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Issue caused by nvidia graphics card?

Hi! i feel like i have exhausted all options to try and fix this issue i am having so i thought maybe someone who is more tech savvy than i am could possibly help me out here

I am playing the sims 4 (whether or not you are familiar with the game or not if you have ANY thoughts or suggestions i would greatly appreciate it)

Basically, there are some alpha textures in my game and in those textures are fine white lines which are not supposed to be there, when i zoom in close they appear normal, but as i am slowly zooming further out, the lines become more prominent. Im not too sure what the exact technical terms are in this situation but im guessing it is some sort of alpha texture/transparency issue or LOD issue since it appears normal close up but further away the texture gets all messed up.

I am wondering if there is ANYTHING i can do to improve the LOD or improve the look of alpha textures using the setting in the nvidia control panel, nvidia inspector or any other setting on my laptop. I have an HP Envy 17 (bought it back in 2014) and it has the nvidia gt 740m. Any help would be so greatly appreciated!


The first photo is what it is always supposed to look like (this is zoomed in) and the second photo is what happens when i zoom out (white lines circled in red)

09-05-18_12-50-14 AM.png

09-05-18_12-50-30 AM.png

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