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Everything posted by Bsmith

  1. Bsmith

    I bet if the search bar on this website broke,…

    wait the search bar here doesnt just redirect you to google?
  2. phone companies so busy pushing things that they forgot to ask themselves "are they even gonna use or need it?"
  3. if your intention is just making money I have bad news for you, wrong idea. To make money within the photography business you would need at least a decade orso in experience and have the ability to apply that experience in the field. With your current gear and your age it will be very unlikely to start making money out of photography soon. picking up a camera and taking a photo is easy, controlling the process however is not.
  4. did read OP properly, didn't see the wording of the moto Z force, I doubt I read over it multiple times,he could have added it later(which we can't confirm since OP left)
  5. why do you still have it? governemnts issued call backs, vendors issued call bakcs, samsung issued call backs, but yet there you are taking the risk, WHY?!
  6. well it's a theory, which means that it's open for changes based on calculations and experimental outcome. But QM is definitely real, without none of our modern computer systems would work properly. That being said there is also some controversial bits, like Quantum field theory in which there is only a single electron in the whole universe instead of billions, strange thing it works, but not so much when you throw electronics into the mix(according to my knowledge) but yes, QM, is definitely real and has real world applications, we just know very little about it as "normal" consumers because it's so complicated in the mathematical aspect.
  7. hace you tried charging the battery through a charger instead of hooking the camera to USB? the fast flashing LED might be a way to protect from current surge's on the battery.
  8. he definitly has those moments yeah, but then again he is the only tech youtuber that makes a video to bash Nvidea about the titan Xp, despite them being a major sponsor of his channel.
  9. I finally understand why Philips split of their light division and decided to focus on the development of medical and research equipment
  10. all the hype regarding the RED iphone 7 is hilarious and an absolute joke, they did this with every generation of ipod touch so far and also some other iphone models IIRC. I mean, I could get my ipod with the RED branding and donating profits, but that has never been a hype.
  11. this is definitely a step in the right direction, but the downside however is that as a small channel/creator 10k views can be a lot, especially those starting out, okey, money wise it shouldn't make any/much difference. But imagine small channels that have roughly 10-20 views on a video, again it's just starting out then, but 10k is quite a lot if you work with these amounts.
  12. ahh dang, I keep forgetting LR has that build in too! thanks for the reminder.
  13. it is indeed, but the mistake I made was in the selection/layering process, where I took a few parts of the bird along with that, something that isn't corrected in the posted (and edited)shot. it's a small thing nobody noticed so far I know.
  14. I had to bring down the brightness background a fair bit within photoshop, I did make the mistakes with that yes. of course, here you go.
  15. well to be fair, andoird is also being run on fridges, televisions and what not these days, I doubt they only counted mobile phones here.
  16. yes software side, but how about hardware side? I mean ryzen doesn't always work with win 7 and neither does the current intel line up, I wouldn't be surprised if Nvidea also goes that route. I know that it might still work, but everything (hardware wise) coming up is going to be win 10 optimized mostly/only, so going win 7 is basically shooting yourself in the foot at this time.
  17. why? it's not like win7 is going to be supported much longer with current parctices of microsoft and other companies, that being said all the crap they pull on win 10 and can be opted out from is the same as win 7, although you want have the choice there.
  18. 9/10 for the colours, they feel a bit cold, but still look good in most places. composition wise it is sadly a 6/10, mostly due to your position, the mic seems bigger then the singer and the speaker(?) on the left takes quite some attention due to it's size. You noted the guitar yourself already, but despite that and what I mentioned I quite like it. He said in general, it definitely isn't true in all cases, but it a wrong positioning/crop/cut can kill the whole shot but not always, although it rarely packs out good. okey, my 2 cents for this topic. thommy saltzherr, on Flickr extra internet points for who ever can find my 2 editing mistakes that I got away with until now.
  19. sounds quite usefull, imagine fan speeds, GPU temps, thermal throttle info, GPU speed etc being able to be displayed on it, no more need for monitoring software.
  20. Bsmith

    Got any tips?

    read a (advanced) book or two, like a wordbook, visit communities/places where more difficult words are used more often, interact with people that know/use more fancy words like trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid. your vocubalary can grow easily if you just visit places where different words get used. For example, I'm active on reddit(web slang) facebook(local language) Quora(answers regarding a lot of subjects from professionals) whattpad(reading/writing) and I read up on scientific researches/work(jargon for work) all these different places can help me increase my play with words and help me discover new words like tetrahedron just looking at the right place can be very convenient and be a big boost for your language skills, taking Quora as example, there are people on there from all social sections, teenagers, NASA astronauts(Robert Frost) physics professors(Richard Muller) CEO's of start up's and existing companies, politicians(obama, clinton and more) IT people(to many to name) that said, people always have a natural baise for something, his might have been writing/talking, which means he absorbs words and language much quicker and knows how to use it, yours might be something different, like problem solving or finding the easiest way to do something properly.
  21. I would like a review of Singularity Computers, they are based in AUS sadly, but they ship world wide and do amazing stuff to the systems they build, they even have their own youtube channel with vlogs of the building process.
  22. it's official, PC screens have more pixels total then my DSLR camera.
  23. Bsmith

    Waiting for the Windows 10 Pro .iso to download…

    they definitely made some mistakes yeah, including the countless amounts of menus that aren't easy to follow. But at least we have the choice now of turning off telemetry data, something that wasn't possible before, but they still did collect.
  24. Bsmith

    Waiting for the Windows 10 Pro .iso to download…

    still gonna jump the boat, although you missed the free upgrade?
  25. if you use your system for so much and once and it's essentially a backbone of all the devices in your home I wouldn't replace it, because if you fuck up or anything goes wrong all might be lost. if you want to stay uptodate better get a 2nd system that you don't store important things on and can upgrade when needed, without possibly losing everything.