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Though to speed up Selfie Photo queues

Andrew Smith

How about setting up a static camera along with lights etc, so everything is set to take the optimal photo.

People can then just come stand together on a marked floor spot and have software that triggers the camera, downloads the photo to make it available for the guest to download at their leisure.

An easy way to let them download the photo would be to show them a QR code, could even have a screen to show thumbnail and QR code or just quickly print out a 4x6 photo with QR code so they can take that and scan to download the high resolution photo later?


If as many variables as possible can be preset, camera focus, lighting etc, then the time consuming get phone out, open app, wrong camera selected etc are removed. Could even offer green screen to allow changing of background later?


Could even setup dual cameras to allow horizontal and vertical shots at the same time, to allow them to select? no extra time required as everything is preset.


Just thinking how to help the use experience for both attendee as well as the hosts.

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