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On March 19th, Google unveiled Stadia. This, is interesting. 


In lamens terms, this is Netflix for games. By Google. 


"The Future Of Gaming Is Not A Box" -Stadia Website 


They boast that you can game where you want, when you want. Very much the WYSIWYG of gaming. The keynote showed a google employee (I assume) on YouTube, and watches a Assasins Creed trailer for the next iteration of Assasins Creed and while the trailer had just ended and you would normally have to wait for the game to be relased on the console that you want so you can play it. The idea with Stadia is that you will have a clickable link much like a annotation in the ending of the video that says "Play on Stadia" clicking on this will bring you instantly into the game. This isnt just a emulator where you play it but not a fill spec. You play in 4k! with the option even to go to 8k in the future. Crazy? I think so. Now, are you not on a laptop anymore? You can move to a phone, in real time, and without losing quality. 

Then you can move to your tablet, and even to your television on a Chromecast. SAme quality, no loss in fram rate (allegedly) and no lost in progress in the game. Google already does this with the Chome TAbe. You can be on a website on your phone and then you can pick up where you left off at the computer. Google Chrome shows what you had open on your phone and you can just click on it and go. Stadia, does this. 


The team at Google has though of everything. Including the game stramers. With Stadia, while playing a game, you can simultaneously stream your content in the native framerate and quality DIRECTLY to YouTube. That's awesome. 


Now the quality? 

Stadia claims on their website that you can game at a 4K quality with HDR at 60 FPS! No need to get your graphics card updated, and/ore getting a whole new computer. Once again, AWESOME! 


The best part about all of this, is the games all "live " in th cloud so you save your space on your computer, or phone and that's how you can play it on Chromecast since the Chromecast has no memory on it. 


I know that there is a lot of talk here about software, and cloud based gaming but you can say "Hey! I want to use a controller. I like the feeling of pressing the buttons and using the sticks" to which I would reply with. "Use your sticks with protection" 

But in seriousness, Google is releasing something called The Stadia Controller. What exactly is that? 

The controller looks like a hybrid XBOX and Androuid TV controller. White in color cause Google is about that Asthetich. There is a D-Pad and a pair of joysticks. There is also trigger buttons, and a A,B,X and Y button on the right. Much like a XBOX Controller. There is two buttons on this controller. One called "Capture" and the other for the Google Assistant. Just in case you need to know the weather while gaming. Let's say that you have a controller that you love too much to move away from. Stadia, will have support for USB Controllers and Keyboards and Mice.

Lets go back to that Capture Button. This is what you will press to stream to YouTube, No need to fiddle with any web streaming service to show what you are doing. Just press, and go. Theoretically. 


Now the hardware. Is there any? 

Google as we know has server farms all over the world. What this allows them to do is tap into each of these for rendering capabilities. So if you are in Dallas, the server farm nearest you renders more of what you are doing and the people around you are doing as well within Stadia. Same goes for if you are in Los Angeles, or New York. Not just in the USs too! Canada, U.K, Japan. All over. With this farm technolohy that Google alrady has, they partnered with AMD for their graphics processors. This gives each GPU 10.7 Teraflops of graphics power in EACH INSTANCE. 



As mentioned before, Google has partnered with AMD for GPU Technology, but they have also partnered with Unreal Engine and Unity for Stadia, as well as Vulkan because the bulk of Stadia runs in Linux. 


A curious point of interest is that some games that require more power. The user can request more nodes at more farms to render their games fastr and make sure that there is no loss in fPS and quality. 


State Share. 

With State Share, you can take a moment that is "special" or "awesome" and share it to social media for people to see, it populates a link and you can sent to Facebook or whatever Social site you have. 

Google also wants down the line to bring production of Cross Platform Play. Theoretically this will allow STadia users to play against people on XBOX or PS4 or PC. Allowing for a broader playing ecosystem. 


So the final question; 


Is this the end of console gaming? My answer probably not, because there will always be people who prefer console gaming or PC gaming over this "cloud based gaming" that Stadia is creating. However, Stadia brings forth many questions of, does the console you have at home really need the HArd Drive to save the games? Could we just game off the cloud streamed to the console you already have? That's just a question for when it  comes to market. 


You can learn more about Stadia at their website. As well as sign up for more updates. GO HERE TO CHECK IT OUT


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I think they are still at least 5 years too early. need better infrastructure in most places and need the technology to to be further developed.


However, I am looking forward to being surprised.

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