to watch. :(

At least they have the whole Naked Gun series up, so I could watch that again.

You know what's easier than buying and building a brand new PC? Petty larceny!
If you're worried about getting caught, here's a trick: Only steal one part at a time. Plenty of people will call the cops because somebody stole their computer -- nobody calls the cops because they're "pretty sure the dirty-bathrobe guy from next door jacked my heat sink."

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This sonuvabich. 

you sound like you're in a situation where I'd say "caring is above my paygrade" and just "k" everything



Looking for that really long longcat image. Gonna post it just for helping and his scrolling. Find longcat rule 34. That's enough Internet for the day.

Time for Netflix! Too bad they removed most of the stuff I wanted to watch. :(

At least they have the whole Naked Gun series up, so I could watch that again.

Psh, Netflix



server's running solid so far, transition has been surprisingly seamless.

Drag %appdata%, drop it, set directories and it's off to the races.

DLNA client is nice, pubic over network for things that don't have a Plex URL bookmarked (i.e. not HTPC, guests)

get on the plex train fgt


it's actually much easier than organizing folders and stuff

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you sound like you're in a situation where I'd say "caring is above my paygrade" and just "k" everything


Psh, Netflix


server's running solid so far, transition has been surprisingly seamless.

Drag %appdata%, drop it, set directories and it's off to the races.

DLNA client is nice, pubic over network for things that don't have a Plex URL bookmarked (i.e. not HTPC, guests)

get on the plex train fgt


it's actually much easier than organizing folders and stuff

I'm sincerely at that point.

ikr, its glorious

Noice. DLNA sucks for TVs and such (in my experience) but works fine with computers.

Not sure what you mean, unless you mean for shares and stuff and not for films for Plex and stuff.

This exists in England:


I hope whoever designed this is fired. A roundabout of roundabouts with lanes. i can't even.

Then there's this...


I'm so glad I don't live there.


† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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