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I finally set up my system at home with several computers.

When i was using my router i only got 100mbit connection transfer speed. (up to 12mb per second)

Now ive installed a 24port gigabit switch from planet and networking and the speed is appalling.

I bought brand new Cat6 SFTP cables for everything and my transfer speed is not even 1mb per second >.<


Ive checked both pc's that im transferring between and both have win 10 and state "1000/1000 mbps link speed..

Description:    Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V
Status:    Operational
Maximum transmission unit:    1500
Link speed (Receive/Transmit):    1000/1000 (Mbps)
DHCP enabled:    Yes
Network name:    Network
Network category:    Private
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6):    Connected to Internet / Connected to unknown network


any clue what this can be ?



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Are you copying one large file or multiple small ones.


Also can you send your network topography? Basically your network setup.

Magical Pineapples

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Yes, I would go install IPERF on two of your machines and do a test, if the test show it full gigabytes it window 10 file sharing issues.

Magical Pineapples

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Yeah, this could mean it is window file sharing issues. I would setup a FTP server or you might have SMB1/2 and that why the slower speeds.



Magical Pineapples

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