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Tencent rolling out 'midnight patrol' to clamp down on kids playing games at night

2 hours ago, Brooksie359 said:

Honestly I hate it when I go to bed at a normal time only to end up waking up at 1 am and not being able to go to sleep again. 


Mine tends to be issues dropping, my brain just doesn't want to shut down somtimes. Doesn't help my normal thought process resembles an explosion of cats. A million different thoughts each trying to head in 5 different directions and ending up staggering along drunkenly in a million instead.

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8 hours ago, LAwLz said:

What do you think the root cause is?

A combination of online escapism and immense stress placed on children from the moment they start elementary school to perform well. It doesn't help that there is an increasingly more relevant and known favoritism given to more wealthy/prominent families for their children. I remember talking to cousins who went through the Chinese education system and they had less free-time in middle school than I had in high-school or college in the US. In China, when you finish high-school, you take the Gao Kao final examination, which basically determines your place in society for the foreseeable future. If you do well, you get into good colleges with good employment chances. Otherwise you are literally screwed. Adding on various socio-economic policies of by CCP don't really help with that either. When you have a one-child policy for generations, the pressure put on a single child to do well is increased. 

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Time to dust off the PS2 bois!

If you want my attention, quote meh! D: or just stick an @samcool55 in your post :3

Spying on everyone to fight against terrorism is like shooting a mosquito with a cannon

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As smart as the tech may sound, people will find even smarter (or dumb) ways to circumvent it.

They tried to make people "healthier" by offering discounts on health insurance if they walk few thousand steps daily. The measurement is done using your phone's or smartwatch's pedometer. Didn't take long for people to figure this out.


If you found my answer to your post helpful, be sure to react or mark it as solution 😄

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