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Has Linus done a Water Cooler install?

Hi, I got my PC in June 2013, It's an i5 4670k, Z87-HD3 with stock cooler at the moment. It lives under my desk and the cooler has got quite dusty. So much in fact that the temps used to be idle: 30-40 load 50-60 which I was happy with, now these temps are regularly in the mid-late 70s and today at 100% load in the 80s, so I decided instead of trying to clean the intel fan, I would buy a new cooler, as it will cool my CPU very well and may provide room for overclocking in the future. As I am 16 and didn't put my PC together, apart from my GPU, I am a bit anxious on installing the cooler as I wouldn't want to damage the CPU or motherboard. So I was going to get the Hyper 212 Evo, but I decided that with my GPU (GTX 760) which goes to 70s and 80s and the fact that I only have 1 exhaust fan and 1 intake, the temp under the desk gets quite hot and the new air cooler would only blow the hot air on the CPU. So I would like to get a water cooler, I am on a bit of a budget so am considering the http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00FFCB0BG/ref=s9_simh_gw_p147_d0_i2?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=09MF2K72WS1HZFDTTKSX&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=455344027&pf_rd_i=468294

Because it has quite good reviews and will hopefully lower my CPU to 50-60 on load. I would like to see a video of how to install a cooler like this, showing the screws, the backplate and such. If you guys think this cooler won't be good enough I may stretch to a corsair cooler H60 or H80i. Also how to remove the thermal paste currently on the CPU properly and apply the new paste (I think water cooling has it pre-applied?)

Thanks, If there's anything else you need to know, please ask.
Also I am considering keeping my PC Above the desk if the ventilation will be better, because it warms up the whole room when my reference GTX 760 is gaming.
Also I don't care about noise, If I could control my fans to go very fast when the temp gets to say 65, I'd be happy with it.

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Yes, Linus has. It's a H90, but it should be similar.

To remove thermal paste, use isopropyl alcohol on a microfiber cloth or paper towel. The higher percentage, the easier it will come off. I've used 70% isopropyl Alcohol and it worked fine.

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This is quite a tricky situation you are in, you can do other things that will probably be better for your situation.


Most important thing is the dust problem, if it's really an issue i would get a new case with dust filters. Just clean them once every couple of months, or more if needed, depends on your situation of course. So it keeps everything clean(er).


You have a K-cpu, if you want to overclock, the seidon won't be enough at all, if you want to overclock properly, get a H100 or something like that (double 120mm rad) Or a high-end air cooler.

If you don't want to overclock, just get a new case to keep everything clean, the stock cooler will be just fine then. And if you don't do something about the dust problem, the seidon will get eventually also full of dust and will start to perform badly.


The gpu is btw not that hot, as long as it stays under 90°C it's all fine.

If you want my attention, quote meh! D: or just stick an @samcool55 in your post :3

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Bought the seidon 120V because the reviews look quite good. Probably will not overclock, As cooler may not be powerful enough and I plan on using the cooler master paste. Should be coming soon, Mods/People should I close this thread or update you when I install? Also the fan replaces my current exhaust fan, should I mount this fan somewhere else for better cooling performance? If so where?



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