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Constructive feedback/ideas for Linus and LMG


I think one of the problems with Labs data right now is they are still working on getting proper workflows for Labs established and it isn't quite there yet. As Linus commented somewhere (probably WAN at one point), others in the industry have commented that it seems like Labs is progressing quite quickly, but to businesses "quite quickly" is 2 years instead of 4. But to viewers who are expecting Labs to do something feels like glacially slow. Maybe there's some internal and external pressure to try and incorporate Labs data into videos prematurely? Or maybe they're just so excited about Labs that they can't wait?

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2 hours ago, Cooldoe said:

But still some people think short circuit video is a review.

I mean I think they did this to themselves. Short Circuit "first look" videos seem to have been getting longer in the past year and more "review-like" so I can understand the viewer confusion there. Personally it seems like an odd strategy to me, but maybe they're trying to turn Short Circuit into a more general review channel, whereas the main LTT channel is more focused on projects and research around products.

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33 minutes ago, smcoakley said:

I mean I think they did this to themselves. Short Circuit "first look" videos seem to have been getting longer in the past year and more "review-like" so I can understand the viewer confusion there. Personally it seems like an odd strategy to me, but maybe they're trying to turn Short Circuit into a more general review channel, whereas the main LTT channel is more focused on projects and research around products.

I agree that is why it should be clearer in their messaging what is a review and what is not a review

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On 8/21/2023 at 5:58 AM, mMontana said:

@Lebon14 I think that that JankMeter could be easily sent out of rails when most prominent host won't accept the script during filming...


I mean: look the billet lab block test!

Everything went close to sideways, but the video got anyway edited, verified and published.


If I were to have rated that video, it would have been a 3. It was scripted and planned but not very serious. But also data started to play a role. What we don't know (at least I don't) is, what was Billet's goal? For them to try it out? If it was just that, a 3 is a max in seriousness.


Anyways, the guidleine I wrote were just my ideas on how I would use it. That's why I ended my post with "anything I described above shouldn't be used as-is by LMG."


It could be used and be used seriously. But I guess people don't see my post as serious anyway...

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Does mr Sebastian accept a "no" as a serious answers.

I'd bet for "not that often". Or he's being conviced, otherwise "Full Linus" is the gear that engages.

Not English-speaking person, sorry, I'll make mistakes. If you're kind, maybe you'll be able to understand.

If you're really kind, you'll nicely point that out so I will learn more about write in good English.  🙂

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On 8/17/2023 at 3:38 AM, Clasmir said:

Personally, I like the fun aspect that Linus and everyone else brings. 

I watch YouTube channels like LMG for two reasons:


  • To have some distracting fun (yep Linus is that!)
  • To learn something new (maybe) about some new tech.


If I really really want to know something tech wise and be certain that its the truth... I have to confess that I will slog through Tech Jesus content.  I am HOPEFUL that the new LMG LAB work will give me fun AND some serious tech data. I'm very excited to see power supply details. Yes I'm that kind of nerd.



My go to channels are LMG, GN and J2C. They all bring different views.

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The only message I think will be clearly stated is "it'l take some time to adjust".

Not English-speaking person, sorry, I'll make mistakes. If you're kind, maybe you'll be able to understand.

If you're really kind, you'll nicely point that out so I will learn more about write in good English.  🙂

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Just now, mMontana said:

The only message I think will be clearly stated is "it'l take some time to adjust".

Which is 100% valid. LMG is a big ship and these things will take time to get right. They will still make mistakes along the way, which is normal. Despite that there will be a group of people nit picking every single thing and pointing out every mistake, big, or small and present it as "see they didn't change, they lied."

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There needs to be a massive cultural change and even then, I can't overlook the issues Madison is reporting. That is inexcusable. Anyone even remotely close to that situation needs to be removed. 


To re brand, they need to stop talking about LMG and focus on the content people care about (tech). The WAN show became this whole, let's talk about ourselves show and it was super off putting. They need to lose the sophomoric humor that caters to the lowest common denominator of tech enthusiasts. They should expect the community to grow up. I hate to say this because it's jobs, but if I were running LMG, I'd take a hard look at cutting it down by a solid margin. It's gotten too large for them to manage and what has happened is the content has not only suffered from a quality of quality and accuracy, but it has also lost that great start up, I'm supporting this guy or gal on YouTube feel... Now LMG is just any other big media company and to me that hurts them because they are no longer relatable. I don't see LMG as reporting for me anymore, I see them more as a company that is supporting multiple sponsors and corporate interests. It wasn't always that way, A dozen or so years ago, Linus was an innovator that represented the common tech nerd, but today that kid is gone. Finally, I'd take Linus off the air. He is strictly behind the scenes with a quarterly guest appearance perhaps. His emotional investment and his growing ego are toxic. The less he is on camera the better for LMG going forward. 

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The amount of massive restructuring that can happen within a week for a moderately-sized company is very low. Anyone expecting some kind of report today listing a massive number of changes will be disappointed. Its just not physically possible.

1 hour ago, CrabbyDadTech said:

Finally, I'd take Linus off the air.

Worst suggestion. Their views would tank. His name is on the freaking channel. Besides, its (partially) his company, and being in front of the camera is something he wants to do. And just because he's eager to jump the gun and take all the blame on himself (or interpret it as targeting him) doesn't mean he's actually the singular one at fault. I'm sure there's plenty of fault to go around, with Linus being responsible for just a portion of it.


My advice would be own up to mistakes, grow from it, and move on. Not throw in the towel, pull people from their positions, etc. (Except in case of sexual harassment, that's a different issue.)

1 hour ago, CrabbyDadTech said:

His emotional investment and his growing ego are toxic.

Emotional investment is normal and good. We don't want emotional robots delivering us carefully-curated, corporate sanitized videos. And I don't know where the "ego" comments all come from. To me it seems like Linus' ego is the same slightly-above-average size that its always been. 😀


My advice is don't take this community response as a request to change your videos into some kind of sanitized, pristine and dry content devoid of humor or emotion. If I want that kind of content I'll go read some whitepapers.

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Since LTT/LMG is in the publicity business it means the audience is often invited to see how the sausages are made. This is intended to keep things engaging and informal. But like with programming, there needs to be an abstraction layer to protect the valuable and vulnerable parts.



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3 hours ago, smcoakley said:

To me it seems like Linus' ego is the same slightly-above-average size that its always been.

I'd took the word "slightly" with a pinch of salt. Big like Himalaya.

Not English-speaking person, sorry, I'll make mistakes. If you're kind, maybe you'll be able to understand.

If you're really kind, you'll nicely point that out so I will learn more about write in good English.  🙂

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3 hours ago, smcoakley said:

The amount of massive restructuring that can happen within a week for a moderately-sized company is very low. Anyone expecting some kind of report today listing a massive number of changes will be disappointed. Its just not physically possible.

I agree, the only thing I'll say in this regard is they could show case their plans and what they want the future to be. Obviously the understanding is that this will take time, but if they showcased a roadmap or so to speak, then at least people can have a glimpse of what their plans will be going forward.


3 hours ago, smcoakley said:

My advice is don't take this community response as a request to change your videos into some kind of sanitized, pristine and dry content devoid of humor or emotion. If I want that kind of content I'll go read some whitepapers.

 I agree with this as well.


I don't think anyone wants them to become boring. People will still expect the fun, janky videos they are known for... However, I think people just want certain expectations set. For example, if its suppose to be a fun video (ie: some random  ridiculous mod, the AMD tech upgrade, etc...) those are intended to be fun videos. If they are doing an actual review/testing video then it needs to be more serious with accurate data. So they don't need to stop the fun, just have the proper expextations depending on the type of video they are making.

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I hopped on the forum today to see if there was an update on content releases and stumbled upon this thread.


I have a little constructive feedback, and I'm saying this as someone who spent the time from his teens to his thirties in video production (back in the cable access and early YouTube days):  LMG, I love your content, but it's time to do a bit of growing up.

I don't mean that you need to stop being light hearted and funny because that is welcome and needed.  I mean this in the same way that a person finds things funny in their teens and early twenties that they look back on in their mid thirties and early forties (damn I'm old) and cringe.  It's time to stop the "nice" every time someone says 69, it's time to stop the double entendres, and it's unfortunately time to be a little more mature.


Nobody ever WANTS to grow up, it just sort of happens while you're doing other stuff.  Still keep being you, still keep things humorous when you can, but it's time to retire the "dick and fart" jokes and the like.  You're good, intelligent people, and you can still produce fun content without it.  When I was a video producer, there were times I could let people run wild and there were times I used to need to rein in people on productions based on what we were doing and who our audience was.  It's time for you to do this so you can move on in a positive direction.

Lastly, I know you love to say to your viewers "hey guys, look at what we're working on next," and we love to see that and love the enthusiasm.  But maybe it's time to dial that back a bit too and keep things behind the curtain until they're at "beta testing" levels instead of "sketch on a napkin levels" like was done with the lab.  It's cool to tell us what ideas are in the works, and maybe even leak some merch every now and then, but for all of us, and most importantly all of you, keep the big stuff under wraps until it's far enough along that it's at a good point to show us.

I don't mean this as a dig at Linus, but stepping aside as CEO and bringing in someone he trusts is probably one of the smartest business decisions ever.  The company has grown to a point that someone with that level of business training needed to take over the helm and making that decision was a sign of wisdom and maturity by Linus for the future stability of the company.


Keep your heads up, learn, and move ahead.

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I'm going to give Linus the benefit of the doubt and say that he does genuinely believe that he's a good person and that his mission is just.

I can say that from personal experience, the problem with believing that you are the most just, fair, righteous, etc. is that it's super easy to blind yourself to your own flaws. The thought process goes, "I am an idealistic person, therefore I will always act on my ideals". With that assumption in mind, you will miss when you're excessively compromising or going against your own ideals. The result is being perceived as hypocritical.


The biggest evidence to me that Linus is a person who actually cares is the "sad linus" stream, but it also shows me that he's the kind of person who can get blinded by his own idealization, to the point where it takes a family tragedy or some major controversy before he can take a step back and truly see how the results of his actions/inaction affects people. As long as the LMG is an extension of Linus, this will also reflect in how the company is ran.


So yeah, I guess this is the big wake-up call. An opportunity to fully examine whether or not Linus, and by extension, LMG, is capable of solving the conflicts between their stated mission/ideals and the execution.

Linus is someone who I personally idolize, so I really hope that he and those in his inner circle take this opportunity well.

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20 hours ago, Cooldoe said:

But still some people think short circuit video is a review.

If your video concludes with "the only question that remains is am I recommending you buy this product yeah maybe no", it's a review.

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Reposting my $0.02 here (although it probably doesn't mean jack shit in the grand scheme of things).



I really think you need to give your content the proper time and preparation that they need to arrive at a conclusion that's somewhat satisfactory. For example, what if I REALLY wanted to use a car radiator for water-cooling? What will a proper, low-jank set-up look like? Something that's not just you plugging leaks all over the place. If I really wanted to use an ice bath for a fanless setup? What would that look like?


It's fun to watch you guys on camera having fun, but I also rather you give the "tech" and engineering side of your content some love. Your recent content leaves me feeling empty more often than not these days. Most of them I can sum up as "couple of guys goofing off and having fun". Entertaining, but a little vacuous.




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I think senior management is not growing at the same rate the company is and they are very out of touch with the corporate world and failed to realize THEY are in that world now.


From a Software Developer perspective, it says a lot when Linus and specially Luke bash still using Outlook or using Slack for communication. Oh so using Outlook is outdated but Microsoft Teams is better than Slack? Get off your high horse. This just shows how out of touch they are with tech corporate jobs. Not eveyone wants to use Google Services, specially when your company has MSDN or MVLS accounts.


They need to wake up and smell the coffee (or sip the cappuccino?) and realize they are turning into a big corporation now and need to get better practices. 

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While I agree on the overall sentiment of this thread, I think most of the takes here are simply taking this whole thing too seriously.

All of this. ALL of this, even what relates to workplace environment - more on that below -, is being taken to a proportion which I haven't seen outside major corruption scandals. And even then.

You'd think the man was caught embezzling or something. There are shouts for him to get out of camera. For a whole number of measures that I bet most of you asking for them don't even expect from your own government...!


There were mistakes, yes. They need to be dealt with, yes. I think that these mistakes were exploded by the fact they were very public and very exploited by other channels. Although this created drama and a sense of scandal, if you actually look at it there is no scandal here. There were mistakes made and there is a company being forced by public pressure to perform in a week's time the sort of adjustments that companies and organizations normally take years to achieve. And they will be absolutely hammered by haters whatever they say next. Saying the company needs to grow, that management needs to put on their adult shoes is rather disingenuous: they know that, they've been saying this for ages, if you've been listening to then number of internal adjustments they've been making over the last couple years, or to the number of times they themselves complain about internal processes or simply the fact that Luke is freakin' Chief Technical Officer. Damn, even a couple of months prior, the actual CEO and founder willingly stepped down to make place for someone who can actually lead the company into more sustainable growth. This literally happened a couple of months ago and suddenly everyone is acting as if they're still producing out of the Langley house and making WAN Show sitting on a couch with a wall of boxes behind them.

Do not expect them to come out with mind-blowing measure out of the gate. Rather with their growth mindset explicitly drawn into a publicly available time-line.

I for one expect them to never abandon the cheeky "nice", or the double-entendres, or the jankyness. That, together with a solid scientific approach and Linus' candor, honest takes and pro-consumer views are what makes me love the channel. And I bet I'm not alone on this. Creating just another generic, bland, gray corporate-looking reviews outlet is something that would kill the channel. You know this, they know this. Competitors know this.


On the workplace environment: It's important to separate what we already know is the workplace environment by their own words - a fast-paced difficult demanding workload - from the allegations of harassment. I actually think that the latter is not the company culture and therefore I am not including it under the term "workplace environment". Like Dr. Cutress said, a workplace where people are driven to produce more is the norm. I venture saying it should be the norm when you are working alongside people who are passionate in their respective fields.

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In the interest of actual, rational feedback from someone that's watched a long time, been around these parts a long time and invariability gets asked to help a lot dealing with complex problems, some thoughts.


  • While he's probably been doing it, Linus really needs to do a bit of soul searching for why he responded so badly to the GN piece and, at the same time, completely missed how epic of a chain of terrible decisions had to happen by his employees such that the Billet Labs part ended up getting Auctioned off. The reason the firestorm went off after the Forum Post is the radical disconnect that happened around Billet. It was such an all encompassing failure that it can't just be brushed off. It wasn't just a Red Flag Waving Event, it a university marching band in a parade with Red Flags waving down the street for a mile.
  • Short Circuit's channel role has slowly gone everywhere. Is it a Showcase? Is it a Review? I don't mind if they're "short reviews", though some of the videos have gotten as long as primary LTT videos. Which might also be where a lot of resources have quietly gotten drained to. But some clarity would really help.
  • The brain drain that happens with the loss of older, veteran employees matters a lot more than most realize. Taran would be hard enough to replace given his vast experience, but Brandon leaving might actually be the most impactful. He always came across as someone that was incredibly particular on details, and that feels like a lot of what has gotten lost. 
  • There's clearly been QC issues and pipeline checking that has to be very much re-evaluated. That's likely been happening, but it's needed. Also, an editor needs to be able to request On Screen Talent do replacement voice over/voice inserts. It might be a little wonky in places, but it would improve the videos where there is some massive mistakes in something that was said. 
  • GN should have been a lot more clear on the topic (and Ian at TechTechPotato I think might have gone a little far in his defense of the Labs' Lead), but there is real issues with Conflicts of Interests and PERCEIVED Conflicts of Interests with LMG Labs and highly technical testing.  There doesn't have to exist any quid pro quo, but the perception alone can be an issue. I honestly think the Framework stuff has been handled well, but, since LMG now has a lot of employees with time at upper levels of other companies, it's important to note, even at the end of a video, about that.  It's like "Handy Tech under $100". Same vibe is needed. People take different jobs, but that doesn't mean it can look wrong, depending on the situation. This could very easily come up with a product that Labs tests as being subpar from a big brand.
  • Ian touches on it in his long form video, but automated Gaming Benchmarking, at scale, is basically going to be a full time job for probably 3 highly paid employees. And there's still open questions about whether consistently repeatable results can be extracted from all games. That really isn't a small detail. It can probably be overcome, but it's going to be basically a constant fight for the Labs folks doing it.
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On 8/23/2023 at 4:30 AM, Cooldoe said:

I think they did tried to do that

By separating short circuit with LTT where review and unboxing is separated. But still some people think short circuit video is a review.


I think they have done so much review that the way they are doing unboxing also mimic a review

Personally, I think the the line between entertainment and review is blur, and not clear to the teams themselves. I think an improvement is implementing more clear disclaimers and video names to make it very clear what a video is.

E.g. I can name Cinemassacre as a channel that make it very clear what content is what with playlist and series:

The core content is AVGN, where the Angry Videogame Nerd... Gets angry at the videogame he is reviewing.
Everything else is clearly labled, with opinion pieces, more sterile reviews, let's play content, etc...

Each series has a very different feels and goal, and is made very clear by the series name. I don't have to click on a vidoe to know what it is, and I don't see what I'm not interested in.

For LMG there are clear series with different tones and goals that are not obvious to someone that just browse the channel(s)

  • "Alex and Linus goof around trying to make something impractical"
    It's great funny content that nobody should try to replicate
  • "Jake, Linus and sometimes Dan try to fix the infrastructure of LMG amaturishly"
    Great content. Seeing Linus struggle is great fun
  • "Linus bought an exorbitantly expensive piece of hardware and brags about it"
    I dont' like it, but I guess some people do
  • "Linus visit a manufacturer and try to pry information out of them"
    Great informative content
  • "Meet the LMG team"
    Things like PC upgrades, etc.. Good content
  • "Linus make video out of half axedly upgrading his house with tech to pass it as a businness expense"
  • "Serious Review"
    This is the content that really needs accuracy
  • "Hot takes"
    WAN shows, etc... it's great content
  • "Unboxing and making a video of something in ten minutes or less, sometimes it's a review?"
    This content is ambiguous and needs contex. It's where there labling would make a difference
  • "Car Reviews. For some reason."
    i don't like nor see them, I guess somebody likes them
  • "Super Fun"
    Some of the videos there are funny. I like that it's well labled and true to the name. Denis shines in those videos, he is funny.

A piece of information that might be useful to consider is what happened two years ago with CPG Gray. he made a nice video about a missle testing facility, and got the type of the missle wrong. He promptly pulled the video, made the correction, reuploaded and published an extra video explaining what went wrong and how he planned to improve the pipelines to prevent similar mistakes from happening. Now, CPG makes few extremely well reserched video a year, so accuracy is really important for him to get right. The response was excellent, and I think this is the kind of response that would be expected in videos that are important to get details right, like GPU review in case of LTT.


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1 hour ago, Taf the Ghost said:

In the interest of actual, rational feedback from someone that's watched a long time, been around these parts a long time and invariability gets asked to help a lot dealing with complex problems, some thoughts.


Though I generally agree on the sentiment of improving, I fail to see the point behind a few of these...

1 hour ago, Taf the Ghost said:
  • While he's probably been doing it, Linus really needs to do a bit of soul searching for why he responded so badly to the GN piece and, at the same time, completely missed how epic of a chain of terrible decisions had to happen by his employees such that the Billet Labs part ended up getting Auctioned off. The reason the firestorm went off after the Forum Post is the radical disconnect that happened around Billet. It was such an all encompassing failure that it can't just be brushed off. It wasn't just a Red Flag Waving Event, it a university marching band in a parade with Red Flags waving down the street for a mile.

This is completely out of proportion. It's indeed an issue with their internal communication procedures but the fact that something like this is being waved as tantamount to High Treason, while this is a miscommunication between two companies, is something I can't really get my head around. Put yourself in the same position, writing the same things, but replace LMG and Billet with, say, Asus and NVidia. Do you realize how utterly pointless that is? These are companies, people. They deal like companies deal and sometimes things go wrong. I'd really like to see this sort of discussion about why a certain graphics card only has 8 GB VRAM and none of the board partners seems in the least inclined in increasing this. For example. Would that generate the same amount of drama and outcry? Guess we'll never know.... Oh wait, we do know, cause that happened and no one batted an eye. And this is something that actually impacts many more consumers.

OK, you can argue that there is a "journalistic" and "review" aspect to the matter, that LMG's opinion matters, but that has nothing to do with the outcry I'm seeing. I didn't see any of this right after the video came out: only right now. And LMG, for better of worse, reacted immediately by taking a step back themselves. If anyone discussing this really cared, Linus should have heard about this back then, and not now.

1 hour ago, Taf the Ghost said:
  • Short Circuit's channel role has slowly gone everywhere. Is it a Showcase? Is it a Review? I don't mind if they're "short reviews", though some of the videos have gotten as long as primary LTT videos. Which might also be where a lot of resources have quietly gotten drained to. But some clarity would really help.

...with what? What is actually your point and how would this change actually help anything to do with LMG? Seems like one of those things people are just throwing out into the discussion in order to say something, anything, though I fail to see the point.

1 hour ago, Taf the Ghost said:
  • The brain drain that happens with the loss of older, veteran employees matters a lot more than most realize. Taran would be hard enough to replace given his vast experience, but Brandon leaving might actually be the most impactful. He always came across as someone that was incredibly particular on details, and that feels like a lot of what has gotten lost. 

This as well begs the questions: what's your point?

1 hour ago, Taf the Ghost said:
  • GN should have been a lot more clear on the topic (and Ian at TechTechPotato I think might have gone a little far in his defense of the Labs' Lead), but there is real issues with Conflicts of Interests and PERCEIVED Conflicts of Interests with LMG Labs and highly technical testing.  There doesn't have to exist any quid pro quo, but the perception alone can be an issue. I honestly think the Framework stuff has been handled well, but, since LMG now has a lot of employees with time at upper levels of other companies, it's important to note, even at the end of a video, about that.  It's like "Handy Tech under $100". Same vibe is needed. People take different jobs, but that doesn't mean it can look wrong, depending on the situation. This could very easily come up with a product that Labs tests as being subpar from a big brand.

The question of perception goes out the window when a review/opinion is based on actual facts obtained in a scientific way. So I think that putting out a suspicion on LMG employees for the sake of who knows what is rather egregious as Dr. Cutress said, when the data and the open communication on both the product and said potential conflicts of interest should be sufficient for the public to form an informed decision.


1 hour ago, Taf the Ghost said:
  • Ian touches on it in his long form video, but automated Gaming Benchmarking, at scale, is basically going to be a full time job for probably 3 highly paid employees. And there's still open questions about whether consistently repeatable results can be extracted from all games. That really isn't a small detail. It can probably be overcome, but it's going to be basically a constant fight for the Labs folks doing it.

This is true of manual benchmarking as well. WIth the very very big difference that, with manual benchmarking, the amount of manual steps and inputs is exponentially higher, also exponentially increasing the chance of human error. With automated benchmarking, the human factor comes into play mainly during review of the process, which is much easier to do. So automated processes are by definition more efficient and less prone to error.

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20 minutes ago, HenrySalayne said:

"too seriously" - "being forces by public pressure" - "taken out of proportion"

as well as

"There were mistakes, yes." - "they know that, they've been saying this for ages,"


You sentiment is not conclusive. You are trying to excuse and downplay problems LMG already knew about. Why? You know that doesn't make it better, it actually makes it worse.

Knowing about shortcomings and not taking corrective action already paints a pretty bad picture, but simultaneously presenting an self-image of 'we are better than the competition' (Tim during one of the lab tours) is devastating. This is not just a small hiccup blown out of proportion. LMG and most of their products are based on trust. Without trust their videos and data from labs would be completely worthless. If you can't keep up to the same standards you are imposing on others, what are you even doing?

Those quotes are rearranged and their presentation like this forms a different narrative than what I said. I politely disagree with your conclusion on this and the points made thereafter as well.

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1 hour ago, pauloforte said:


This is completely out of proportion. It's indeed an issue with their internal communication procedures but the fact that something like this is being waved as tantamount to High Treason, while this is a miscommunication between two companies, is something I can't really get my head around.

The Billet Labs issue is way more than "Colton can't use email properly" as it highlights LMG's issues with everything from mundane topics like inventory tracking, communication, turnover/handoffs all the way up Linus decision making.


They should bring in outsiders to help with the casual analysis if they are serious about change.

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I think people are too sensitive.


Yes, taking the mick of small businesses (UK term to make fun of) can be bad. But if you want your product reviewed but a humorous channel like LTT, be prepared for the jokes, lack of extended analysis and so on.


Now regarding the sexual harassment.


First, we need to know if this woman is telling the truth. Making a statement doesn't automatically make it true. Proof is needed.


Second, I am yet to see someone making sex jokes to anyone that doesn't demonstrate openness about the subject. Yes, I know it happens but if this kind of joke disturbed her that much, she should've complained to HR immediately and complained to the police if needed.


Third, a person that cuts themselves is clearly not right in the head. For a lot less, I would have just left the job. I wouldn't cut myself to take days off work. To me, this is just attention seeking.


Summarising, this is only an YouTube channel. Who gives a flying fudge if it will get cancelled, if it will disappear or implode? We all have lives and this shouldn't be a concern to any of us. This should concern Linus and his employees only. And shouldn't even concern Linus much cause he's a bloody millionaire.


I think we should get on with our lives and ignore all this cancelling. Linus himself is a soyboy, just look at the thumbnails he posts. The beard, the sandals, the inability to look like a man. He should be right there holding a feminist sign outside the parliament in Canada.


In the end, whatever happens, won't affect the general population by one bit. Seriously... What is the percentage of the viewers who actually have the cash to buy the latest Threadripper, i9, rtx 4080? 1%? And how often? We don't watch the videos to gain knowledge about a product. We all watch them just to have a laugh.

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