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  2. looks like one of the better a520 boards since the vrms are basically the same as a b550m-a wouldnt waste any more money on am4 anyways aside from maybe dropping in a used 5800x3d or new 5700x3d and only if thatd 250$ or under and even then still pretty bad value considering theres a microcenter 7700x bundle for 380$ with a good board and 32gb 6000c32 ddr5 included better off just reselling the current combo for like 150-200$ and not only do you save money but get a cpu thatll still match or outright beat a 5800x3d and a mobo + rams that dont need to be swapped when you drop in a future cpu, and theres also a 7800x3d combo for 480$ so thatd be even better heck this even goes hand in hand with a gpu upgrade cause if you go for a 7700x bundle and resell your cpu + mobo + ram combo for 150-200$ the budget might even allow for a used 3080 once haggled down abit from the 350$ they usually go for and theres also used 6800xt/6900xt/6950xt
  3. I fully understand you are 1000% correct just because you can doesn't mean you should. Doesn't mean it couldn't be a fun video, some of the 7 gamers 1 CPU videos very much would be a pain for most. But wouldn't it be the natural progression for the series.
  4. this does NOT look good for asus... whoa
  5. we're def talking about linux ISOs here so we don't run afoul of the forum TOS Why? Deluge/BT aren't really gonna be bottlenecked by the drive speed unless you have a 2Gbps connection at which point, yeah, you're a saint, but no need to burn valuable drive slots on SSD, just run 4 drives in Raid5 and you'll saturate that link if you even have a 2.5G port on that box
  6. ooof. Not sure this is gonna actually make it more stable. Synologys are weaksauce processor
  7. Banned because you can’t read
  8. Just because you can, does not mean you should. This is one of those times. Its a handheld device meant for one person, to split the resources for two games, getting it to properly work with Dual OS without conflictions could be a pain for most. Make it make sense without just buying a computer for the same price and with the intended use.
  9. Earlier this year a breakup was announced: Since then, Asus products have continued to be very prominent showcased in LTT videos. It seemed that the Asus contact LTT had was actively trying to improve the situation, so LMG continued to show Asus products but an update to the linked post was never made. At the same time, the reports of RMA problems have never stopped, and yet yield in a GN video: As such, what is the official status of LTT/LMG as far as Asus is concerned?
  10. says buy new to me. also if you click on buying options, they got a new one for 124. although it does aslo say for the cheaper one "This item cannot be shipped to your selected delivery location. Please choose a different delivery location. " the original site has this listed for 180$ its on sale compared to the white one that is listed for 250 looks like someone on amazon is price gouging and one guy has it for sale.
  11. Hi All I'm watching the WAN show and they are talking about the ROG and the Steamdeck and how he was working out his kids could play together. It gave me a crazy idea something in the vane of 7 gamers 1 CPU, could they get a SteamDeck or something like it to play 2 different games for 2 different people on the go on the 1 device. I know the SteamDeck would struggle given with many games it doesnt run on anything but low settings and still uses all the power and performance but maybe plays 2 retro games. If this has being done then my bad. Thanks
  12. Wait yes... I guess I refreshed it before it cached the update Let down
  13. i mean if you want to actually code up a kernel in C and assembly then by all means go for it. There were two professors at my school who all teach the same operating system course. first one plagiarized all of his teaching materials off of Carnegie Mellons and his operating system was downright hardcore as a result, all assignments done in C, 10 hours+ per week on homework and assignments at the very least. 2nd professor was the one i mentioned above. it was literally like 90% less work but still learning all the surface-level stuffs. most students picked the easy professor even if he sucked at teaching. you should note Linux kernel maintainers have a very rigorous review process. all of your contributions and every line of code will be torn apart, carefully examined, and ruthlessly critiqued. You better have a thick skin because their reviewers are known to be harsh *cough Linus Torvalds *cough
  14. Am I reading this wrong? You guys produced ~64k points the last update and SG produced ~46k points the last update. LTT outproduced SG by 17,360 points.
  15. Correct, I mentioned that at the end of the post. You can also play them free right now on iOS. And if you use Bluestacks or KVM, you can play them on your PC.
  16. Uh oh... Are they out now? May need to get ready to change projects if we can't keep fed with WU's.
  17. I'm pretty sure it's this one. https://www.thebikeshop.com/product/bontrager-commuter-comp-bike-saddle-346153-1.htm
  18. I would absolutely upgrade the motherboard, a520 does not have the robustness to run a 5800x at the power it should be run at. As for CPU, the 5800x is great, if anything I'd say GPU over CPU.
  19. I think we are going to need them... Team, We managed 64k points for the last update but SG managed to produce around 14k more than us. Ignore this, stupid browser loaded the cached page. But still it's closer so ... We need more!
  20. In a world of sickening news, and anti-consumer companies: a little good thing to lift your day:

    Went to the deli, ordered 1/3lb of cheese, was answering a text, look back up, see .6lbs on the scale as he's slicing cheese, and go "oh, that's plenty" and he realizes "you said a 1/3 pound, I totally spaced" and he took off the second 1/3lb and only rang me up for the amount I ordered. And on top of that, gave me advice for not having the cheese stick together (stand it on its side) 

  21. Lmao what EDIT: Before I delve into making a kernel I want to first contribute to the linux kernel just to get a feel for kernel dev etc.
  22. how did people not learn this lesson...? back when it all was "new" i tested it, uploaded something... worked fine... few hours late... "gone"! Nope, apparently i never uploaded anything to "google drive"... using mega since then, works perfectly fine, has much better UI. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ps: i would still never use this to "keep" something important...
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