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"defaultuser100000" folder found in /Users


I've just found this folder in my /Users folder in Windows. A quick Google search didn't find any results. It doesn't have any folders in it but AppData. That only has the Local folder in it, which only contains a folder for ConnectedDevicesPlatform. Seeing as it has not been accessed since the 22nd of March I am sure it's safe to delete (and it is not the cause of some malware - which I have checked for)




Bow down to me humans.

I can't help if you don't quote me. How am I supposed to know if you need my premium support? Now starting at £399.99 a year.

Also, be a sport and mark the correct answer as the correct answer. It will help pour souls in the future when they are stuck and need guidance.

"If it works, proceed to take it apart and 'make it work better.' Then cry for help when it breaks." - Me, about five minutes ago when my train of thought wandered.

Remember kids, A janky solution is still a solution.

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2 minutes ago, Captain Chaos said:

I'd go ahead and delete it.  Make sure you have a backup of your data, just in case. 

Backup? Whats a backup?

That was sarcasm in case anyone hasn't guessed.


Well I have deleted it while writing and so far my laptop hasn't melted. I was more concerned about it's origins than deleting it to be honest

Bow down to me humans.

I can't help if you don't quote me. How am I supposed to know if you need my premium support? Now starting at £399.99 a year.

Also, be a sport and mark the correct answer as the correct answer. It will help pour souls in the future when they are stuck and need guidance.

"If it works, proceed to take it apart and 'make it work better.' Then cry for help when it breaks." - Me, about five minutes ago when my train of thought wandered.

Remember kids, A janky solution is still a solution.

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