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Microsoft reveals new desktop wallpaper for all devices for Windows Insiders - Ninjacat on a T-Rex and more...


I see so many people complaining: "How could MS do this?", "It's sutpid" etc, and honestly I think that's why it's so great. Did you except this? I bet you didn't, and that's the whole point. Every company should from time to time just lay back, say f*** it and do something for laughs.

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A free wallpaper, made in honour of Windows 10 testers, with some good humour and an incredibly clean drawing style, made by a small design team of Microsoft for fun? WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT


^If you ever thought the above, please go to sleep, it's past your bedtime.

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If I said I were 14, you would call me a kid. If I say 70, you’ll entitle me too old. If I say 20 you say I’m inexperienced and if I say 40 than I'm too boring.

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TLDR; These are the only pictures i would expect from MS not silly wallpapers but ok i get it, they were just for fun and im a hater.


1. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFddBK9WgAAujDz.png:large

2. http://orig08.deviantart.net/a663/f/2014/358/c/3/windows_10_ui_concept_by_solmiler-d8b2ttz.jpg

3. http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2015/053/4/6/windows_10___ribbon_by_metroversal-d8j5ifk.png

4. http://pre13.deviantart.net/6713/th/pre/f/2014/129/c/4/c4afaf1d86b2202bc3acff390bfd1e27-d4trire.png

5. This simple thing be too hard to achieve damn it http://www.neowin.net/forum/uploads/monthly_01_2015/post-530379-0-41404900-1421535968.png


Especially the 4th pic, the huge back/forward arrows maybe too big but they have a point, should i mention how annoying are the little arrows in W8/10 for back/forward?people know what we need, MS doesnt and it doesnt care either.Ok ok most mouse's have back and forth buttons on them, dang we cant improve anything we must invent more buttons outside windows sigh.


The GUI is not just for looks im talking about the usability parts of it too, they arent improving those either at least.


There are so many concepts out there that just leave me drooling but ok we cant have it, at least as i said before they should leave a part of windows that controls UI open to modding(even games have more modding than windows) and let people work their magic, im sure there would be some amazing packs to install and make your windows pretty but whatever.Maybe use some scripts for themes like XML or json etc, could be a security risk but they arent even trying anything.Linux is fully modable and it doesnt have security risks plus it should be users concern installing such things over the default, not MS.


Its not just UI altough its not that hard to make a proper one they just dont give a shit anymore.

Look they done a couple things right, the lower windows install size gg for that, and the fact they copied mantle in DX12 pretty well instead of inventing it themselves ok, the free windows 10 for upgrade, windows hello, maybe cortana ? ill give them that, but the overall experience is very poor and lacking.


Windows has become a bloated OS, i guess you know it takes some knowledge and effort to keep windows clean and optimal, what did they do to improve that?nothing i know of,altough many insiders suggested to have better cleaning capabilities, especially that winsxs folder.My relatives always call me to fix their shit (win7 and win8.1) they always have ram issues, windows getting huge over time, running like shit, folders filled with temporary shit that never gets auto deleted etc.Not everyone is a tech wizard, i can deal with anything for myself, performance issues,shit icons, bad UI, registry hacks and trash cleaners, but others cant so easily, if it even pisses me off i can imagine how much it annoys less tech litterate people.


They just did the same shit as in win8 but slightly better this time,the fact that there is more than one way to access settings is bad, the new modern settings panel apart from the fact that it looks bland and alpha version it doesnt contain all options you are still stuck moving between old and new, its very annoying and makes a terrible experience.

Why is it so hard to design and move everything in 1 place to improve usability and user friendliness? device managers/services/all control panels in 1 place easy to access.


I still miss Win7 gadgets they were such a great concept that they didnt evolve any further they just removed it.Live tiles are meh and wont cut it, at least they tried i guess?

They have no sense of consistency and improving upon features, each version they remove/add stuff that never works properly, without listening for user feedback and constantly improve those features eventually they get removed.


I hope for a future moddable/open source windows, microsoft just doesnt know shit, they just have loads of cash and the desktop OS monopoly, nothing else.


When i see they buy stuff like minecraft for $2Bil(wtf) and they cant throw a couple milions at a special team of programers/designers to make the win 10 environment more usable and modern sigh, i cringe.

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