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Madison reveals experiences working at LMG

Message added by SansVarnic,

*03NOV2023: Topic is now locked for the time until the investigation results are released, will not be re-open prior.*



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2 minutes ago, bvvfbQsy5DmWyzTwcSLMWCMYYS said:


Yep, this is exactly the type of answer that the empowered HR people gave me 😄 Meanwhile none of the other people found the situation anything but polite from my part to include the person.


Well whatever, after the dust settled I fired her. Go be empowered somwhere else

And everyone clapped

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2 minutes ago, bvvfbQsy5DmWyzTwcSLMWCMYYS said:

Yep, this is exactly the type of answer that the empowered HR people gave me 😄 Meanwhile none of the other people found the situation anything but polite from my part to include the person.


Well whatever, after the dust settled I fired her. Go be empowered somwhere else

Yup, this entire thing tracks.


First, because it's probably bullshit from start to finish.

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18 minutes ago, justin one said:

broke WR like 40 pages ago

"Not believing every accusation from every woman everywhere all the time 100%" = misogyny 

If it can mean anything to anybody at any time, it means nothing.

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5 minutes ago, schwarzerrogen said:

If they have an HR team, it sounds like one of the least effective or useful ones I've ever seen. If employees are getting yelled at and belittled, and are being pressured to not take legally protected sick days, or any of the other alleged wrongs that Madison reported, that HR team should have been involved. If they were and nothing was done... that's grounds for legal action, especially if the employee has receipts of reporting to HR and the HR team can't provide theirs.

It's pretty clear that based on Madison's accusation, that no review by LMG HR could be credible on its own. Some choice quotes:

  • The things said by Linus about talking to management, and HR, and promises about how things are handled internally, were a gross misrepresentation of what actually goes on behind those doors. - That HR does not work as Linus says it does and is mismanaged.
  • I remember he posted this in response to people speculating something wrong had happened to me.
    And if you read it, it pretty much says "hehe no one has come out against us, therefore we have done no wrong" - 
    basically a reply that if there wasn't a civil or criminal proceeding, it was impossible for something to have happened.
  • When I read this I was fuming with upset, because what a dick thing to post when you were at least partially aware of the treatment your employee was getting from you higher ups. - That Linus was at least in part aware of the workplace harassment and/or sexual harassment against Madison, but did nothing about it and denied it in his prior statement.
  • After several complaints about verbal and sexual harassment: 

    And at any point I would bring up these comments, I would get told, oh we will have a chat with them.

    Nothing ever came of it. 

These allegations are serious and are that the HR department doesn't work properly, so no process in which HR inspected the company by itself could be expected to be a proper one, absent a third party investigator auditing it (which is what Terren is doing, props to him.)

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5 minutes ago, myashypaintbox said:

Lol I got banned from r/LinusTechTips for a comment that was on their side, against Madison 

It's not their official subreddit, it's moderated mostly by non lmg employees and not managed by lmg. You gave no context so it's impossible to judge if the ban was fair, but nonetheless, it's probably not an lmg employee who banned you, even though there are a few employees that are moderators there.

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1 minute ago, schwarzerrogen said:

And I've worked in HR and compliance training for 10 years and have seen and heard some of the most vile and disgusting acts and behaviors of my life in that role. And this is for governments and large (10k+ employee) organizations.

The best part is the dude described a situation where he was being a creepy shit and had HR sicced on him and he retaliated.


I don't think it ever happened but the fact he power-fantasied it up out of whole cloth says a lot.

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6 minutes ago, Taf the Ghost said:

I find the constant Union Posting on the forums/around LMG/LTT both funny and annoying. Unions are first, foremost and always political organizations. They only operate well if they're small, tightly run and have very limited scope. Otherwise they're corrupt, massive failures. There's a reason private unions are almost completely dead in the USA. (Unions fail some of the most basic Political Theory reasons around pure democratic systems. It isn't rocket science why they rarely work well.)


But it's also clear that's there's a large enough chunk of people that think Unions are some spiritual blessing and/or a vehicle for their own power.

I could be wrong, but I believe it was Adam Conover who said about the myths of unions in the USA and how people are fed a lie that they don't work and are corrupt. It was like déjà vu reading your comment and having listened to whatever podcast it was from a while back.

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12 minutes ago, schwarzerrogen said:

Theoretically neither she or Linus should be on any HR team. They have vested interest in the company and therefor cannot be legally impartial.

I can understand why she was when they were initially growing & still very small. they should've found someone to fill the role well before they did, but my comment was more in regards to the current state of HR where afaik she isn't a part of anymore.

High chance of message being edited, mostly to add clarification or fix typos.

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4 minutes ago, myashypaintbox said:

Lol I got banned from r/LinusTechTips for a comment that was on their side, against Madison 

Because why are you taking sides at all?

There are no sides to be taken, dont be like im on LMG's side or im on Madison's side. This isnt that. There is no black and white, good, evil, shinangins here. As Madison points out, there were countless amazing people she worked with there.  Mostly decent People made mistakes, Mistakes that hurt other people, mistakes that were traumatizing, and a community that harrasses people because "sides". STOP. That sides mindset is not healthy or productive. 

Do not attack or harass members of LMG because you feel justified in doing so because you are NOT justified. 


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4 minutes ago, schwarzerrogen said:

And I've worked in HR and compliance training for 10 years and have seen and heard some of the most vile and disgusting acts and behaviors of my life in that role. And this is for governments and large (10k+ employee) organizations.

I think that it's important to note your position means it's your job to deal with those cases. Whereas the other poster is on tech teams and dealing with that would not be a routine part of their job in the least. This is a great example of why anecdotal evidence is anecdotal and perspectives shape reality without context. 

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3 minutes ago, BustinJustin said:

"Not believing every accusation from every woman everywhere all the time 100%" = misogyny 

continue to intentionally be obtuse, it will definitely help with the misogyny accusations

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26 minutes ago, Apologize_to_madison said:

Do we think what Madison went through with LTT is exaclty what Emily is now going through behind the scenes? It's clearly not a supportive work environment it's as toxic and fast pace as possible

Bruh this has become a witch hunt real fast. Those are a lot of conclusions you are jumping to my dude. 

Don’t you think that if the workplace was really that toxic for everybody, LMG would’ve seen a much higher turnover rate than they actually do? Linus and the team have always prided themselves on having an exceptionally low turnover rate. 

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Mod inaction can only be seen as support at this point.

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1 minute ago, Taf the Ghost said:

I find the constant Union Posting on the forums/around LMG/LTT both funny and annoying. Unions are first, foremost and always political organizations. They only operate well if they're small, tightly run and have very limited scope. Otherwise they're corrupt, massive failures. There's a reason private unions are almost completely dead in the USA. (Unions fail some of the most basic Political Theory reasons around pure democratic systems. It isn't rocket science why they rarely work well.)


But it's also clear that's there's a large enough chunk of people that think Unions are some spiritual blessing and/or a vehicle for their own power.

It's a messaging problem, unions are an incredible force that really can help people.  The SAG-AFTRA strike right now is a great example, the union is truly the way that these people will be able to still have careers and jobs that can even support basic living.  My union has secured an incredible level of compensation and benefits for myself and my co workers, which is fantastic because our schedule absolutely sucks and the method by which we have to use those benefits is extremely difficult to manage(basically we have to schedule all of our vacation time for the next year every november, there is a limit on how many people can take a given day, if you like taking spontaneous long weekends to see an event or something that shit aint happening) but the job has to get done, so they get what they reasonable can for us.  Unions can get amazing things for their members, but what they cannot do is change the job.  If something needs to happen in a given way, all they can do would be make sure compensation happens in a way thats fair to employees.  So say in an example if LTT's viability requires this many videos per week that reach X viewers/levels of monetization the union can only make sure writers get adequate compensation for writing good videos and maybe negotiate a bonus structure that see them get more for better performing ones.  What a union cant do is force LTT to reduce its video production schedule or give writers an extra 2-3 weeks to make a video.  

Unions fight for compensation, benefits, and a rigid structure of interactions between management and labor, they do not magically make a business a fun relaxing place to work where everyone is happy all the time.


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12 minutes ago, digitalscream said:

The funny thing about unions is that people think their first priority is to protect the employees; it should be, but I can't think of a single modern example where that's the case.


In modern times, the union's first priority is to protect itself, and the second priority is protecting the employee. It's awfully like HR in that respect - first priority is the company, second is the employee. Think about it: if an employee is injured on the job, HR will first look at company liability and then see what they can do for the employee in that context. Same for unions.

Police unions will defend their members tooth and nail, often to their own detriment with regard to public image. 

See the most recent case of a K9 handler sending his dog onto an unarmed, surrendering man while other Troopers told him not to. He was fired, the union is fighting it. 

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11 minutes ago, digitalscream said:

The funny thing about unions is that people think their first priority is to protect the employees; it should be, but I can't think of a single modern example where that's the case.


In modern times, the union's first priority is to protect itself, and the second priority is protecting the employee. It's awfully like HR in that respect - first priority is the company, second is the employee. Think about it: if an employee is injured on the job, HR will first look at company liability and then see what they can do for the employee in that context. Same for unions.

God, it's always crushingly depressing to see how effective propaganda is on north Americans, and how easily convinced they are to act against their own interests 

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6 minutes ago, digitalscream said:

The funny thing about unions is that people think their first priority is to protect the employees; it should be, but I can't think of a single modern example where that's the case.


In modern times, the union's first priority is to protect itself, and the second priority is protecting the employee. It's awfully like HR in that respect - first priority is the company, second is the employee. Think about it: if an employee is injured on the job, HR will first look at company liability and then see what they can do for the employee in that context. Same for unions.

Unions have never, in their history, been about the Workers as their first priority. They're political organizations to gain power via control of a large group of people. There's a lot of gaslighting about the early unionization and how "horrible" the response from the companies was. This ignores that Unions started as somewhere between a Mafia and a Gang. Which is why Unionization didn't rise, at least in the States, until strong legal structures were put in place and the union organizers learned to actually put the interests of those they claim to represent high on their priority list.


American private sector unionization only really lasted about 30 years. Late 40s to late 70s. Because, since they had a lot of money in those pension accounts, it attracted a whole lot of corruption. Because, again, they're political organizations first.  (And badly structured ones, at that.)


There are unions and even countries, where it works. Because Collective Payment Structures are actually a solid thing for large scale companies.  (You can look at Japan and Germany, then compare it to everywhere else.) Other ones that work are around Professional Sport Leagues, because it's actually 2 very small organizations negotiating together.  (Though anyone that knows US Pro Sports knows there's way, way too much backscratching between the Unions and Leagues.)

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1 minute ago, DakotaCx said:

Police unions will defend their employees tooth and nail, often to their own detriment with regard to public image. 

Sadly true. Modern unions are political entities and no longer the worker representation they once were.

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2 minutes ago, dwrecks said:

God, it's always crushingly depressing to see how effective propaganda is on north Americans, and how easily convinced they are to act against their own interests 

Unions are very much political organizations in the US. At times, especially in recent years, unions have supported politicians that have anti-union views (even views opposite to what the union represents altogether) because they align with messaging that members enjoy. It's not all perfect, when it works it works but they are not a cure-all. 

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The only people downplaying the effectiveness of unions are anti-union. 


"Well, unions wouldn't solve world peace or cure aging SO WHATS THE POINT OF THEM?"

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19 minutes ago, bvvfbQsy5DmWyzTwcSLMWCMYYS said:


Yep, this is exactly the type of answer that the empowered HR people gave me 😄 Meanwhile none of the other people found the situation anything but polite from my part to include the person.


Well whatever, after the dust settled I fired her. Go be empowered somwhere else

I'll take "Things that never happened" for $1000, Alex.

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6 minutes ago, dwrecks said:

Mod inaction can only be seen as support at this point.

There are 1.6k posts in this topic alone. There is also a second topic of enormous size, plus the regular forum content. The mod team are volunteers, if you have an issue with content the report button would assist them in getting to things for review. 

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I commented 6 months ago after the decision to end TJM pod that David would be the next one to leave, seeing as he liked all of Madison's tweets, looking like my prediction is going to be right.

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3 minutes ago, Sasha2D said:

The only people downplaying the effectiveness of unions are anti-union. 


"Well, unions wouldn't solve world peace or cure aging SO WHATS THE POINT OF THEM?"

I don't think that's a good take at all. 

I'm very pro-union when it's appropriate. However, I chose not to work at a union organization as that union would do nothing to benefit me. It's really a case-by-case thing. 

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