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Madison reveals experiences working at LMG

Message added by SansVarnic,

*03NOV2023: Topic is now locked for the time until the investigation results are released, will not be re-open prior.*



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7 hours ago, Master Link said:

Yes, actually it can, and has.  In many more ways than one, directly or indirectly.

I'm intentionally not being direct with you as you stated you're a kid, and I want you to understand that this kind of crime........sigh.........it kills you inside, and sometimes that causes people to kill themselves, and sometimes the crimes are quite violent, and can cause a heart attack, or worse.  I really don't want to explain that further as I don't know how old you are, and you mentioned Middle School earlier.  These are the subjects I'd more advise you to talk to your parents about.  More so to protect yourself as well from creeps in the real world (and the net).

yes i know, my far away friend commited suicide

Did I help you?? Then please mark my answer as the solution!

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ahh, i missed the hundred page mark shouldnt have gone to sleep yesterday

Did I help you?? Then please mark my answer as the solution!

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Not sure if this has been posted or not but here is LMG’s response to Philip DeFranco regarding what is happening. It sounds like they are actively investigating and working to get to bottom of things. I say give them the benefit of the doubt before lynching them. Let it play out and see what happens. But that’s just me. 


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6 minutes ago, DakotaCx said:

In my experience, staples are only ever used for head lacs. Deep lacerations require internal sutures (called "gut") which dissolve, with external sutures that are heavier in tensile strength to hold the wound together. 

You are 100% correct. I know it, since I've experienced a deep cut on my upper right thigh. And this is not only with some cases, it's general practice. Just to be sure, I double checked that with my father, who has been a surgeon for over 40 years. No such thing as staples, for a deep cut, that requires immediate emergency attention.

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4 minutes ago, HesCalledTheStig said:


I've read their statement a few times about the Madison stuff and now in this answer...I wonder if they contacted Madison to ask her "hey, we're doing a full investigation into what happened, would you be ok if we publish the findings publicly?"





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18 minutes ago, DakotaCx said:

In my experience, staples are only ever used for head lacs. Deep lacerations require internal sutures (called "gut") which dissolve, with external sutures that are heavier in tensile strength to hold the wound together. 

Thinking back, you’re (obviously) correct. Every staple incident I can recall was for a head injury.

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Linus is no longer the loveable tech nerd that did unboxing videos for NCIX. That kid is long gone. He is a cautionary tale about how success can warp your perception and ego. LMG has great production values, but they don't produce great relatable tech content anymore. They also spend most of the WAN show talking about the internals of LMG. They so obsessively talk about their own company and brand; you knew it had to be a toxic environment. I appreciate how channels like Jays Two Cents and Gamers Nexus have scaled over the years. They feel more home grown and authentic to me. That is the spirit of YouTube in my mind, smaller creators getting a voice instead of mega media companies dominating. I was a Linus fan years ago, but honestly, if he went away entirely, I'd be fine with that. LMG seems like a frat boy culture, and the idea that sexual harassment occurred there doesn't surprise me in the least. Inaccurate charts and bad corporate fiscal ethics are one thing, a workplace culture that allows women to be treated the way Madison is describing is inexcusable.

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4 minutes ago, TakeTheL said:

Thinking back, you’re (obviously) correct. Every staple incident I can recall was for a head injury.

Staples are an acceptable alternative for linear lacerations through the dermis that have straight, sharp edges and are located on the scalp, trunk, arms, and legs

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8 minutes ago, Arika said:

I've read their statement a few times about the Madison stuff and now in this answer...I wonder if they contacted Madison to ask her "hey, we're doing a full investigation into what happened, would you be ok if we publish the findings publicly?"

I think whether they should ask her depends on what the findings are.


It is entirely too early for anyone at LMG to be contacting her from both a legal, and a moral standpoint.  They should let the 3rd party they hire deal with all of that, and not touch anything until that is going on.


ofc their 3rd party HR will probably do some work, but they would be smart to wait on the investigation people they hire.

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9 minutes ago, Arika said:

I've read their statement a few times about the Madison stuff and now in this answer...I wonder if they contacted Madison to ask her "hey, we're doing a full investigation into what happened, would you be ok if we publish the findings publicly?"

Do they need too?  She posted her allegations publicly. Not discrediting her but, why would they ask her permission to investigate her claims?

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12 hours ago, castlev said:

Ok, so she didn't cut herself after attempting to call out sick. She just assumed they would say no and proceeded to grab the knife. Yea, total rational thinking by a stable individual.

You might be surprised by this, but most people think that unstable individuals still retain their human rights and dignity. Weird concept, I know. Maybe your therapist can explain it to you. 

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Just now, HesCalledTheStig said:

Do they need too?  She posted her allegations publicly. Not discrediting her but, why would they ask her permission to investigate her claims?

Even if they did, its not like she would say no.

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Just now, Booch121 said:

Staples are an acceptable alternative for linear lacerations through the dermis that have straight, sharp edges and are located on the scalp, trunk, arms, and legs

Thanks for the additional info.


I’m still in WTF mode when thinking of someone stabbing themselves so that they can get time off from work. 

If the last 7-8 years have shown me anything, it is that we truly are living in Clown World.

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2 minutes ago, Booch121 said:

Even if they did, its not like she would say no.

I can’t assume what she would say either way. I just don’t see the need for her permission to investigate HER claims. That’s all. 

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12 hours ago, castlev said:

Ok, so she didn't cut herself after attempting to call out sick. She just assumed they would say no and proceeded to grab the knife. Yea, total rational thinking by a stable individual.


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Just now, HesCalledTheStig said:

Do they need too?  She posted her allegations publicly. Not discrediting her but, why would they ask her permission to investigate her claims?

im not saying they need to ask her permission to investigate, but she might not want the full details written on the internet. generally victims don't want the worst parts of their lives open for everyone to see the nitty gritty details otherwise she would have given names of the people that were the problem and given more concrete details. she's already scared of the community.


4 minutes ago, RatKnight said:

It is entirely too early for anyone at LMG to be contacting her from both a legal, and a moral standpoint.  They should let the 3rd party they hire deal with all of that, and not touch anything until that is going on.

sure hope they did that before saying they are going to be publishing the findings





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1 minute ago, TakeTheL said:

Thanks for the additional info.


I’m still in WTF mode when thinking of someone stabbing themselves so that they can get time off from work. 

If the last 7-8 years have shown me anything, it is that we truly are living in Clown World.

people self harm everyday without rational reason. Those not in good mental spaces (from being in an extremely toxic work environment, and still getting over the loss of someone extremely close to them) end up doing un-rational things.

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for those wondering why madison waited a long time before coming out with all this.....

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9 minutes ago, Arika said:

im not saying they need to ask her permission to investigate, but she might not want the full details written on the internet. generally victims don't want the worst parts of their lives open for everyone to see the nitty gritty details otherwise she would have given names of the people that were the problem and given more concrete details. she's already scared of the community.


sure hope they did that before saying they are going to be publishing the findings

You can publish the findings, leave out the persons name, or any details about what actually happened.  While we would all, obviously know who it was, you can still publish like "we did this wrong, and this is what we will do to fix it"

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1 hour ago, digitalscream said:

If anyone did get fired, it wouldn't be for using a phrase - that's only opening the door to investigate further to see if they're one of the ones Madison's talking about.

Indeed. As an autistic guy, I've had this happen a number of times earlier in my career. When I brought it up because it made me deeply uncomfortable (unexpected  and inappropriate physical contact kinda feels like an electric shock to me) as I understood you're supposed to, I was always told "Well, you should just appreciate the affection and be flattered".


My conclusion was that the boys' club mentality goes both ways, and both suck.

You're not alone.


I was hard R'd by a young woman and was laughed out of the police station, saying I must have wanted it/liked it.


Also been inappropriately touched by older women on busses etc, nothing ever gets done because it's either 'harmless' or 'you must like the attention'.


Regardless of sex or gender, sexual harassment is a plague and those who diminish and downplay it are also responsible for reinforcing the behaviour.

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39 minutes ago, HesCalledTheStig said:

Not sure if this has been posted or not but here is LMG’s response to Philip DeFranco regarding what is happening. It sounds like they are actively investigating and working to get to bottom of things. I say give them the benefit of the doubt before lynching them. Let it play out and see what happens. But that’s just me. 


Combing their personal files to corroborate the allegations, when Madison states that company policy was to just talk it over as friends.


Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, etc.


Be interesting to see what comes of this. If it's downplayed in any way or any kind of character assassination of the alleged victim occurs, I'll never watch LMG content ever again.

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6 minutes ago, GitGudDandy said:

Combing their personal files to corroborate the allegations, when Madison states that company policy was to just talk it over as friends.


Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, etc.


Be interesting to see what comes of this. If it's downplayed in any way or any kind of character assassination of the alleged victim occurs, I'll never watch LMG content ever again.

So, the 3rd party company will likely interview people as well, however I mentioned this somewhere else.


No matter what, this is a lose/lose for LMG.  If there is an investigation, and something is found, everyone will be "I KNEW IT" and they will get shit on.  If They find nothing, "LMG IS COVERING IT UP!!!!!" or "THERE WAS OBVIOUSLY NO WRITTEN RECORD!"


At the end of the day, there is very little they can do except investigate, see if there is anything, and then publish the report.  If they are smart, they will do this along with process / policy / other changes at the same time, regardless of the findings.


I do not think they will sue Madison unless, somehow, the investigators find that the allegations are completely unfounded, and a blatant lie (which is incredibly unlikely, and would require a LOT of proof).  

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7 minutes ago, GitGudDandy said:

Combing their personal files to corroborate the allegations, when Madison states that company policy was to just talk it over as friends.


Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, etc.


Be interesting to see what comes of this. If it's downplayed in any way or any kind of character assassination of the alleged victim occurs, I'll never watch LMG content ever again.

Character assassination works both ways. She could just as easily be to blame. We don’t know. I’m sure there won’t be any attempt from LMG to slander or assassinate her  character. They have too much at stake and the backlash would be career ending. 

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Just now, RatKnight said:

So, the 3rd party company will likely interview people as well, however I mentioned this somewhere else.


No matter what, this is a lose/lose for LMG.  If there is an investigation, and something is found, everyone will be "I KNEW IT" and they will get shit on.  If They find nothing, "LMG IS COVERING IT UP!!!!!" or "THERE WAS OBVIOUSLY NO WRITTEN RECORD!"


At the end of the day, there is very little they can do except investigate, see if there is anything, and then publish the report.  If they are smart, they will do this along with process / policy / other changes at the same time, regardless of the findings.


I do not think they will sue Madison unless, somehow, the investigators find that the allegations are completely unfounded, and a blatant lie (which is incredibly unlikely, and would require a LOT of proof).  

I think if something is found and they show that they have taken actions agains that person or persons, people will be forgiving. But I agree, if nothing is found there will be accusations of a cover up. 

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