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Jagged Shadows,Pop in,Low LOD and jagged aa

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5 hours ago, Gatekeeper432 said:

Trust me i understand your frustration but if we ever want to find a solution, we must come together and work together and we must remain rational and spread the word, but it appears as if more and more people become infected by this issue already anyway. Whatever causes this, it is spreading and it seems to gain momentum and maybe just a matter of time until it catches some expert's attention, at least i'm hoping for it. But until then, we are on our own and we must work together and be logical about it.

Thats exactly what i posted in my reddit thread and people called me crazy for that, i am from Austria btw but for the sake of all others here we can keep it in english.


To give you some specifics i tried literally everything even a clean install including CMOS clean on an isolated system (so virus would simply not be possible), what i find interessting though is that i too had some strange stuff happen to other technical devices, including light bulb flickering just in my case it was very rare and an LED to start with, in comparison to you i live in a completly new flat and had no issues the last 2 years.


I allready talked to an Electrician he thinks EMI could be a viable option aswell and considering we got 5g in my town arround the same time this stuff started it might be the cause, i am not sure about that to be honest since i dont know if it can actually influence electronics in that way.


If you are interessted you can check it out but dont reckon with any help from those doughbags, they only care about themselfs.


And let us know what the Electrician tells you. :P



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9 minutes ago, Strider890 said:

5g is not the case because I had this problem back in the 2010 year.

What is it then?

Power is nearly equally unlikly, i mean how can it be in a hole city and nobody noticed it, or how is it possible that there is no damage on the hardware and the problem persists on completly different places.

We have not enough data to even form a solid theorie, yes power is an option but as far as i know it could be anything all those theories contradict each other, its probably a combination of sorts.

Without some serious experts we have no chance at solving this ourselfs its way to complicated for that so please to all of you keep posting results of technicians and other people that know what they do thats the only way we can get reliable data to atleast understand this a bit more.

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14 hours ago, Gatekeeper432 said:

Hi, im new to the forum, suffering from the exact same issues. Flickering, aliasing but mainly and what bothers me the most are the extreme texture pop-ins / low draw distance im experiencing in all games and i know for a fact that i didn't have any of these issues before. And i mean its extreme, textures popping in just 5 feet in front of my character and whenever a new room or area in game is loaded it shows low-res textures and takes about 3-5 secs to finally load the high-res textures and i know for a fact i didn't have that before because i obsessed about modding and making RE7 even more beautiful and know the game in and out (played it many times) and never once did i experience slow texture loading before. Like zero. And to you naysayers thinking its just in our heads or has always been there, just don't, because i would have noticed slow texture loading that takes 3-5 secs before, especially when modding a game and paying extra close attention to details. How could one not notice that long of a delay? So please stop your ignorance. Now i haven't read the entire thread yet, just a few of the newer pages and wanted to share my story because i think it can potentially / hopefully shed some light on this issue we are all suffering from. I've done a lot of research and i believe that slowly but surely im getting to the bottom of what causes this, so read carefully and please bare with me.


First of all i want to mention that i live in a very old house, but still i didn't have any of these issues before and after having done a lot of research im convinced by now that these issues are definitely NOT driver, hardware or software related and indeed electricity seems to play a role here. Now im going to mention and bring up things that first may sound totally unrelated but they all connect and may reveal the bigger picture, so just bare with me. Let's begin.


But before i share my story, i will list what i consider established facts:




Game engine:


Game engine / game poorly optimized etc cannot be the cause, or else every single person would experience the exact same issues, but that's not the case at all. Some people experience low draw distance, others do not, despite ingame settings. In my case, in RE7 i had zero slow texture loading / texture pop-in issues before. Something caused that to appear, its not the game itself. Some have it, some don't and that is true for both, PC's and consoles (PS4, Xbox etc), therefor the game engine itself can be ruled out without a doubt.




Drivers cannot be the cause either. If drivers would cause these issues, it could easily be fixed by knowing which driver version worked before that caused no issues whatsoever and then simply formatting your harddrive and doing a clean windows install and then installing the driver version that showed no issues before. In my case i know exactly which driver versions worked perfectly and even which driver versions were slightly superior on my rig in the games i play than other driver versions, because i kept notes. So drivers can be ruled out as well, UNLESS driver installs now go beyond the actual harddrive, beyond the realm of the OS itself and permanently affect other things as well which is highly unlikely if you ask me, but please enlighten me?




It cannot be hardware related either, plenty people have tried buying new components and even entirely new rigs still having the same issues. Not much more that needs to be said about that. Taking into account all the other forums and shared experiences of people getting new components / entirely new PC's, i think it can be safely ruled out as well. Especially since these issues also happen on consoles, tablets, and even TV's and phones. How did those become infected in the first place?




Could it be that software of some kind causes these things to happen, where it somehow messes up or interferes with computing processes? Can't say for sure, but personally i find that highly unlikely too and in my case i know exactly what games, software and drivers i had installed when everything was working perfectly because again i kept notes. Even kept notes of changes in windows settings i made. And reverting back to that setup, where i know for a fact everything worked perfectly with the things i had installed, still won't fix it. So whatever caused it, seems to be there to stay with you, no matter what you do, which means this issue goes way beyond the actual harddrive which would be easily fixed by formatting the harddrive and doing a clean windows install, only using the drivers and installing the software i know for a fact gave me no issues whatsoever. But that's not the case, the issues persist. If it really is caused by software somehow, that begs the question, can software permanently damage hardware components? And if that's the case, it is a virus / rootkit by definiton and something that required a creator / mind behind it and was intentional, not an accidental fault or driver / software error. Accidental bugs do simpy not reach that far, they shouldn't and i believe cannot affect anything outside the realm of your OS and formatting your harddrive should always get rid of it. So whatever causes these issues we are experiencing goes far beyond the OS itself and is caused by something entirely different, unless software can actually cause permanent damage of some kind to components but then, as previously mentioned, by defintion, it is a virus. Accidental software or driver bugs can simply not affect anything outside the realm of an OS.


Furthermore, people reported that when testing to see if this was a GPU issue, they installed a friend's GPU (that didnt have any of these issues) in their PC and the problem was still apparent. When that GPU was put back into their friend's PC, the problem was transferred to that computer. Now here's where it gets weird. His friends Xbox one, which had not had any contact with either of the computers other than being plugged into an electrical outlet in the same house, now also had the issue. How is this possible? This is what made me think its some type of virus at first, and i can't entirely rule that out yet either but somehow electricity plays a role here as well as im going to prove in a bit.


Having said all that, i will now share my story.


First weird thing i noticed is when I bought a high end smoothie maker with 3HP (for 300€) that can even crush avocado seeds etc, very powerful, wouldn't even start when i plugged it into electrical outlets in my living room. But it would start normally when using electricial outlets in other rooms. At first i didn't give it much thought at that time, ignorantly dismissing it as probably being a loose contact in the plug connection on the gearbox shift unit or something. That was the first indicator of something being not right, but i didn't give it much thought at the time and moved on with my life forgetting about it because it worked normally in other rooms. And since all my other electronics seemed to work normally in my living room, i just moved on and forgot about it.


More weird stuff started to happen very soon. First, i have to mention that when i moved into this apartment, i've been using halogen light bulbs in all rooms, simply because its standard here in germany. One day, the halogen light bulb in my living room (where also my main offline gaming rig is located) started to flicker for a few seconds every time i turned it on and by "flicker" i mean it flickered, meaning the light wasn't constant. It looked as if someone would turn it on and off at a very fast speed, disco-like. But like i said this flickering happened only for a few secs (2-3 secs) and then fixed itself and started shining normally again and constant. Didn't think much of it, thought my halogen light bulb is dying and i should prolly get a new one but i dragged it out. However, the more days past, the longer i dragged it out, the longer the flickering took until it fixed itself to shining normally again. After a week or so the flickering time increased from just 2-3 secs in the very beginning to 5-10 secs. After two weeks or so, every time i turned on the light, it flickered longer and longer until i reached a point after over a month where it took like a good 30 mins of flickering until it fixed itself again and started to shine normally / constant again. As previously mentioned i thought the light bulb is dying, so i finally went out to buy a new one.


Now since at that time, halogen light bulbs were banned here in germany and everybody was supposed / forced to switch to LED light bulbs (not sure if this was a global change or just here in germany), since that was happening, it was hard to find halogen light bulbs because they took them off the market. So i went to buy a LED light bulb instead but from one of those cheap (purchase and sale) shops in hopes it was slightly cheaper which it was. Bought it and went back home. Screwed the light bulb in and it worked normally but the light was so white and bright compared to my yellowish old halogen light bulb, i couldn't bare it. It bothered me a lot, so i thought to myself fuck it, i will bring this one back and keep using the old flickering one and just leave it turned on all the time, lol, until i find another halogen light bulb to replace it with. I was determined to stay with halogen light bulbs for as long as possible because i didn't like the light the LED light bulb was casting due to the high amount of blue light in it which is actually quite harmful for your health, you can research that. So i returned the LED bulb and kept using the old flickering one for a little longer but now i just kept it on all the time. Of course the day came where it died completely, but by now i already ordered replacements for it (exactly same model) but to my surprise, none of the brand new halogen light bulbs i had ordered would work. None of them. I was perplexed and thought to myself "ok this halogen light bulb ban is very serious", i thought that they somehow made them not work anymore, thus forcing everybody to switch to LED bulbs, what do i know about it right? So i went out to the store, this time NOT a cheap "purchase and sale" shop but a proper one and purchased brand new LED light bulbs. Back home, screwed them in but none of them worked either, huh? What the heck? Here i have brand new LED bulbs that don't work in my home. Went back to the store, told them they don't work, the guy had a testing unit type thing, screwed it in right there and it worked normally in the store. Went back home, still doesn't work in my house. Went to my friend's house for further testing, works normally in my friend's house, uhm what? But everything else in my living room, including all electronics seem to work normally.


But i remembered that the LED light bulb i previously bought from the cheap "purchase and sale" shop did work normally in my living room, but i had returned it because i didn't like the bright white light, so i went back again and purchased it again, lol. And that one works, uhm what? So brand new LED light bulbs bought from the store do not work for me at all, but do work in the store itself and in my friend's house. How is this even possible? And if there is an issue with my connection, then why does the LED light bulb from the cheap store work normally but not the ones from regular stores that are even more expensive? And i tried several different brands.


Could this have anything to do with the issues im experiencing with my PC? Knowing that this a global issue and people have reported that it also occurs on consoles, TV's, tablets and even phones, after all, what is the common denominator between all of them? Is it not the electricity? I have the same issue on my laptop as well and i never connected my laptop to my main gaming rig directly. But i did use the same external harddrives, usb sticks etc on both to transfer data between them. Im also pretty sure my phone is infected too, the overall image quality degraded. So what could it be other than either a virus of some kind or the electricity? How could my laptop become infected in the first place when it was never connected to my main gaming rig? I don't even do any gaming on my laptop. I dont mess around with any settings on my laptop. Its for online purposes only. I do not mess around with drivers or anything on my laptop. I haven't changed anything for i dont know how long, drivers-wise or updates-wise other than regular windows security updates, so how could my laptop become infected by it as well when i don't even use it for gaming or don't even mess around with settings, drivers etc? I have aliasing on my desktop when i move "windows" around and the overall image quality reduced on my laptop. And the only common denominator between the two is the electricity or the fact that i used the same externals and usb sticks on my laptop that i used on my infected offline gaming rig as well. Therefor i concluded that it can only be the electricity or a virus. Furthermore, i run a modified win 7 version on my main offline gaming rig with windows updates only till novemer 2017 and that on purpose. That rules out newer windows updates as being the cause for this completely or maybe not and its something dormant in those updates that takes specific triggers or something for it to appear. This is just so damn mind boggling. 


But here's what im planning to do. Im gonna call an electrician to help me figure out why brand new LED light bulbs purchased from the store do not work in my living room, but do work in the store and in my friend's house, same for the older halogen bulbs and then im gonna ask the electrician why only the cheap LED light bulb from the cheap store works but not the others. That's the next step im planning to take. Its definitely NOT game or hardware or driver related. Period. Software related? Maybe, but if it affects things beyond the windows realm and the harddrive itself and if formatting the harddrive and doing a clean windows install doesn't change anything, then by defintion, its a virus that caused permanent damage in some type of way beyond the harddrive and windows realm. Either that OR its the electricity. What else can it be? I see those two as the only common denominators, since this is also happening on consoles etc, but not on all of them either. So the fact remains that NO this is NOT normal, its NOT just in our heads and it has NOT always been there like some people ignorantly claim. So i think i have it narrowed down to either being an electricity problem of some kind or a virus. Anything else makes no sense to me and taking into account all the different things people have tried already to fix this, we can safely rule out game engine, drivers, hardware and most likely software as well because again i kept notes and i know exactly what drivers, software, games i had installed prior where everything was working perfectly. I know the exact windows settings etc as well. EVERYTHING. And if i only install the things i know for a fact worked perfectly for me and that on a completely isolated offline maschine, then it cannot be anything else but a virus or electricity problem, no?


I will keep you guys updated once the electrician was here but that may take a while but i will report back.

Well done,  and welcome to hell...

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6 hours ago, I_dont_know200 said:

What is it then?

Power is nearly equally unlikly, i mean how can it be in a hole city and nobody noticed it, or how is it possible that there is no damage on the hardware and the problem persists on completly different places.

We have not enough data to even form a solid theorie, yes power is an option but as far as i know it could be anything all those theories contradict each other, its probably a combination of sorts.

Without some serious experts we have no chance at solving this ourselfs its way to complicated for that so please to all of you keep posting results of technicians and other people that know what they do thats the only way we can get reliable data to atleast understand this a bit more.

Power is the only thing that causes such issues. Believe me i am speaking from experience, observation and knowledge. Whole city i can't say for certain, it could be only the transformer where you live or something in the wiring. As i have said when power company replaced our transformer, i saw improvements in my laptop. Damage to the hardware depends upon the quality of PSU and intensity of whatever is bad in electricity. I have linked this article before about issues in transformer. You should read it:


There is no other possibility that can cause this issue except Electricity(EMI, Harmonics etc). 


I agree with you we need experts, but this time we need Power Quality Experts/Engineers. 

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I allready talked to an Electrician he thinks EMI could be a viable option aswell

That's very interesting and certainly a possibility. At this point im willing to consider anything. I did notice a buzzing or humming noise in my headphones when plugged into my PC that sometimes is there and sometimes not, what could this indicate? And at one point in time, not too long ago, the buzzing / humming noise was very noticable. Sometimes its stronger, sometimes barely hearable, but still there. Its as if it fluxuates and changes strength, dont know how to describe it. And the fact that its sometimes there for me and sometimes not, means something, but what?


Furthermore i stumbled across this:




An excerpt from wiki and i quote:


"Since the ground conductor of the signal cable linking the two pieces of equipment A and B is part of the signal path of the cable, the alternating ground current flowing through the cable can introduce electrical interference in the signal. The induced alternating current flowing through the resistance of the cable ground conductor will cause a small AC voltage drop across the cable ground. This is added to the signal applied to the input of the next stage. In audio equipment such as sound systems, the 50 or 60 Hz interference may be heard as a hum in the speakers. In a video system it may cause onscreen "snow" noise, or syncing problems. In computer cables it can cause slowdowns or failures of data transfer."


I do have the humming from time to time, but as previously mentioned it seems to fluxuate, sometimes its stronger and very noticable, sometimes not too much and less noticable. When they mention "syncing problems" and "slowdowns or failures of data transfer", could that have anything to do with slow draw distance and basically all the issues we are experiencing? So damn bizarre.

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There is no other possibility that can cause this issue except Electricity(EMI, Harmonics etc).

Im with you on this one. I, too, lean more towards the electricity / EMI interference theory. What else could cause the humming / buzzing noise im experiencing? To me personally, its the most logical thing at this point.

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14 hours ago, Gatekeeper432 said:

Trust me i understand your frustration but if we ever want to find a solution, we must come together and work together and we must remain rational and spread the word, but it appears as if more and more people become infected by this issue already anyway. Whatever causes this, it is spreading and it seems to gain momentum and maybe just a matter of time until it catches some expert's attention, at least i'm hoping for it. But until then, we are on our own and we must work together and be logical about it.




Now to add to my initial post. While i currently lean more towards the electricity theory, there are still many unanswered questions and even outright contradictions if we take into account all the statements of other people. I read about some people claiming that installing some Skyrim mod triggered it for them. One guy in particular claimed to have temporarily fixed it by installing another version of that same mod, at least temporarily until he tried some ENB mod and it went back to shit. Assuming that person is telling the truth (and i certainly don't call anyone a liar), it doesn't quite fit in to the electricity theory. This is why its so damn confusing to me, people claiming different things mentioning completely different triggers. Some claim changing the GPU or CPU or Mobo triggered it for them, its just so damn confusing.


In my case, the very first time this issue manifested itself for me, was after i installed Far Cry 5 (Elamigos). Now i cannot say for sure if that was the culprit or trigger or not, but that was the very moment the issue manifested itself for me and where i witnessed it for the very first time. Before i installed that game everything was flawless and i didn't mess with any settings either at the time because i was already happy with everything, just playing games. The only thing i messed around with was Reshade. And again, my main gaming rig is isolated and completely offline. It has never seen the internet before and never will. And as previously mentioned i run a modified win 7 version with windows updates only up to november 2017 and that on purpose. Its a very clean system with only very few things installed. Very few games too. For online purposes i use a laptop. I use that same laptop to download all my stuff and then i transfer it to my isolated main offline gaming rig which actually minimizes infections of any kind by a great extend and allows me to pinpoint errors or infections to specific moments / times. Especially since i only had just very few games and applications installed.


Installing and playing Far Cry 5 was when i experienced the slow draw distance and texture pop-ins the very first time EVER. Before that, none of the games i had installed (which was only 4 games in total) had any of these issues. Everything was perfect on my isolated offline PC. But the weird thing about it is that i think to remember that the first time i played it i didn't have these horrible slow draw distance issues whatsoever. Only after i closed that game and opened it again, only then all these issues were there instantly. Which of course makes no sense but seems to be somehow connected to what some other guy in another thread claimed when he put his friend's GPU in his PC, it fixed the problem temporarily and he said he was so happy to have it fixed, he couldn't believe it. So he closed the game. And when he wanted to see again how beautiful the game looked, because he couldn't believe it and was so happy, he opened the game again only to find out the graphics went back to shit. It happened after he closed the game and opened it again when the graphics went back to shit for him and i believe his words. The first time i opened Far Cry 5 i didn't have these issues. Only after i closed it and opened it the second time, is when these issues were there for me, which is weird and makes no sense somehow and is part reason why i still can't fully reject the virus theory either.



Well that seems to be in favor of the virus theory. Once your PC is infected its infected OR the electrical outlets in the house in the other part of the city were infected by the same electricial issue that your house is. I don't know, can't say, its just so damn bizarre.


Whatever the cause may be, since i do seem to have actual electricity problems in my house (at least in my living room), whether it be the cause or not, i have to call an electrician either way, so yea, that's what im planning to do next. Call a damn electrician, and he better be a good one and not a rookie, lol. And im gonna build a brand new PC too for the last time. If it won't fix it, i'm done and may give up gaming for good.


All i know and that for certain a 100%, is that it happened to me only after i installed Far Cry 5. Before that everything was flawless, every single one of those 4 games i had installed were perfect until i downloaded Far Cry 5 on my laptop, transferred it to my isolated offline gaming PC via usb stick, installed it and played it. That i know for certain a gazillion percent. Before that everything was perfect. After i installed it, issues everywhere. So bizarre. Now whether it was Far Cry 5 (virus) or something else (electricity) i don't know but i do know for certain that before i installed Far Cry 5 everything was perfect and after, issues everywhere.


Please keep us updated.




PS: In the OP i read about dirty power / electricity and virus being ruled out and not to bring it up again.




Well sorry but that's based on very ignorant assumptions. In fact the two can even be combined. Unbeknownst to most, it is indeed very possible for a virus to travel through electricity and this whole talk about power-cleaning and conditioning stages before it reaches the PC is simply not true in this regard. A virus that travels through electricity wouldn't even be detected by absolutely nothing. Just saying. I could show you guys things you wouldn't believe were even possible to begin with.


Google "LoJax" UEFI Virus / Rootkit. Formatting one's harddrive won't get rid of this one and its active before the OS is fully booted. Hardware viruses are NOT a myth. They exist and are indeed possible and out there already (LoJax being one that is confirmed officially). Do some research on it if you wish. So i think a virus should not be ruled out entirely. Not saying that's the cause, but to ignorantly dismiss / reject something prematurely just because something sounds crazy to you or you don't fully understand how it would be even possible is just not very wise. Food for thought.


Here you go, a detailed report: https://www.welivesecurity.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/ESET-LoJax-1.pdf


Again, not saying a virus is the cause here, just showing you that its very possible and it should not be ruled out entirely. Food for thought.


EXACTLY. For now im sticking with my own research and testing that made me conclude its either electricity related or a virus or both while at the same time i remain open-minded but nothing else makes sense to me at this point.


This. Only faulty electricity or a virus can cause this. I'm leaning towards electricity. Gonna call an electrician. Let's hope the best.

My common shiver problem was playing Far Cry 5, I have a common point here.

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It could be a virus, and if it is I think it would affect memory, both VRAM and RAM.  Maybe other people will help me test this, I have been getting many memory exception errors in Minecraft. Not sure if this id indicative of anything but its just something im looking into.  A friend of mine made a virus that hides on hardware, 15 KB.  If its something like that it could be hiding in the VRAM, RAM, or Cache.

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Who would make this kind of virus and why? Just to annoy people? And somehow, no AV on the planet can catch it?

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5 hours ago, can0753 said:

My common shiver problem was playing Far Cry 5, I have a common point here.

Wait, what? Am i understanding you correctly? Far Cry 5 was what triggered it for you as well? I need you to confirm this please?



Who would make this kind of virus and why? Just to annoy people? And somehow, no AV on the planet can catch it?

Why do murderers kill other people and never get caught? Welcome to planet earth friend where evil is all around us. Plenty people with evil intentions out there and no an AV would not catch a hardware virus of any kind, especially not if its an UEFI rootkit that starts before the OS is fully booted, including the AV. Very hard to detect bro.



I really don't want to take it too far but this is so bizarre i'd even consider that they steal / tap into our GPU power in some type of way. Imagine tapping like 25% or even just 10% from a few million people. That's a lot of energy we are talking about here. Its as if anti-aliasing is completely off and low draw distance while at the same time same GPU load but more shitty graphics. Wouldn't the GPU load go down since the graphics are more shitty? Why is GPU load still at 100% but 10 times worse graphics? Just as bitcoin mining is not really what people think it is. If you are a miner you are willingly giving "something" all your GPU power. There is something very occult and sinister behind mining, Not even gonna elaborate on that any further, people are nowhere near ready for such truths. Prolly shouldn't even have mentioned it in the first place because it takes away credibility but geez, this is so bizarre im willing to consider anything at this point. Even a damn global conspiracy of some kind. Wouldnt be the first time either. Just recently there's been a massive scandal / conspiracy here in germany with car manufacturers that has been uncovered if you keep up with the news. People with evil intentions are all around us. And just the fact that Nvidia behaved very fishy when they hid the forum thead (for a while) and the fact they actively deleted posts of people figuring things out and just trying to help, wont really calm me down either. I mean if someone gets falsely accused, why not just openly address the issue by some expert? Instead they chose to hide an entire forum thread and actively delete very helpful posts, just why? We already know its NOT purely Nvidia related, but something tells me that both AMD and Nvidia are well aware of this issue if not in on it. After all, these are experts.


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It doesnt make sense that someone with such advanced, even unique, hacking skill would just... make videogames look a bit worse. 

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39 minutes ago, DaoNayt said:

It doesnt make sense that someone with such advanced, even unique, hacking skill would just... make videogames look a bit worse. 

I edited my last post, read the hidden content. Not saying that's the case but like i said at this point im willing to consider anything. Its just so bizarre. But whatever it is, virus or not, its something that affects power / electricity. Dirty electricity is NOT a correct term either but something is wrong with it. Could be electro-magnetic interference of some kind. And im really convinced that whatever it is, it is spreading and gaining momentum because more and more people report having this issue as was the case few years ago. Even if its not a virus, it still seems to behave and spread like one. It is something that is spreading and faster as it did few years ago.


I wonder do all of us who experience these issues live in old houses with shitty electric wiring? Any people living in newer / more modern houses with modern wiring experiencing this?

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"Electricity virus". Seriously, I don't know. Does such thing even exist? After so much troubleshooting and solutions I'm starting to believe this weird sh*t.

But even if this is virus... Again, it doesn't explain why issues appears on different computers in different cities I tested.

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48 minutes ago, Gatekeeper432 said:

Wait, what? Am i understanding you correctly? Far Cry 5 was what triggered it for you as well? I need you to confirm this please?


Why do murderers kill other people and never get caught? Welcome to planet earth friend where evil is all around us. Plenty people with evil intentions out there and no an AV would not catch a hardware virus of any kind, especially not if its an UEFI rootkit that starts before the OS is fully booted, including the AV. Very hard to detect bro.


  Reveal hidden contents

I really don't want to take it too far but this is so bizarre i'd even consider that they steal / tap into our GPU power in some type of way. Imagine tapping like 25% or even just 10% from a few million people. That's a lot of energy we are talking about here. Its as if anti-aliasing is completely off and low draw distance while at the same time same GPU load but more shitty graphics. Wouldn't the GPU load go down since the graphics are more shitty? Why is GPU load still at 100% but 10 times worse graphics? Just as bitcoin mining is not really what people think it is. If you are a miner you are willingly giving "something" all your GPU power. There is something very occult and sinister behind mining, Not even gonna elaborate on that any further. Prolly shouldn't even have mentioned it in the first place because it takes away credibility but geez, this is so bizarre im willing to consider anything at this point. Even a damn global conspiracy of some kind. Wouldnt be the first time either. Just recently there's been a massive scandal / conspiracy here in germany with car manufacturers that has been uncovered if you keep up with the news. People with evil intentions are all around us. And just the fact that Nvidia behaved very fishy when they hid the forum thead (for a while) and the fact they actively deleted posts of people figuring things out and just trying to help, wont really calm me down either. I mean if someone gets falsely accused, why not just openly address the issue by some expert? Instead they chose to hide an entire forum thread and actively delete very help fulposts, just why? We already know its NOT purely Nvidia related, but something tellsme that both AMD and Nvidia are well aware of this issue. They have to be, these are experts.


Absolutely right Far Cry5

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37 minutes ago, can0753 said:

Absolutely right Far Cry5

Whoa ? Well that would be in favor of the virus theory. Im just speechless at this point and dont know what to think anymore.


Elamigos version?


How bizzare.

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Virus is not the cause. Virus itself is a software that is designed to replicate. It works as it is intended to work not differently for each user. Keep in mind we all have similar symptoms but not exactly same. Most importantly the intensity of this issue is different b/w us. Electricity is the sole cause and nothing else. If it was virus Bearhugger won't be able to fix this issue by plugging his PC in different outlet. Also i won't see any improvement after transformer replacement if it was the virus. We can rule out software as a whole including virus because there is no such virus that can cause this issue and increase or decrease the intensity of this issue. The symptoms of virus are different. They do not cause blur/image distortion. I agree that they are designed to decrease system performance etc but they cannot cause this issue that we are having. The ONLY thing that can cause these symptoms is Electricity.

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16 minutes ago, Gatekeeper432 said:

Whoa ? Well that would be in favor of the virus theory. Im just speechless at this point and dont know what to think anymore.


Elamigos version?


How bizzare.

Far Cry 5 Gold Edition Version torrent.

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9 minutes ago, Meeseeks said:

Virus is not the cause. Virus itself is a software that is designed to replicate. It works as it is intended to work not differently for each user. Keep in mind we all have similar symptoms but not exactly same. Most importantly the intensity of this issue is different b/w us. Electricity is the sole cause and nothing else. If it was virus Bearhugger won't be able to fix this issue by plugging his PC in different outlet. Also i won't see any improvement after transformer replacement if it was the virus. We can rule out software as a whole including virus because there is no such virus that can cause this issue and increase or decrease the intensity of this issue. The symptoms of virus are different. They do not cause blur/image distortion. I agree that they are designed to decrease system performance etc but they cannot cause this issue that we are having. The ONLY thing that can cause these symptoms is Electricity.

i have a quality power supply but i want to take a chance by buying another power supply

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On 6/16/2019 at 9:41 PM, Gatekeeper432 said:

. And i mean its extreme, textures popping in just 5 feet in front of my character and whenever a new room or area in game is loaded it shows low-res textures and takes about 3-5 secs to finally load the high-res textures

this. i have exactly the same issue. i live in germany too btw.

Also, i have a fan connected to the same power strip my pc and monitor are connected too and whenever i turn on the fan, my PC lags for a second and does the "USB device found" sound. when i turn the fan off, it lags and does the "usb device disconnected" sound. which is really weird because the fan isnt connected to the computer, they just share a power strip. how does that happen?

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btw can sopmeone buy a laptop and ship it to a friends house and try it out there for the very first time?

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20 minutes ago, can0753 said:

i have a quality power supply but i want to take a chance by buying another power supply

Don't waste money. It hasn't helped anyone. If it was that simple, this thread wouldn't even exist.

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55 minutes ago, Meeseeks said:

Virus is not the cause. Virus itself is a software that is designed to replicate. It works as it is intended to work not differently for each user. Keep in mind we all have similar symptoms but not exactly same. Most importantly the intensity of this issue is different b/w us. Electricity is the sole cause and nothing else. If it was virus Bearhugger won't be able to fix this issue by plugging his PC in different outlet. Also i won't see any improvement after transformer replacement if it was the virus. We can rule out software as a whole including virus because there is no such virus that can cause this issue and increase or decrease the intensity of this issue. The symptoms of virus are different. They do not cause blur/image distortion. I agree that they are designed to decrease system performance etc but they cannot cause this issue that we are having. The ONLY thing that can cause these symptoms is Electricity.

I hear you and i do lean more towards the power / electricity theory too, especially after reading about Bearhugger fixing it by plugging his PC in a different outlet but with all due respect Sir and i mean you no offense in any way, shape or form but you do not know what is possible and what is not and what viruses can do and what not. In this regard i think to know a little more than you.




Read the link above and scroll down and get your mind blown.



It's not the first time when Ben-Gurion researchers have come up with a covert technique to target air-gapped computers. Their previous research of hacking air-gap computers include:

  • aIR-Jumper attack steals sensitive data from air-gapped PCs with the help of infrared-equipped CCTV cameras that are used for night vision.
  • USBee can be used to steal data from air-gapped computers using radio frequency transmissions from USB connectors.
  • DiskFiltration can steal data using sound signals emitted from the hard disk drive (HDD) of air-gapped computers.
  • BitWhisper relies on heat exchange between two computers to stealthily siphon passwords and security keys.
  • AirHopper turns a computer's video card into an FM transmitter to capture keystrokes.
  • Fansmitter technique uses noise emitted by a computer fan to transmit data.
  • GSMem attack relies on cellular frequencies.



Far Cry 5 Gold Edition Version torrent.

Same here, the gold edition except i didnt download it from torrent but from a site that offers direct links.



this. i have exactly the same issue. i live in germany too btw.

Also, i have a fan connected to the same power strip my pc and monitor are connected too and whenever i turn on the fan, my PC lags for a second and does the "USB device found" sound. when i turn the fan off, it lags and does the "usb device disconnected" sound. which is really weird because the fan isnt connected to the computer, they just share a power strip. how does that happen?

Wow interesting. I have 5 electronics in total connected to the same power strip (PC included) and i too experienced this "USB device found" sound a few times by now.

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I have had this issue for about a year and at that time I could find no forum posts about it other than some from 2014.  The fact that this issue has suddenly come to such widespread attention would support the virus theory. Not to mention, the purpose of such a virus could be other than that of to "Make video games look a bit worse."  I had this issue occur after running Destiny 2 in 4k.  Perhaps the virus is using APIs in the background for crypto-mining, providing the motive of monetary gain.  The graphical downgrade could just be the way it presents itself to us. Anyone else use their cards to mine BTC or ETH at any time?

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My GPU is at 0% outside of games, it's not mining anything.

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