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Everything posted by kaiju_wars

  1. The Wii U should have just been called Wii 2. But Nintendo tried to be cutesy with the name. I didn't have lofty expectations of the console. Nintendo had great games on the system, but they overshadowed it with the 3DS and just.. underdelivered. No one really had too lofty expectations of the console, at least from what I've seen. Nintendo just underdelivered and didn't live up to all promises. As for the Switch. I honestly don't get why people are pissed about no web browser. I get that a lot of consoles have had them. But being realistic here, how many times do people actually use their console browser over a proper PC or laptop, or their smartphone, or an actual tablet. I've never once with my Wii U back in the day gone like, "I need to google that, let me open the Nintendo Wii U Browser TM!" Nah, I just... pulled out my phone or my iPad. Every single one of my consoles, minus my Xbox One S, just because Android TV is utter garbage, I use for just games. I have more convenient ways to stream content from bed, or the couch, or my desk. My Switch plays games and it does that well enough. I can play Xenoblade Chronicles 2 at work no issues, and that's my favorite JRPG of all time. (as an example).
  2. I enjoyed Zombi U, yeah. I thought it was one of the few games on the system that 100% justified the use of the gamepad. I could go on for a hot minute about why I both loved and am just so disappointed in the Wii U, and why it failed.
  3. The Wii U (and Xbox One), and I love the consoles But it was a disappointment for me. So I have quite a few consoles, I like to collect games as a hobby (on top of playing them, yes). The Wii U was the first home console I bought with my own money. My Wii was a chirstmas present back in the day. And in 2013, right before graduating, my buddy gave me his 360 cause he switched over to PS3. So about two months after graduating, the Basic set hadn't even been canceled yet. So I went to Target, I picked up a deluxe set Wii U, Batman Arkham City, ZombiU, and obviously the console came with Nintendo Land. and... until about 2014, Nintendo wasn't doing anything with the console. It was a slow start, and it didn't have too much. 3rd party support seemed like it was going to be super strong at first, but after the first year it tapered off hard. I had to sell my Wii U in college for money, with all the games I owned. The Xbox One. I was working at a now defunct retail chain and they put the wrong sales sign on the Xbox Ones. I had warned them of this but they didn't believe me. So I took advantage of it and got an Xbox One for the same price as a PS4 release year. I liked it more than my Wii U at first, I was liking it. I was still on the high of that 360. I saw the teaser that a new Halo was coming. While I hadn't owned a 360 for long, I played it a lot with friends with games like Halo and CoD and Gears and shit. So now I have an Xbox One. I got a few of the games with gold titles, I tried Destiny, and Sunset Overdrive is a truly underrated game of the 8th gen, but then.. nothing. For quite a bit. The 8th gen just had a super slow start. So I got bored and even disappointed with my Xbox One. I kept it, but I also had to sell it in college for money. Now fast forward to today. I bought another Wii U and Xbox One S. I love both of them, and they both get a decent amount of playtime from me. I have a few of the heavy hitter third party games, and all of the games Nintendo published in North America. My Xbox One collection is slowly growing, and getting back to what it used to be. The Wii U especially, holds a special place in my heart. As the two consoles lifetime went on, I did have more fun with them, and now looking at the end with both consoles, they had good games on them. It just took so long and I was just like, "this, kinda sucks.." at the beginning.
  4. Unpopular opinion of mine. I've been playing through the Kingdom Hearts series for the first time ever. I have the Story so Far collection on PS4, and 3 on Xbox One. I'm playing through the games as they're listed in the collection. I'm on Birth By Sleep right now. Kingdom Hearts 1, story and characters and design gives it a solid 7 out of 10. A lot of long time fans disagree with me on this. They think it should be higher. A lot of elements of the game haven't aged well though. The final boss overstayed it's welcome also. Kingdom Hearts 2, this one was great. I loved it. Blocking, or guard as it's called in the game, is basically useless though unless you can read the future of what the enemy will do. As my friend put it, who's been playing the series for years, the blocking can be thought of as almost rhythm based. Except you have to initiate guard *before* the enemy starts it's attack. That's my only gripe. So far with Birth By Sleep, it's fun. Some things are a little wacky like how interacting with objects is moved from triangle to x. And the new command menu and command deck takes a minute to get used to. Guarding is actually usable in this game though. From what I've been told by a lot of friends who've been encouraging me to go through the series, these are seen as unpopular opinions.
  5. I think a lot of people do that. I sometimes throw on music or a podcast while I shower.
  6. my grandfather died Sunday morning around 3 AM.


    1.   Show previous replies  1 more
    2. WhitetailAni



      My great-grandpa died 2 years ago. He was 89.

      We were planning to go visit him and my great-grandma the week after his death.


      @Schnoz your thoughts?

    3. Red :)

      Red :)


























  7. facetimed my grandad at the hospital today.  He's in hospice.  The doctor doesn't think he'll make it through the night.  


    Today might very well be the last day I ever get to talk to him.

    1. sub68


      I I feel bad for you, have a ok time I guess...

      two is it covid?


    2. RoseLuck462


      Sorry to hear this dude! Glad you were able to speak to him one last time though.

  8. kaiju_wars

    Second attempt for my second vita. This one tur…

    No, because then it will bother me if it's not alphabetized and it's my collection.
  9. image0.jpgimage1.jpgimage2.jpgimage0.jpg


    Second attempt for my second vita.  This one turned out better.  I gotta print a stand for my fat vita, and I'm going to try a few more different things before I decide to print Kat.

    1. WaggishOhio383


      Okay I know you wanna have the games alphabetized and all, but please, for the sake of my sanity, PUT THE GIANT BOX ON THE FAR LEFT. The OCD is killing me.

    2. kaiju_wars


      9 minutes ago, WaggishOhio383 said:

      Okay I know you wanna have the games alphabetized and all, but please, for the sake of my sanity, PUT THE GIANT BOX ON THE FAR LEFT. The OCD is killing me.

      No, because then it will bother me if it's not alphabetized and it's my collection.

  10. kaiju_wars

    Got a 3D printer, it's just a test print, I lef…

    It's the raft that broke, I was just doing it as a test print.
  11. image0.jpg






    Got a 3D printer, it's just a test print, I left the rafts on.  I really didn't even need them so I'll probably remove them on the next Vita stand I print.  But I'm liking it so far.

    1. SpikeSpiegel


      1 minute ago, kaiju_wars said:







      Got a 3D printer, it's just a test print, I left the rafts on.  I really didn't even need them so I'll probably remove them on the next Vita stand I print.  But I'm liking it so far.

      Needs a SONY Logo on them.  And it looks like one of them is broken at the base of it.

    2. kaiju_wars


      9 minutes ago, CalintzJerevinan said:

      Needs a SONY Logo on them.  And it looks like one of them is broken at the base of it.

      It's the raft that broke, I was just doing it as a test print.



    3. RoseLuck462
  12. I original had an N64 tbf, my first game was Super Mario 64. That wasn't my point, but sure. I have.. That's a generalization I wasn't trying to make, I like a lot of American games. Halo matches Star Wars in lore imo... it's just Sony had more experimental games besides their big blockbuster AAA titles. I mean, the Switch and PS4 both sold/selling like hotcakes so like?? They keep it here cause things sell here.
  13. This is from anecdotal experience tbf, but here it goes, I'm also using these unpopular opinions to vent some. Most people who buy Playstation don't care about Sony published games. Most of my friends might play Ghost of Tsushima or God of War cause I gush about them a lot, but most don't care to play a lot of Sony's titles or outright skip them. It's just the platform they grew up with and they stick with it. As a result, while Sony's exclusives sell well, their outlook is skewed to think their audience only cares about western titles and third-person, over the shoulder games. Sony has (had), a diverse and unique set of IPs that could rival Nintendo. Jim Ryan came in and decided to hyper focus on the the western market, and close down Japan Studio. The only IP they have so far confirmed to have save is Astro Bot. Sony now has a lot of third person, over the shoulder games. And that's fine. God of War is my second favorite Sony title ever. I loved God of War on PS4. That first boss fight (and you know which one I'm talking about it if you played it), is one of my favorite moments from the 8th gen. I loved Ghost of Tsushima, even if you want to be as basic as possible and go, "it's just Sony making an Assassins Creed." That's fine. You don't always need to reinvent the wheel with your games, some games just need to be a lot of fun. But Japan Studio, imo, was always that "experimental, try new things." side of Sony that rivaled Nintendo on that front. Loco Roco on the PSP, fun little platformer that uses physics and the shoulder button for platforming, and it works surprisingly well and is a lot of fun. I recommend trying it before the PSP store closes. Gravity Rush on the PS Vita. It's rough compared to 2, but it's a proof of concept and does a lot for 3D platformers, it adds a new plane to play on. Gravity Rush 2 also, on the PS4, it perfected what Gravity Rush on the Vita did. The Hot Shot's Golf series. It's golf sure, but it has that Nintendo, "it's just fun," charm to it, while not being Nintendo. Hot Shot's Golf on vita even allows you to play as other Sony characters, including Kat from Gravity Rush. Maybe I'm biased cause Gravity Rush 2 is my favorite PS4 game, but I'll use Gravity Rush as an example. (And this goes into a 2nd unpopular opinion in this). Yes Gravity Rush 1 and 2 are listed as action adventure games, and they are. But they're also platformers, and until now, Sony couldn't make an actual good feeling platformer, or great one IMO (For the most part). Sly Cooper was fun yes, but the rest from Sony always didn't feel... tight enough... to me. Nothing got the tightness, controls, and polish that Nintendo has with platformers, hell even Microsoft nowadays has. Then along came Gravity Rush, and Sony finally did it, they made a good platformer. Now before people come in here and tell me how I dare I shit on Sony for this, or dislike Jim Ryan, or I have no idea what I'm talking about. I grew up with both Playstation and Nintendo. I had a PS2, a PSP, a PS3. I later got a PS4 and PS Vita. My PS3 collection is one of my largest collections. I have always liked Sony's games. It just sucks cause moving forward we aren't going to get all the cool Sony games we used to get. It feels that way even more now with Jim Ryan in charge, him hating anything older than 2017, hating Japan Studio, hating the PS3, PSP, and Vita (and even closing their stores all this year). Hell he's so shitty that Sony didn't even give devs forewarning. There's still people making games for the Vita, and some have gone on Twitter and announced they never got a warning from Sony about this. Hell one dev even said they got a dev kit for the Vita from Sony just a month ago. I just feel like Jim Ryan is taking Sony in a not good direction.
  14. I typically don't 100% games, I just usually don't have the time for it. But I do have some. Between PC, Switch, and Vita, I have 100% Va-11 Hall-A, I do plan to 100% it on a single system, either Switch or PC. I beat the story mode of Pokemon Sword. That's huge for me because I'm not a fan of turn-based RPGs, so being able to beat one is a huge achievement for me. Played through Kingdom Hearts for the first time recently, I beat Riku my first try, also beat the game severely under-leveled. I beat Code Vein! I tried playing souls like games in high school, and I wasn't huge into it, granted it was Lords of the Fallen. But I loved Code Vein and it makes me want to check out more Souls-like games. Played my entire NG+ and DLC of The Witcher 3 exclusively on the Switch. You know what, I didn't miss my PC the entire time, I still had fun. (Though I am biased because The Witcher 3 is easily in my top 5 favorite games of all time.) I was not sure of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 at all, cause I didn't care for XCX on Wii U. My vacation started when the lockdowns started, so instead I bought a used copy of XC2 at my LGS on a whim and spent the vacation playing through that since traveling was restricted, it's now my favorite JRPG of all time. Some stuff that I feel are achievements, but don't include 100% a game, but more on the collecting side of it: I have a physical copy of Gravity Rush on Vita and PS4, and Gravity Rush 2. I won a phat Vita on auction for $80, I won a black and pink slim Vita for $85. I have an actual physical copy of Clay Fighters Sculptor's Cut on N64 I have the Va-11 Hall-A Collector's Edition from Limited Run on Switch I found a CIB copy of Game & Wario on Wii U at my LGS for $35.
  15. Nintendo NES SNES silver GameBoy Pocket Virtual Boy black N64 2 indigo GBAs silver AGS-001 GBA SP 2 white Wiis (with GC backwards compat) 2 silver DSes 1 blue DS white DS Lite pink DSi Super Mario Bros 25th DSi XL basic set Wii U black and blue 2DS white and orange New 2DS XL black super mario New 3DS launch Switch Animal Crossing Switch Super Mario 35th Game & Watch Sony phat black PS2 black PSP 2000 500GB PS3 Super Slim phat Vita Orange slim Vita Black and Pink slim Vita glacier white PS4 Microsoft Xbox 360 E Minecraft edition Xbox One S Sega Game Gear Clone Consoles Retron 5 Super Retro Trio As you can tell, I have a preference for Nintendo.
  16. Thank you, I'm very slow with it because I'm not the biggest fan of turn based RPGs. Literally the only one I've beaten is Pokemon Sword. The second farthest I've gotten in a turn based RPG is Persona 5.
  17. I have, I haven't beaten it yet, but I do own it.
  18. Picked up some games yesterday. I asked the cashier if I could buy a couple extra Xbox One and PS4 cases, since a couple games I bought came broken. (Code Vein won't stay closed, I bought it new and the tabs were broken, and the spindle on Yakuza Kiwami is broken). She gave me the spare cases for free.
  19. My Switch is my main gaming system nowadays. I play half at home and half portably at work. The Switch's built in screen is 720p.. so yeah, I'd say it's still alive considering how many Switches are out there.
  20. Yep, I hear that a lot. I'm like, "mom, religion doesn't need help doing that, it does it on it's own." Also I absolutely get irritated as hell at people who believe there's some conspiracy to "force kids to be trans." They refuse to acknowledge what a puberty blocker is or how it works, or they're disingenuous as fuck about it. No one is giving kids or forcing them to take HRT. Puberty blockers are literally there as a reversible stop gap, because gender is fluid and while you feel trans today, you might not tomorrow. I had to have that discussion with a friend of mine. Same friend deals with veiled bigotry from his job for being gay. Like no dude, don't channel that to others. Sorry I'm venting.
  21. If every meal is ramen (and I've been there), then skip the gaming PC. Work on getting funds together first. If you absolutely need to game right now. The best price to performance you're going to get is a used Xbox One/Switch/PS4. Especially the Xbox One with something like gamepass (assuming you can handle a monthly subscription service). With current pricing on the market, that's about all you're going to get on a super low budget that offers a decent gaming experience.
  22. kaiju_wars

    The last two DS games I need box art for, and I…

    can't use PAL box art. PAL cases are different dimensions than North American cases.
  23. image0.jpg


    The last two DS games I need box art for, and I cannot find box art for them.  I have a bunch of spare DS, 3DS, and Vita cases now.  I have a bunch of PSP cases coming in tomorrow.  

    1. WhitetailAni


      Golden Eye:


      BJCP - GoldenEye 007


    2. kaiju_wars


      5 minutes ago, FakeKGB said:

      Golden Eye:

        Hide contents

      BJCP - GoldenEye 007


      can't use PAL box art.  PAL cases are different dimensions than North American cases.

  24. I got the vaccine today. I’m all done, the J&J vaccine is only one shot. Glad to get it out of the way.
  25. I'm finally getting the vaccine on Monday. It's the J&J vaccine, but I'm finally getting it.