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why are girls never without a boyfriend



It's really perspective based. People from both genders have a number that want to be the opposite gender.


My categorization for a guy who sleeps with 20 other women is a man whore. But hey that's just me. 

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It's really perspective based. People from both genders have a number that want to be the opposite gender.


My categorization for a guy who sleeps with 20 other women is a man whore. But hey that's just me.

No it's how society as a hole treats women.

It's a fact that women have to deal with a lot more shit just by pure consideration of biology alone. Just by biology alone, female humans deal with FAR MORE stress and problems for being female than males.

That's a biological scientific fact.

And there's nothing anyone can do to change that.

But then you bring society into it and how shitty society treats women...

What a shitty situation.

Men have it so much easier.

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No it's how society as a hole treats women.

It's a fact that women have to deal with a lot more shit just by pure consideration of biology alone. Just by biology alone, female humans deal with FAR MORE stress and problems for being female than males.

That's a biological scientific fact.

And there's nothing anyone can do to change that.

But then you bring society into it and how shitty society treats women...

What a shitty situation.

Men have it so much easier.

Even if it is a biological problem there's nothing that can be done to change it at this point and time. I don't see how complaining about it will make it easier(I apologize if your not complaining but it really comes across as you are). 


Society treats everyone shitty, if you want to put it that way. Society is YOU and ME, we are society. The standards of society is always changing, what's standard now may not be whats standard in a decade from now. 


Men have their fair share of problems too, their just geared in a psychological way to not show them or to hold them in. 


EDIT: Everyone is different, our individual perception of things we experience shapes us. Society is basically a big ball of psychological fun to me, how people react to certain things and how everyone makes a consensus on topics.

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Such a vague question deserves a vague answer.

Women are complicated object. Their need to be surrounded by men can be an insecurity or a defense mechanism. Perhaps in their mind that the more boys she owns the more attractive she looks.

This phenomenon can also be explained by father complexes or the lack there of. Some women, as it appears, did not grow up with a father figure in their lives and therefore compensate by having plenty of boyfriends that would represent their idealistic father figure. Although this relationship can be classified as somewhat of a pseudo-Oedipus complex. On the other hand it could also be that their current father was not an absentee but rather an abusive one (verbally and/or physically). The girl in question would most likely date many men that are the opposite type of her father.

I could honestly go on forever but typing this out on a phone is really defatigable.

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Even if it is a biological problem there's nothing that can be done to change it at this point and time. I don't see how complaining about it will make it easier(I apologize if your not complaining but it really comes across as you are). 


Society treats everyone shitty, if you want to put it that way. Society is YOU and ME, we are society. The standards of society is always changing, what's standard now may not be whats standard in a decade from now. 


Men have their fair share of problems too, their just geared in a psychological way to not show them or to hold them in. 


EDIT: Everyone is different, our individual perception of things we experience shapes us. Society is basically a big ball of psychological fun to me, how people react to certain things and how everyone makes a consensus on topics.

It's the comparison, it's so much harsher for women, objectively speaking this is true through out history and societies.

There is no question as to the fact that women have to deal with more problems, and issues.

It's a fact that in a large amount of the world women are still treated like 2nd class citizens and even property.

It's a fact that online female users/gamers face a significantly higher experience of harassment abuse and sexism.


I think the only real upside to being female is that there's a lot more fashion choices for a woman to choose from, and it's easier to get laid if you want it.

Such a vague question deserves a vague answer.

Women are complicated object. Their need to be surrounded by men can be an insecurity or a defense mechanism. Perhaps in their mind that the more boys she owns the more attractive she looks.

This phenomenon can also be explained by father complexes or the lack there of. Some women, as it appears, did not grow up with a father figure in their lives and therefore compensate by having plenty of boyfriends that would represent their idealistic father figure. Although this relationship can be classified as somewhat of a pseudo-Oedipus complex. On the other hand it could also be that their current father was not an absentee but rather an abusive one (verbally and/or physically). The girl in question would most likely date many men that are the opposite type of her father.

I could honestly go on forever but typing this out on a phone is really defatigable.

Like seriously? Who the fuck even thinks' this is legitimate?

What the actual fuck?

Women are not objects! What the hell is wrong with you?

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It's the comparison, it's so much harsher for women, objectively speaking this is true through out history and societies.

There is no question as to the fact that women have to deal with more problems, and issues.

It's a fact that in a large amount of the world women are still treated like 2nd class citizens and even property.

It's a fact that online female users/gamers face a significantly higher experience of harassment abuse and sexism.


I think the only real upside to being female is that there's a lot more fashion choices for a woman to choose from, and it's easier to get laid if you want it.

Alright so what do your propose to move forward then? What is your definition of moving forward on the matter?


Were given a random set of cards, we should play them to their strengths right? Complaining about the cards you have will rarely get you anywhere. 

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Alright so what do your propose to move forward then? What is your definition of moving forward on the matter?


Were given a random set of cards, we should play them to their strengths right? Complaining about the cards you have will rarely get you anywhere.

How about we start treating everyone like people?

How about that novel idea?

How about we treat women like people and not like objects and things to be aquired.

It's a modern day and a modern age and we still hold onto this bullshit old world fancy that treats women like we're inferior.

I want to be treated by the quality of my character, I don't want to be treated differently because I happen to have a pair of tits attached to my chest.

Pretty simple, pretty easy to do.

And don't even try to pass this off as minor complaining, that's an awful way to treat someone.

Were we just complaining back in the 20s when we couldn't vote?

How about black people and their civil rights to be treated like normal people? Were they just complaining then?

Cmon, don't be demeaning like that.

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How about we start treating everyone like people?

How about that novel idea?

How about we treat women like people and not like objects and things to be aquired.

It's a modern day and a modern age and we still hold onto this bullshit old world fancy that treats women like we're inferior.

I want to be treated by the quality of my character, I don't want to be treated differently because I happen to have a pair of tits attached to my chest.

Pretty simple, pretty easy to do.

And don't even try to pass this off as minor complaining, that's an awful way to treat someone.

Were we just complaining back in the 20s when we couldn't vote?

How about black people and their civil rights to be treated like normal people? Were they just complaining then?

Cmon, don't be demeaning like that.

Treating everyone like people is something that's already being actively pushed for in society right now. 

The world has improved(excuse my language here) by a metric fuck ton in the human rights department about how to treat people in the past hundred years and is still actively improving the human to human relations standards. 


Not everyone holds those old views, take a gander at the new generation of people who don't carry those viewpoints. Open minded thinking based on logic and reason is growing fast compared to 50 years ago. It's inevitable that you'll meet people who still have a distasteful view of the opposite gender. Give them less focus and push for what you want to see then, convince people to coincide with what you see as right.


I apologize if my insinuation of your prior posts offend you but I'm just being honest. I'm sure you'd rather me be honest than not. I never said complaining was bad either(not that you said they were but the general psychological consensus is that complaining is bad), if there is merit to the complaints then it would be deem reasonable to those who see the merit. I'm just saying complaining(what my impression of your prior posts were though not completely) isn't as effective as persuading and promoting another way of thinking. 

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Treating everyone like people is something that's already being actively pushed for in society right now. 

The world has improved(excuse my language here) by a metric fuck ton in the human rights department about how to treat people in the past hundred years and is still actively improving the human to human relations standards. 


Not everyone holds those old views, take a gander at the new generation of people who don't carry those viewpoints. Open minded thinking based on logic and reason is growing fast compared to 50 years ago. It's inevitable that you'll meet people who still have a distasteful view of the opposite gender. Give them less focus and push for what you want to see then, convince people to coincide with what you see as right.


I apologize if my insinuation of your prior posts offend you but I'm just being honest. I'm sure you'd rather me be honest than not. I never said complaining was bad either(not that you said they were but the general psychological consensus is that complaining is bad), if there is merit to the complaints then it would be deem reasonable to those who see the merit. I'm just saying complaining(what my impression of your prior posts were though not completely) isn't as effective as persuading and promoting another way of thinking.

Unfortunately this isn't really even close to the actual occurence.

Look at marketing today, look at the way women are plastered everywhere photoshopped to hell promoting a false sense of beauty.

Care to debate that or perhaps you can see that there are people today whom are protesting this: http://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/news/celebrity/2014/08/29/keira-knightley-topless-shoot-interview-magazine

Women are still treated mercilessly with beauty standards and held to impossible standards.

Not to mention this shit happens CONSTANTLY:


Just a few months ago a game developer pretty much stated that it's too hard to make female characters...

People still treat women as some immoral creature for doing things that nature inteaded. like Breastfeeding!

People still freak out to see a women breastfeed a child.

The sexism still runs so deep, that it will take generations to get rid of and that's ONLY IF people actually try to get rid of it in the first place.

So Stop minimizing my efforts and my reasons and stop treating me like I'm just making a fuss for no reason.

Because it's infuriating to sit here and read someone casually minimize real and serious issues and then act in such a way to seem so nice to cloak the reasons that they have to say to "stop bitching, and be happy about what you already have."

"Treating everyone like people is something that's already being actively pushed for in society right now. "

Except it's really just in a few pockets of people in the first world, and only so much there anyways.

It's only because people like me stand up and try to have a voice and make the issues aware that anything changes, and I'll be damned to sit here and some jerk lecture me on the status quo.

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LOL NO.No Life for women is an outrageous amount of bullshit and retardly stupid irritations.First off Bleeding from your genitals EVERY FUCKING MONTH, with Cramps, and emotional swings, and your body pretty much freaking out because you decided to not get pregnant.Oh yeah pregnacy! Talk about the pain and misery of not only giving birth but carrying a child INSIDE YOU, as it kicks your guts and bladder and have you seen what Pregnacy does to a womans body? I tears it up, stretches your skin, damages your body and your genitals.As a guy all you have to deal with an awkward erection from time to time.You don't have to worry about breasts getting in the way, and having to wear bras, or needing tampons and worry about bleeding from a fucking hole in your body every god damned month.QehdiUd.pngGuy sleeps with 20 women, hes a fucking champion and a badass, a girl sleeps with 20 men she's a slut and a whore.The only reason men pay attention to you if you;re a woman is because he wants to sleep with you, but if you don't want to sleep with him then you're a prude and a bitch.You have to work your ass off to be pretty and attractive and everyone comments on how unattractive you are if you don't want to do your hair wear make up and get nice clean and stylish clothes. But if you're a guy you can throw on a tshirt and pants and no one gives a fuck as long as you brush your teeth.If you play video games everyone treats you like you're a loser or a girl who can't find a boyfriend or they call you fake or treat you like you're just doing it for male attention.People harass you online, guys taunt you and ask about your tits and send you nasty messages about how they think "OH YOU'RE SO HOT FOR PLAYING VIDEO GAMES, I WANNA SLEEP WITH YOU"You CONSTANTLY have to prove yourself to EVERYONE even other female gamers to prove you're not just some faker or attention seeker.Oh and talk about PCs and people treat you like you're freaking retarded.PC modder, builder and geek since I was a little kid, but when people see that im female they treat me like I've never seen a motherboard before until I shove my PC enthusiast credd up their face and one up them with everything I've ever modded and overclocked THEN they treat me like I know what a PC is.Wanna be called by your actual gender online like a guy gets to be automatically? HOW DARE YOU WANT TO BE CALLED BY YOUR ACTUAL GENDER ONLINE! STOP ADVERTISING YOUR GENDER, HOW DARE YOU BRING ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT YOU'RE FEMALE YOU ATTENTION WHORE!Take pride in being female the same way a man does? YOU FEMINAZI SEXIST (B word)!Talk about female rights anywhere and someone calls you a feminazi and a complainer and that you're just sexist and hate men.oh not to mention in most of the world you're not even treated like a person if you're female, you're treated like property, something for a man to own.You think being female makes life easier, you're sorely mistaken dude.You're so sorely mistaken.I'd give up everything to be a man, and happy about my gender.Being a woman SUCKS.

My point is its so much easier for a girl to have a boyfriend than for a boy to have a girlfriend. Girls never stay one as long as they dont wanna be alone. I am sick of girls being conceited because they are girls. You try to make a coversation and they think you are trying to make move on them and they get away.

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I believe it must be wonderful to have been born girl

Not from my experience. You ask: "Why is it so hard to get a girl", but really I could say the same thing(err, I swing both ways, soo... lol). I have been given quite the hard time for being this way, and people always treat me differently for my interests(cars, tech, "guy things"). I also have to make a compromise with having guys flirting with me all the time or wearing "Ellen hair", which I don't like either lol. Then there is that reminder every month that I am female and that just isn't fun(especially when you are on blood thinners, man that sucked). I'm sure it isn't easy being a guy either(as keeping a ding a ling under control is probably a tedious task, don't know), but just wanted to let you know that the grass isn't greener on the other side(lol).


But OT though, here is some advice(also note: I decide to make this universal while I was typing it, so thats why it is him/her):

  • This stuff takes time, so be patient. Start off with someone as just being a friend, you will really get to know that person and they will get to know you. This gains a little bit of trust(so don't push it) and you get to find out if you really want to be spending time with this person(and they get to feel this way too).
  • Once you establish a good relationship with somebody, then is the time to start getting romantic(but verrrry slightly, can't express the take your time thing enough). You can do things that will make them say: "awwe that's sweet, thank you :3" buy doing things like buying him/her coffee or just doing any helpful tasks(but don't turn into a servant). Some things might be terrible things that you don't want to do(like watching their Fing annoying cousins), but these unfortunately are the things that you might have to do. Depending on how much they appreciate what you did can be a good indication of how this "relationship" is going(also be careful of "users". They just want your time or money, not you.). If this turns into: "We should spend more time together" then great, but if not then maybe you were meant to just being friends.
  • Its at the point when you spend more time with them and they want to spend more time time with you, when it becomes a true relationship.

And some pointers:

  • Don't change your self to impress someone. You can only put up this act for so long, and when they finally realize who you actually are its game over(also, watch out for people doing the same). Just be your self.
  • Don't worry too much about "screwing up". Worrying about screwing up will only make you screw up lol. People are understanding(and if they aren't, then they might not be the right person).
  • Find someone with similar interests, or interest that don't bother you(or you don't mind).
  • Don't just go after somebody because "they are hawt". This is similar to "beer goggles", but instead of beer clouding your vision attractiveness is.
  • Lastly, be understanding. Be willing to accept some of their flaws(some) and be understanding of the situation in general. If it doesn't work out then tough, but don't let this ruin your day(or week, month? get over it at this point lol). There are millions of people in this world that aren't in a relationship and are wanting to be in one. It can take time to fine the right person.

Now, some of my advise might not work(or might be flat out flawed), but it really just varies by person. I really don't follow any rules or advise when finding a bf/gf, I kind of just let it happen(but I made my list from experiences kinda sorta).

Also I typed this at 4:30 am, so please forgive any errors(lol).

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its not always.some girls do like to take a break from relationships,because they aren't over the ex

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I believe it must be wonderful to have been born girl

how mature of you. 









Watch out for each other. Love everyone and forgive everyone, including yourself. Forgive your anger, forgive your guilt. Your shame. Your sadness. Embrace and open up your love, your joy, your truth, and most especially your heart. 
-Jim Hensen

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its not always.some girls do like to take a break from relationships,because they aren't over the ex




i think the thng is... alot of guys erent emotionally prepared to actually be in a relationship and there erent enough guys who are so alot of girls dont quite know what a guy who IS prepared looks like.... 


shits wierd. end of topic... jeez... xD

Watch out for each other. Love everyone and forgive everyone, including yourself. Forgive your anger, forgive your guilt. Your shame. Your sadness. Embrace and open up your love, your joy, your truth, and most especially your heart. 
-Jim Hensen

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No Life for women is an outrageous amount of bullshit and retardly stupid irritations.

First off Bleeding from your genitals EVERY FUCKING MONTH, with Cramps, and emotional swings, and your body pretty much freaking out because you decided to not get pregnant.

Oh yeah pregnacy! Talk about the pain and misery of not only giving birth but carrying a child INSIDE YOU, as it kicks your guts and bladder and have you seen what Pregnacy does to a womans body? I tears it up, stretches your skin, damages your body and your genitals.

As a guy all you have to deal with an awkward erection from time to time.

You don't have to worry about breasts getting in the way, and having to wear bras, or needing tampons and worry about bleeding from a fucking hole in your body every god damned month.


Guy sleeps with 20 women, hes a fucking champion and a badass, a girl sleeps with 20 men she's a slut and a whore.

The only reason men pay attention to you if you;re a woman is because he wants to sleep with you, but if you don't want to sleep with him then you're a prude and a bitch.

You have to work your ass off to be pretty and attractive and everyone comments on how unattractive you are if you don't want to do your hair wear make up and get nice clean and stylish clothes. But if you're a guy you can throw on a tshirt and pants and no one gives a fuck as long as you brush your teeth.

If you play video games everyone treats you like you're a loser or a girl who can't find a boyfriend or they call you fake or treat you like you're just doing it for male attention.

People harass you online, guys taunt you and ask about your tits and send you nasty messages about how they think "OH YOU'RE SO HOT FOR PLAYING VIDEO GAMES, I WANNA SLEEP WITH YOU"

You CONSTANTLY have to prove yourself to EVERYONE even other female gamers to prove you're not just some faker or attention seeker.

Oh and talk about PCs and people treat you like you're freaking retarded.

PC modder, builder and geek since I was a little kid, but when people see that im female they treat me like I've never seen a motherboard before until I shove my PC enthusiast credd up their face and one up them with everything I've ever modded and overclocked THEN they treat me like I know what a PC is.


Take pride in being female the same way a man does? YOU FEMINAZI SEXIST (B word)!

Talk about female rights anywhere and someone calls you a feminazi and a complainer and that you're just sexist and hate men.

oh not to mention in most of the world you're not even treated like a person if you're female, you're treated like property, something for a man to own.

You think being female makes life easier, you're sorely mistaken dude.

You're so sorely mistaken.

I'd give up everything to be a man, and happy about my gender.

Being a woman SUCKS.


*high fives*

even us transgendered females get shit... none of the monthly hell that is a period but we're still treated like shit..... :/

Watch out for each other. Love everyone and forgive everyone, including yourself. Forgive your anger, forgive your guilt. Your shame. Your sadness. Embrace and open up your love, your joy, your truth, and most especially your heart. 
-Jim Hensen

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i think the thng is... alot of guys erent emotionally prepared to actually be in a relationship and there erent enough guys who are so alot of girls dont quite know what a guy who IS prepared looks like.... 


shits wierd. end of topic... jeez... xD

even this dumbass @69lover wasnt prepared in the beginning,was acting like a noobie,which kinda left me wondering 

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*high fives*

even us transgendered females get shit... none of the monthly hell that is a period but we're still treated like shit..... :/




No Life for women is an outrageous amount of bullshit and retardly stupid irritations.

First off Bleeding from your genitals EVERY FUCKING MONTH, with Cramps, and emotional swings, and your body pretty much freaking out because you decided to not get pregnant.

Oh yeah pregnacy! Talk about the pain and misery of not only giving birth but carrying a child INSIDE YOU, as it kicks your guts and bladder and have you seen what Pregnacy does to a womans body? I tears it up, stretches your skin, damages your body and your genitals.

As a guy all you have to deal with an awkward erection from time to time.

You don't have to worry about breasts getting in the way, and having to wear bras, or needing tampons and worry about bleeding from a fucking hole in your body every god damned month.


Guy sleeps with 20 women, hes a fucking champion and a badass, a girl sleeps with 20 men she's a slut and a whore.

The only reason men pay attention to you if you;re a woman is because he wants to sleep with you, but if you don't want to sleep with him then you're a prude and a bitch.

You have to work your ass off to be pretty and attractive and everyone comments on how unattractive you are if you don't want to do your hair wear make up and get nice clean and stylish clothes. But if you're a guy you can throw on a tshirt and pants and no one gives a fuck as long as you brush your teeth.

If you play video games everyone treats you like you're a loser or a girl who can't find a boyfriend or they call you fake or treat you like you're just doing it for male attention.

People harass you online, guys taunt you and ask about your tits and send you nasty messages about how they think "OH YOU'RE SO HOT FOR PLAYING VIDEO GAMES, I WANNA SLEEP WITH YOU"

You CONSTANTLY have to prove yourself to EVERYONE even other female gamers to prove you're not just some faker or attention seeker.

Oh and talk about PCs and people treat you like you're freaking retarded.

PC modder, builder and geek since I was a little kid, but when people see that im female they treat me like I've never seen a motherboard before until I shove my PC enthusiast credd up their face and one up them with everything I've ever modded and overclocked THEN they treat me like I know what a PC is.


Take pride in being female the same way a man does? YOU FEMINAZI SEXIST (B word)!

Talk about female rights anywhere and someone calls you a feminazi and a complainer and that you're just sexist and hate men.

oh not to mention in most of the world you're not even treated like a person if you're female, you're treated like property, something for a man to own.

You think being female makes life easier, you're sorely mistaken dude.

You're so sorely mistaken.

I'd give up everything to be a man, and happy about my gender.

Being a woman SUCKS.

way to go girl!!! 

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way to go girl!!! 

my problem is the last word.


why must people specify gender at all???


people tell a guy good job. 

people tell a girl good job girl.




Watch out for each other. Love everyone and forgive everyone, including yourself. Forgive your anger, forgive your guilt. Your shame. Your sadness. Embrace and open up your love, your joy, your truth, and most especially your heart. 
-Jim Hensen

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my problem is the last word.


why must people specify gender at all???


people tell a guy good job. 

people tell a girl good job girl.




yeah it doesn't matter in anyway,we do the same work still we arent given promotions without doing  special favour in some case's,have to sacrifice our careers for our kids and family,people judge you when you are around guys, being called a whore only because of my dressing sense,thats bullshit ... we have the same intelligence as males do and we deserve equal respect .... yeah there are some feminists who kinda go over the top with it but still they are right 

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yeah it doesn't matter in anyway,we do the same work still we arent given promotions without doing  special favour in some case's,have to sacrifice our careers for our kids and family,people judge you when you are around guys, being called a whore only because of my dressing sense,thats bullshit ... we have the same intelligence as males do and we deserve equal respect .... yeah there are some feminists who kinda go over the top with it but still they are right 

i think the ''select gender'' thing in profiles should be removed... :/

Watch out for each other. Love everyone and forgive everyone, including yourself. Forgive your anger, forgive your guilt. Your shame. Your sadness. Embrace and open up your love, your joy, your truth, and most especially your heart. 
-Jim Hensen

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never ever ever ever tag me.....  <_<

that sounded like you WANT to argue...


not trying to start one. but it did sound like you're on the offensive.

Watch out for each other. Love everyone and forgive everyone, including yourself. Forgive your anger, forgive your guilt. Your shame. Your sadness. Embrace and open up your love, your joy, your truth, and most especially your heart. 
-Jim Hensen

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its not always.some girls do like to take a break from relationships,because they aren't over the ex

its not always.some girls do like to take a break from relationships,because they aren't over the ex

Who's talking about breaking up? I am saying girls easily can find a boyfriend unlike boys. I am 24 and never had a girlfriend. Its diffucult for me while its not difficult for girls to have a bf.

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Actually it does...It makes everything a lot harder.Its fucking ridiculous how much things change once people find out you're female, online and in real life.

You see that a female is more valuable than a male. You are more valuable than us. People are dying to talk to you.

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