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Everything posted by Gegger

  1. in history class, we are doing a unit on the 13 colonies


    "ring for the king" *someone smacks bell*

    *teacher puts on powdered wig and judge robes repurposed as king robes*

    *loud blaring of GOD SAVE THE KING*

    1. adarw


      wait history class is drama class?! /s lol

    2. Gegger


      4 minutes ago, adarw said:

      wait history class is drama class?! /s lol

      the teacher (and class!) are very chaotic


      there was screaming about kicking massachusetts out of the 13 colonies


      and screaming about war against britain

    3. adarw


      4 minutes ago, Gegger said:

      the teacher (and class!) are very chaotic


      there was screaming about kicking massachusetts out of the 13 colonies


      and screaming about war against britain

      i mean the us was hectic at that point...

  2. no context


    your name is halibut now

  3. history teacher out of context


    zip ties are slightly suspicious

    1. greenhorn


      Pro tip: Just work at The Verge, then you can call them tweezers and put everyone at ease

    2. Quackers101


      A birb fan, is not a fan.

      It's a birb!

  4. recently read Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcom Gladwell, thought it was pretty good though it may not be the type of book that is wanted https://www.amazon.com/Blink-Power-Thinking-Without/dp/0316010669
  5. no context:


    why did you leave a note that says POO on my door?!

  6. my school planner has comic sans for the cover text


    i hate it


    who the hell chose this cursed font and WHYYYY!

    1. Jtalk4456
    2. Gegger
    3. greenhorn


      There is a professor at my university who uses comic sans for all the lecture slides. I was confused at first but now I think I somehow got used to seering that.

  7. school is weird


    history teacher has a mug or two that says sadistic in all caps


    he also has a picture of godzilla with his face on it "todd-zilla"


    "come here and do this LSAT problem I want to see how long it might take for my law class to do it" - also history teacher


    "If you are getting this email, it's because you signed up to learn more about [SchoolName]'s Mock Trial Club (or you're that one guy whose brother wanted to mess with you)! " - mock trial club info email



    1. Jtalk4456


      sounds like a super fun school XD

    2. greenhorn


      Sounds more like some strange kind of therapy for some teachers than school to me 😂

      Anyways, sounds like fun, seems to be more entertaining than my school was.

  8. best of luck, ladles and gentlespoons or whatever kitchen utensil you identify as! still no folding for me but please let me know if there is anyway that you want me to help out otherwise! thank you as always for your time and effort in organising this event, @GOTSpectrum!
  9. Gegger

    So I was literally bored enough at work to type…

    BP is great indeed! just make sure you have adblock >_>
  10. Moar US History interestingness!


    Teacher: do the right thing, last class in the socratic seminar I saw on the backchannel chat some people using interesting acronyms that I did not know

    *messily scribbles LMAO AND LMFAO on whiteboard*

    T: Then I searched it up and learned that they meant 'laughing my blank off' and 'laughing my blankity blank off' *while pointing at each letter with a stick*

    *throws hands up in desperation*

    T: Lesson: do the right thing, stop being vindictive, be school appropriate

    1. Jtalk4456
    2. greenhorn


      That teacher could be asked to be epoch appropriate, 😉 History teachers should understand that.

  11. Gegger

    What's with people freaking out about Canon pri…

    all i need to say
  12. Eesti! That's Estonia, seems like a nice smol country with history that many people don't seem to know exists. Japan, mostly cos of the food and traditional culture (not too into anime to be honest).
  13. US History class out of context again:


    "scamming is an illegal form of cheating"


    "tardy people can wait until I'm done talking to come in"

    *door rattles an awful lot*

    *teacher walks over to door, opens it*

    "stop it"

    *closes door and continues talking*


    "sonia sotomayor is scary"


    "don't be like that one group, they somehow got a negative score on this"


    "someone in period one started a mutiny"

  14. Not surprising at all. I don't like that my school can monitor my correspondence, however I realise that I do not have any legal standing when it comes to privacy on a school device. The software my district uses has a tool that they may have enabled (have no idea) that screens for search terms related to self-harm, suicide, etc. I am very aware that the IT dept. can monitor my activities, not so sure about my classmates but surely high school students know...actually you never know. I have spoken to some classmates that share the opinion that snooping in messages or emails is unwanted, and some have paranoia about their internet activity related to LGBTQ+ may out them to parents that are unaccepting. Legally I may have no real right to privacy on this device, but my school has done a terrible job of informing students about their "privacy rights".
  15. Apologies if the following is discombobulated and hard to understand because writing for other people is not my strong point. All of the obvious technical stuff is covered already, so I won't bother you with that. Speaking as a high school student that still tries to bypass things but still (usually) knows when to stop, remove the computer. I get that now in these times that using a computer is probably very necessary for school, if that's the case, I would sit behind your son (probably not literally right behind, maybe on the other side of the room) when he is using the computer, put the computer away. Make him do assignments on only paper if teachers will allow it (mine do, often have to scan it and upload it to the online classroom tool). Make him do schoolwork in a place where computer access is limited (for me, that could be the public library) and keep an eye on him. I am curious as to when this issue started/became prevalent. My grades/motivation to do assignments dropped off a lot when my district moved to online schooling in March 2020. Even when it was Zoom calls motivation was hard. I would say part of this reason was that I had very little contact with school peers. I'm not sure about your current situation or if your son is in in-person or online or hybrid schooling or some other arrangement, but maybe see if the school has clubs or similar things to offer? If there is, let him choose something that he is interested in and perhaps that will occupy some of his time and make some closer school friends. Now that my district is back to fully in-person school I have peers that actually know what situation and whatnot we are in, and I would say my grades and mental health have improved. I can say that I rarely tell anyone about mental health problems or things like that partly because of the thoughts that were fed to me when I was younger, where mental health "didn't exist" and I quote, "therapist is bullshit". The other part is that I didn't trust anyone to not tell others. I'm just going to assume you don't foster those ideas, but lack of trust may be an issue here. It may be gradual, but family interaction is harder to get these days, play some board games or do something both of you at least somewhat enjoy. After some time he may tell you what he actually thinks. Personally I spend a lot of time online with strangers (this forum, MMORPGs, etc), I feel that it has made me more mature and I have learnt more about the world. Of course, I know to exercise precaution, especially if someone approaches me randomly in private messages on a platform that does not have a "quick report" feature. I realise that your son may not have the insight to do so yet but I would still be more open to the Roblox "friend". Could be harmless, obviously have some skepticism. Clearly he has lots of potential and skills, just is using it in the wrong way. I hope you can get him turned around before he gets to a point where stopping is even harder.
  16. GO JOIN THE FOLDING MONTH! if you have the hardware

    or i will 🔪

  17. Gegger

    2 days into being sick as a dog, haven't had ti…

    Feel better soon! Don't stress yourself out
  18. us history class part I don't know:


    during a discussion about if tiktok is a good influence on teens

    Student: I'm not going to say that it's not school appropriate

    TA: I'll read it *goes over to that student*

    TA: ...deck the halls and show your balls

    Teacher: okaaay... that was actually one of the issues [school district] had to deal with...that could be considered assault...you could get listed as a predator etc... now we can't end on that note can we?!

    1. Jtalk4456


      "during a discussion about if tiktok is a good influence on teens"


    2. soldier_ph


      Now we know that you really shouldn't give minors their own platform on which they promote the most idiotic behavior imaginable. 

  19. another page of weirdass quotes and tales from us history class


    "how did I get a blister from throwing dice?!"




    "why can't we be the pirates!"

    "I like that, you *points* are the pirates, they *points* are the buccaneers"


    *yeets dice into air*

    "don't be like that group, the dice are supposed to stay on the table, not fly into the air"


    "y'all are group water instead of group whiskey now because I'd rather not get fired today"

  20. history teacher made his TA change his password for him


    teacher literally gave him a piece of paper with his new password on it and was like "change this password for me"



    1. Techstorm970
    2. greenhorn


      Reminds me of one of my teachers who had the admin password for the whole school network written down on a paper. A friend of mine one day found that paper lying clearly visible in a garbage can in a classroom. I don't understand how that teacher could be that careless and why our brilliant sys admins thought it was a good idea to give every teacher an admin account.

  21. Gegger

    Please walk, do not run, to the nearest ROG RIG…

    i'm literally tempted to make an entry for shits and giggles I WILL PASS GO THOUGH! YOU CAN'T STOP ME
  22. Gegger

    I completely forgot to make a post this morning…

    hey, don't make the forum an obligation we enjoy the reports but please, put yourself and your family first