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About MeDownYou

  • Birthday Apr 29, 1994

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    Living @ LTT
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    Care for a Cup O' Tea?

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  1. Pretty intensively searched at this point, can only find a couple Icon v5 mini's and 3urning's reactor /g which would cost me at probably 80+ just to ship it, and it's 492 usd to start with.
  2. Generational time has increased too to offset as a counter point.
  3. Are those still for sale? or second hand only?
  4. yep, was using a launch 1600 with segfault issues, swapped to a 5600x last year huge upgrade compared to gpu upgrade I'd like to upgrade cpu again once either 14 gen or 8000 series comes out with a better memory controller.
  5. In general 105-110ppi is the sweet spot. Hence why 27" 1440p's are popular and 34" ultrawide 1440's. That's also why most manufacturers pushed 21" 1080p displays they're in that range. Some additional considerations for monitors - matte/glossy screen - Refresh rate (going from 60hz to 90 hz is 100% noticable after that studies show, that most people just can't tell the difference.) - Panel quality - antiglare material - construction quality
  6. Honestly, the performance is in line with what should be expected. The issue is simply the price pascal was 600 for a 1080 on launch (which was instantly 550 aib on launch), Today the msrp for a 4080 is 1199. That's literally double. I understand things do creep up a bit over time but 7 years for a 100% increase is quite steep. Realistically 650/700 should be the price. The 4090 should have been 999, and the Titan should have been 1500. Maybe we'll see prices come down to earth next gen, but I'm not buying until I feel like i'm getting decent value for a top tier gpu. At the prices I listed I would have bought a 4090, However I'm sticking with a pascal card until this sorts itself out.
  7. You'd have to pay attention to mounting holes, capacitor clearance, and shim height. If it all checks out then yes, but for your specific cards the 3080 has 66.25x 58 mounting, and your 6950xt has 54x54 mounting, so it won't line up at all.
  8. I know people have done this before, however I'm wondering which gpu pots I should be looking at if this is my primary plan of attack. Less restriction and more thermal mass is probably the route to take, but looking for some recommendations. Mainly looking for older gpus.
  9. Curious pineapple had a good answer to this question above, test it in diode mode and if it shows 1volt and drops to 0 in a few seconds you should be good to go
  10. Mainly concerned about area right around the socket
  11. I've heard some people have had thermal shock with LET that separates it from the board during pulldown. Has anyone had this problem, or use another product to minimize risk of this?
  12. My monitor has picture in picture that you can set up like that; its in the menu settings but you need to connect 3 physical cables from 3 different sources. The other thing is if you're just looking for sections on a single pc you can use zones with powertoys. Those are the only two things I've found personally.
  13. Can you take a picture? My bet is PSU or Mainboard issue; that being said there could be a thermal problem area otherwise too.
  14. That's not entirely true, You have XMP active. Check your dimms in bios and manually set them to the voltage on the sticks see if that helps
  15. Are you Overclocked? I usually get that when I push my core freq too high or ram timings too tight.