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Madison reveals experiences working at LMG

Message added by SansVarnic,

*03NOV2023: Topic is now locked for the time until the investigation results are released, will not be re-open prior.*



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1 hour ago, Viviem said:

multiple current and former employees have liked her posts, some of them even directly corroborating them, just because you can not understand why someone would be driven to take an extreme action to get judgement-free time off from an overly demanding workplace does not mean there is any reason to doubt the validity of her claims. 

Poeple keep saying this but ive yet to see any proof, show me someone who worked/works in ltt backing her up???

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2 minutes ago, Fnige said:

At least from what I can tell. When looking at these kinds of situations, people tend to exclusively put themselves in the victim's shoes and thats basically it. They dont include the risks involved, emotions, money/resources required, etc. Just their current selves. 


Of which makes people say things that with a tiny bit more thought, people would very likely just not say since they've answered their own question.


I feel like the reaction to this would've been completely different if people just was able to put themselves in other people's shoes better. There will still be people skeptical of the situation which is fine, though given that iirc multiple LMG employees (current and former) it is pretty likely that there's a bit of truth in here

honestly juts looking for truth but all ive seen is her word, can you link when others backed her up please

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13 minutes ago, joaopt said:


i hope she gets her time in court and closure, make them all pay

show me proof she not making this up, we dont know and taking sides without facts is too american for me sorry, i like to know the thruth and thats rarely found on twitter

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6 minutes ago, David_Campbell said:

Poeple keep saying this but ive yet to see any proof, show me someone who worked/works in ltt backing her up???

As mentioned countless times in this thread, David Gautier has expressed his support by going through and liking various posts in Madison’s twitter feed and Colin Worobetz (ex LMG) says that her account is consistent with what he has heard in the company during that time.

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I made this account to make this one post. I am frankly ashamed of the things I have read in this thread. I read every single message sans the ones already removed.

The reason why us women don't come out about our abusers is because of people like the ones attacking Madison. It's okay to say that you want to hear both sides and wait for more info. It's not okay to:


1. Call her lazy when you know nothing about her field of work nor what she dealt with daily

2. Call her crazy, as if her having a mental crisis means she can't be sexually assaulted

3. Say that being forced to look at nudes and sexual comments about her from strangers on an only fans account is just part of the job

4. Say that she needed to report it in a manor YOU think is right in a time period YOU want her to (especially since you don't know if she did report it and was ignored by the law)

5. Expect her to provide receipts of verbal and physical assault that she doesn't have access to and if any exist are on a hard drive at LMG (I am sure linus will release them trust him)

6. Look through every appearance of her online and scrutinize every second of it to feel justified in your hatred of her.

7. say she never should have been hired in the first place as if the solution to sexual assault is to just not hire women at all.


I was sexually assaulted at my work place but never came forward because the company could ruin me. I did try to go through the law in America, and was told since an official dated email didn't exist outlining the person that touched me and harassed me, and the HR claims "disappeared", they could do nothing unless I dropped everything I own to pay a lawyer. Does this make me any less of a victim hell no.


To the men defending women in the comments, and directly counter acting the misinformation about Madison, thank you. You understand what it means to be an ally. Women actually trust men like you and enjoy your company. Just wanted to shout you all out because on every page of this disgusting thread there was at least one ally sticking up for women like Madison.


My final message to all the incels and degens that will no doubt mock me for this post. The world is thankfully changing for the better with this new generation. This frat boy culture stuff is on the out. So laugh and degrade women while you can, but we will not be trampled on and beat down anymore. The future is going to be painful for every single one of you.

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3 minutes ago, David_Campbell said:

Poeple keep saying this but ive yet to see any proof, show me someone who worked/works in ltt backing her up???




Curtidas means likes.

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9 minutes ago, starsmine said:

Lets not make up shit about the professionalism of Yvonne and the HR department at the time (or lack thereof) or make up shit about the personality complexes linus may or may not have. You dont need to make up shit. The story is bad enough without making up shit. 

The thing it, it's not really making shit up when there are clear examples in the open. 
There are multiple WAN clips, videos, LTT videos and interviews where Linus demonstrates that he is /always/ on top of things and wants to be kept in the loop about what is happening at **HIS** company. The last issue with GN reporting on Linus and his initial response is a classic example of his he takes everything personally, digs his heels in the sand and doubles down even when he knows that he is wrong. The icing on the cake is that he starts deflecting and blaming other things. 

12 minutes ago, starsmine said:

HR may have dropped the ball, but it is not ethical for her to be sharing private HR details with even the CEO depending on what was said, when and how. 

HR dropping the ball as hard as they did is due to the unethical work practices that are going on at LMG, which have been brought to light with both the GN video's and Madison coming out with these allegations. This is due to systemic issues that were created when LMG was a much smaller company and Linus his personal opinion that HR is not there to deal with people their personal gripes with eachother, but rather they need to sort it out themselves. The meeting that was leaked to the masses last night further emphasises that, and the fact so many people present did not know about anonymously reporting on it is baffling to say the least. 

Again, this is not making anything up, this is analyzing information that is out there and coming to a conclusion based on the evidence. 
Linus his initital replies to the backlash, the "trust me bro" incident and the WAN show footage of his takes on stuff is all you need to come to that conclusion. 

I'm applying Ikea spelling, meaning you get most of the words and letters, then it's up to you to assemble them correctly! 👍

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What Madison says is Schrödinger's statement.


It reads both true and not true till it has been investigated.

Which they are doing.

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I know some of you are discussing the leaked audio from a meeting that seems to be from around the time Madison left the company. One thing I have not seen (though, let's be honest, I could have easily missed it due to the amount of comments), is that in that meeting Linus asks everyone if they were aware of one the major reporting methods for those types of problems...and apparently most of them were not even aware that it existed. So while some of you seem hellbent on finding ways to blame Madison or question why she didn't report things in the way you feel she should have, it's very likely that one method, a method that would have likely felt much safer for her given her view of her other attempts to report things to various managers, was not even something she was aware existed, just like many others. 

That shows a pretty big failure from the top down. Communication has clearly been poor at LMG for awhile and while I'm really hoping that they can right the ship, I can't say that I can put any faith into the company asking us to "trust me, bro"...Linus himself would have told us not to trust a company, and to demand that they do better, if this were about someone else. Now that it's about him and LMG, we're not getting the same accountability (yet anyway, but hopefully it is forthcoming). 

Hell, this doesn't even touch on the fact that they are trying to build up Labs, but as of now, the foundation they are trying to build it upon is one that is full of flawed data, charts, graphs, rushed testing, and poor communication....not exactly a foundation that screams "trust" to me. 

I'm really hoping that changes, but it's going to take time...until that day comes, I've unsubscribed from all LMG channels. I can't give even passive support by remaining subbed until I feel at least a glimmer of hope that they are doing what they say they will...they need to earn that trust back. 

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16 minutes ago, joaopt said:


i hope she gets her time in court and closure, make them all pay

Honestly, court would be an awful way to go, for all concerned. Absolutely nobody wins if it gets that far.


While I get that she's angry, and with the mounting circumstantial evidence leading me to believe her account, I do think that this is the point where Madison needs to switch from "angry" to "graceful" - on the assumption that she's right (ie looking at it from her perspective), she risks being seen as the aggressor here if she continues down this path when LMG are doing all the right things at this point.

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17 minutes ago, 620R said:

So, all this wall of text to say what? That, regardless of Madison accusation, from what we've seen so far, there is a very real possibility that if something like this happened the way it could have been handled was really as bad as Madison says it was. And that's really really bad for a company of over 120 employee and valued at over 100 million $. 


Are you surprised by that? What part of LTT was ever radiating "professional work environment" to you? Their entire company culture revolves around goofing around. These company cultures can be a lot of fun to be part of BUT if you don't really fit in, it can be torture and this "goofy atmosphere" can turn against you.

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2 minutes ago, AcidBurn98 said:

I made this account to make this one post. I am frankly ashamed of the things I have read in this thread. I read every single message sans the ones already removed.

The reason why us women don't come out about our abusers is because of people like the ones attacking Madison. It's okay to say that you want to hear both sides and wait for more info. It's not okay to:


1. Call her lazy when you no nothing about her field of work nor what she dealt with daily

2. Call her crazy, as if her having a mental crisis means she can't be sexually assaulted

3. Say that being forced to look at nudes and sexual comments about you from strangers on an only fans account is just part of the job

4. Say that she needed to report it in a manor YOU think is right in a time period YOU want her to (especially since you don't know if she did report it and was ignored by the law)

5. Expect her to provide receipts of verbal and physical assault that she doesn't have access to and if any exist are on a hard drive at LMG (I am sure linus will release them trust him)

6. Look through every appearance of her online and scrutinize every second of it to feel justified in your hatred of her.

7. say she never should have been hired in the first place as if the solution to sexual assault is to just not hire women at all.


I was sexually assaulted at my work place but never came forward because the company could ruin me. I did try to go through the law in America, and was told since an official dated email didn't exist outlining the person that touched me and harassed me, and the HR claims "disappeared", they could do nothing unless I dropped everything I own to pay a lawyer. Does this make me any less of a victim hell no.


To the men defending women in the comments, and directly counter acting the misinformation about Madison, thank you. You understand what it means to be an ally. Women actually trust men like you and enjoy your company. Just wanted to shout you all out because on every page of this disgusting thread there was at least one ally sticking up for women like Madison.


My final message to all the incels and degens that will no doubt mock me for this post. The world is thankfully changing for the better with this new generation. This frat boy culture stuff is on the out. So laugh and degrade women while you can, but we will not be trampled on and beat down anymore. The future is going to be painful for every single one of you.

Alot of poeple are here to stand up for her and after colins post im on her side but your anger against men is sad, people do bad things, not just men!. how about trying some understanding but ofc you think their feeling dont matter because they dont feel same as you. Dont be so hateful, it wont help

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8 minutes ago, Moortu said:

What Madison says is Schrödinger's statement.


It reads both true and not true till it has been investigated.

Which they are doing.

If an alleged murderer pays someone to investigate their (potential) crime, would you trust their conclusions? 

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16 minutes ago, Fnige said:

At least from what I can tell. When looking at these kinds of situations, people tend to exclusively put themselves in the victim's shoes and thats basically it.

It kind of satisfies that old fashioned public lynching instinct a lot of folks still have.

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Really keen on seeing what the conclusions for the investigation are.

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1 minute ago, sc3liu said:

If an alleged murderer pays someone to investigate their (potential) crime, would you trust their conclusions? 

That's completely misunderstanding a third party investigation. 

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4 minutes ago, David_Campbell said:

Alot of poeple are here to stand up for her and after colins post im on her side but your anger against men is sad, people do bad things, not just men!. how about trying some understanding but ofc you think their feeling dont matter because they dont feel same as you. Dont be so hateful, it wont help

No one here is angry at men in general. Not all men are bad, most of them are great. Everyone is mad at people who are resorting to insulting any involved party, but most of that hate is aimed towards Maddison. Some things said on forums should have never even been taught of.

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3 minutes ago, David_Campbell said:

Alot of poeple are here to stand up for her and after colins post im on her side but your anger against men is sad, people do bad things, not just men!. how about trying some understanding but ofc you think their feeling dont matter because they dont feel same as you. Dont be so hateful, it wont help

Did you not read the paragraph where I complemented men that stuck up for her and didn't just blindly accuse her of being evil. Maybe that sexism rooted inside you made you forget how to read for a moment. I am not angry at all men, just men that stand up for abusers and treat women like garbage so they can feel like they have some sort of power in their miserable life.

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4 minutes ago, Moortu said:

What Madison says is Schrödinger's statement.


It reads both true and not true till it has been investigated.

Which they are doing.

Her statements are almost certainly true, in the sense that the events happened. But how they happened, context and intent is very unclear. Like there is a big difference between a manager saying "You needa get laid, Jack can sort you out" and a co-worker (even maybe senior) saying "Hey Jacks single, you guys should go for a coffee"

I'm sure everyone on here is in a more advanced/professional employment, but her story reads like a-typical workplaces that are mainly staffed by 15-25 year olds (Maccas etc)

What is clear, is 20%+ of people don't care and are ready to burn LMG to the ground. Which is fine, Reddit has done a historically brilliant job of grabbing pitchforks with little to no evidence one way or the other and gets it wrong almost every time (just look at Johnny Depp for one of many examples)



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32 minutes ago, Majestic12 said:

Are you surprised by that? What part of LTT was ever radiating "professional work environment" to you? Their entire company culture revolves around goofing around. These company cultures can be a lot of fun to be part of BUT if you don't really fit in, it can be torture and this "goofy atmosphere" can turn against you.

Well, yes, I am quite a bit surprised. 

There is a huge difference between goofing around and groping someone or ask her to twerk or call her slurs. A goofy atmosphere doesn't mean that everything is allowed. It would be like saying that if someone works for Brazzers then she should be expected to having surprise intercourse while she's working the annual report. 

I "goof around" with my coworkers every single day, but I've never grabbed someone or asked to twerk for me unless I was damn sure that the person was ok with the joke.

Also, you have to understand that LMG is not a group of friends doing some videos for fun. It's a company of over 120 people doing all kind of stuff, from accounting to designing products to engineers doing testing.

I'm not saying that there were serious, the total disorganization and the "I'm gonna wing it" culture oozes from every single video, but this is on a total different level. 

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4 minutes ago, rickyc12s said:

Her statements are almost certainly true, in the sense that the events happened. But how they happened, context and intent is very unclear. Like there is a big difference between a manager saying "You needa get laid, Jack can sort you out" and a co-worker (even maybe senior) saying "Hey Jacks single, you guys should go for a coffee"

I'm sure everyone on here is in a more advanced/professional employment, but her story reads like a-typical workplaces that are mainly staffed by 15-25 year olds (Maccas etc)

What is clear, is 20%+ of people don't care and are ready to burn LMG to the ground. Which is fine, Reddit has done a historically brilliant job of grabbing pitchforks with little to no evidence one way or the other and gets it wrong almost every time (just look at Johnny Depp for one of many examples)



I am sorry but think about your post for a second. Even if the context for the coffee thing turns out it was meant in a friendly way. Considering that she was also called slurs and physically assaulted I am wondering how those can be take out of context. They just called me that slur, maybe it was to show support. Grabbing me in uncomfortable places and asking about my sex history, maybe its like some vulkan ritual or something. /S

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5 minutes ago, sc3liu said:

If an alleged murderer pays someone to investigate their (potential) crime, would you trust their conclusions? 

I agree that even an external investigator is paid by the company and thus has a conflict of interest.

However, I do think the external investigator will lead to change - at least on the surface.

I honestly doubt that this investigation will not unveil anything, because nobody would believe it. At this point LMG needs to do something drastic to move forward. Words alone cannot fix this and they need to pin the blame on something or someone. That probably means sacrificing employees for the company and restructuring some departments.


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8 minutes ago, 620R said:

Well, yes, I am quite a bit surprised. 

There is a huge difference between goofing around and groping someone or ask her to twerk or call her slurs. A goofy atmosphere doesn't mean that everything is allowed. It would be like saying that if someone works for Brazzers then she should be expected to having surprise intercourse while she's working the annual report. 

I "goof around" with my coworkers every single day, but I've never grabbed someone or asked to twerk for me unless i was damn sure that she person was ok with the joke.

Also, you have to understand that LMG is not a group of friends doing some videos for fun. It's a company of over 120 people doing all kind of stuff, from accounting to designing products to engineers doing testing.

I'm not saying that there were serious, the total disorganization and the "I'm gonna wing it" culture oozes from every single video, but this is on a total different level. 

Well that's exactly it - being asked to twerk isn't that big a deal if it's said as part of a goofy conversation. I mean, you DO watch LTT videos right? They say the silliest things on camera, do you think they fake it? Even in that HR vid, it was joked that Linus should dance on the table - is THAT sexual harassment or just an innocent joke? You can make many silly things sound egregious by taking it out of the context. Now, if someone walks up to her and goes "hey twerk that booty for me" that's very different but somehow I doubt that's what happened.


And I'm well aware it's a large company now but that doesn't change the fact that they're not yet a professional one and they do lots of silly stuff. Everything Linus has ever said about this confirms this. He's even very aware that it's hard to keep a "fun" work place culture and combine it with a more professional attitude. I hope he can fix this and I hope the CEO will play a big role in this because this was always a problem as he was growing so quickly.

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4 minutes ago, HenrySalayne said:

I agree that even an external investigator is paid by the company and thus has a conflict of interest.

However, I do think the external investigator will lead to change - at least on the surface.

I honestly doubt that this investigation will not unveil anything, because nobody would believe it. At this point LMG needs to do something drastic to move forward. Words alone cannot fix this and they need to pin the blame on something or someone. That probably means sacrificing employees for the company and restructuring some departments.


As I've said before...this is actually the same as the quality issues they have, in a way. They're always telling us that they're changing their processes, adding more processes etc, but that's not enough (as shown by the fact that things are continuing to get worse). They also talk about how the upper management are taking accountability, but...that's not enough either.


What's needed is a cultural change such that everybody is accountable - at all levels. Almost every failure to act seems to be the result of "somebody else's job" disease - it might be occurring at the bottom, it might be occurring in management in the middle, but it's definitely occurring.


The most functional and fit-for-purpose companies I've worked for have all had a culture of personal accountability (and, along with that, liability) throughout the company - if you become aware of something, then you're either responsible for it or liable for keeping it to yourself, and even if there's nothing you can directly do about it then you're also accountable for finding somebody who is. It's a simple rule, and operated correctly it doesn't actually impede productivity.

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6 minutes ago, rickyc12s said:

Her statements are almost certainly true, in the sense that the events happened. But how they happened, context and intent is very unclear. Like there is a big difference between a manager saying "You needa get laid, Jack can sort you out" and a co-worker (even maybe senior) saying "Hey Jacks single, you guys should go for a coffee"

That's extremely important, right there.

I'm an extremely auto-ironic person (I've been described by multiple people as "the most auto-ironic person they've ever met") and it's quite common that I heavily insult myself as a joke. My coworkers piked up on it and they call me all kind of slurs regularly (as a joke, obviously) and I usually double down on their "insults". Of course I'm totally fine with it and we all have a good laugh.

But even a seemingly total innocent joke could trigger a person because it touches a soft spot and they feel personally attacked. Like, once I satirically told to my coworker that was clocking in to do it with "less enthusiasm" (a very common joke we do at work when someone has a "I couldn't be bothered less" face) and he didn't take it very well because he was having a bad day and he felt like I was picking on him. 

Of course we don't know what Madison went through, but, for example the "twerk" joke might have been a simple joke for the person making it while she falt personally attacked and sexually harrassed.

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