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I've been attempting to make my computer wake up from sleep or hibernation, so that it can successfully run an alarm in the morning.

I've heard about the 'magical wake up on LAN' packets that I can send, but my system unfortunately does not support it.

I am running Windows 10 too! :)

Is there another way to get it to turn on??



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Most desktop motherboards support wake-on-lan, but it's a capricious technology, you probably just need to enable it in the bios (Wake on PCIE device) or a driver update (Realtek for example had Windows 10 WoL problems with older drivers). Or, you're not sending the packet correctly, you need to sent it from a device in your internal network, not from the internet.


But, it's definitely not reliable enough to use as an alarm clock. Use an old phone in airplane mode.

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