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Google Ad Revenue


...you misunderstood something. Google woudn't have made MORE without adblocker.


It's the people living of adrevenue that would have made MORE money.


In other words, if 40% of the people watching a video on youtube or visiting a website use adblock, that website/video loses 40% of its revenue. Therefore, in theory, without adblock, those specific people would have gotten 40% more money from Google. In reality, that just means lower pay-outs for everybody, as it's happening on youtube (more youtubers, same or less money from advertisers, so smaller payouts).


What, you think Google isn't getting money due to you using adblocker? That's not how it works. Advertisers give Google a certain amount of money for a certain amount of ads. Google then shows those ads to people likely to buy those products. Those ads are displayed on websites or youtube videos that use Adsense.

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Even if you use adblock, you would still get search results that are actually ads.

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