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YouTuber WhiteBoy7thst Arrested

Go to solution Solved by Skylercompany,

I don't understand why the SWAT team can just barge into your house without evidence.


This is partially why I want to leave the United States when I turn 21.

You can't just assume someone has drugs and bust down the door. They would've had to have been given a reliable source that told them.

Right, because its impossible to gather enough evidence to get a warrant like that. Considering he had more than 30 grams he was definitely doing more than just using. 

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I don't understand why the SWAT team can just barge into your house without evidence.


This is partially why I want to leave the United States when I turn 21.

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I don't understand why the SWAT team can just barge into your house without evidence.


This is partially why I want to leave the United States when I turn 21.


I'm sorry to inform you that it's not much different elsewhere,

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Marijuana was made illegal because of racism. The founder of the original DEA Harry Anslinger said this "Most marijuana smokers are Negroes, Hispanics, jazz musicians, and entertainers. Their satanic music is driven by marijuana, and marijuana smoking by white women makes them want to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and others." It was made illegal under false pretenses and was never really studied. It's still, to this day, held as a schedule one narcotic, which carries the harshest fines and eliminates it from being used medically (at a federal level). There was a petition to change the scheduling and last I heard Obama was behind it, but I haven't heard anything since. 


It should have never been made illegal. There is no reason it should remain illegal. 


Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana or thc? If you haven't I highly suggest you do it just once (18+ only pls, don't do drugs kids) so you can judge for yourself if it should be illegal. I promise you wont get addicted, you wont go out and kill someone, you wont get an urge to rape anybody, you wont overdose and it's only temporary. Although, I would have some of your favorite junk food and drink available. Cotton mouth is a bitch. 


Fair point about the making of it illegal, but don't forget that throughout history the reasons given for making/changing laws are sometimes just scape goat reasons (much like terrorism is the scape goat reason given for data collection and NSA spying)  because when something is culturally unacceptable/fear inducing then it can be be used to gain public support.  


I am 39, I have been around the block a few times now, I have smoked weed on several occasions, I used to smoke and still drink (in Australia it's almost compulsory),  I don't think you need to try something in order to get all the facts and form an honest opinion, After all we don't need to drink and drive to know its dangerous, enough people have proven that.  An open minded approach with proper education should be enough. 

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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