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Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
  • Interests
    staying sane
  • Biography
    I am a person (or maybe a robot) that exists and does things
  • Occupation
    srsly, wish I had a job :/
  • Member title
    sudo su -


  • Display(s)
    2880x1800 laptop built-in display + ancient dell and compaq monitors that neighbors donated)
  • Keyboard
    Razer Orbweaver w/Cherry MX browns, Ducky Shine mini, laptop keyboard, Geyes fold-out keyboard, old Apple keyboard, dell full keyboard...
  • Mouse
    Razer Naga Epic (old model) / Logitech M150 (I think...)
  • Sound
    ATH M50x
  • Operating System
    OSX Mavricks, Ubuntu 15 + 14, Win 10 tech preview / Freenas / Fedora server / arch linux
  • PCPartPicker URL

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  1. Why did you click on this profile?

    1. Oberon.Smite


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

  2. education because it generates skill and revenue rather than consuming it
  3. Linux M8 get Arch running with GNOM3 and life is good I'd start with python then again I HATE java for... reasons seriously java need to stop being a thing
  4. thought you used to have a GTX 970 / Phenom build... What happened to those?

    1. Aniallation


      I got this rig for free and once I considered how rarely I find myself playing games anymore it was more worth it to sell the nicer build.

  5. re install windows? sounds like she tried to install it but somehow it got corrupted
  6. okay.... this is old news TBH thanks for sharing though; status material maybe? eh... I'm not a mod...
  7. indeed, although an unknown algorithm could theatrically pose a greater barrier to cracking than a well-know open-source standard
  8. Gonna be reviving my X8DAH+-F with two E5620's in a SuperMicro 2u case and getting some hopefully non defective X5670's soon... Hype

  9. link to the "godly is a good mod" quote?
  10. things are always more secure when you can see the full source code