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About berkel

  • Birthday Feb 27, 1992

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  • Interests
    Film, Snowboarding, Downhill MTB, Music
  • Biography
    i em berkel make filmz ok
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  • Member title
    LMG Staff


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    windows vista

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  1. Long live the dankest

  2. Dude u are cuuuuulllll

    did u run out of idea in CSF!!

    waiting for more crazy content ;) cheeeeeers m8

  3. Can the snapchat squad get more dancing @CPotter pls thx

  4. lol i didn't know threads like this existed
  5. notice me senpai




  6. Hey guys, yep that is in fact me nearly killing myself on Fail Army. I was actually contacted prior to their upload about a licensing deal with Jukin Media which is the company who runs Fail Army and a number of other pages. I had agreed to a contract for their reuse of the clip on Fail Army because i figured i really had nothing to lose and I still retain ownership of the clip. It was mentioned that i would receive (i think it was 70 or 80%) of all profit from them selling and using clip. After signing the contract with a guy named Ryan Toombs (original person who contacted me) It's as if he fell off the face of the earth and would not respond to my questions about the steps going forward etc.. Needless to say i felt very used and it left a bad taste in my mouth. I have yet to receive a cent from Jukin and don't see them sending me anything in the future. I don't know if others have actually made money with their Jukin or other viral media licensing deals but It wasn't worth it for me and I probably wouldn't license another clip. It's cool that someone wants to share your content but honestly just post it yourself. Big compilations of fails like Fail Army seem to be ripping off every person in the video without fair compensation. Nearly paralyzing yourself is not worth having a viral video, let alone a viral video being posted by someone else.
    1. berkel


      hollaback gurl

    2. Tech_Dreamer


      (◑‿◐) Noice! didn't think you'd reply back at all.. #surprised

      Anyways, have a great day ahead bro, Stay Awesome!

  7. To help this discussion i might as well just tell you all! I i used to edit all of the Fast as Possible videos but now that Dennis is employed here he has taken over editing those and it allows me to try and grow Channel Super Fun (which i usually produce, shoot and edit), as well as work on bigger projects for LTT. I will usually edit at least one LTT video a week as well as help with graphics for things like Wan show etc.. I love comedy shorts and hope to bring some to our network. OH.... AND I ALSO WORK PART TIME AS NICKY V - JACKASS-OF-ALL-TRADES ᕦ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ᕤ I don't do a ton of camera work at LTT but its one of my favorite things to do! if you see any slow-mo or timelapse footage on the channels, there's a chance that I probably shot it. here's a reel of mine to prove I nowz haw 2 kamera https://vimeo.com/103155894
  8. A kangaroo gave birth to me in Canada on Australia day, you do the math ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)