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How much can I lower the price of this pc?

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600 is way to high, I'd try offering 450. Anyways, an FX 8350 is a very weak CPU and the card is the bare minimum for gaming so tbh it's not worth buying it. 

I've found a Gaming pc for 600€ with these specs:

CPU: AMD FX-8350 4.00GHz

RAM: 16GB HyperX Fury DDR3 1866MHz

GPU: Sapphire Radeon Rx 460 (4GB)

SSD: 250GB Kingston

HDD: 2TB Hitachi Sata3

Motherboard: ASROCK 970 Extreme 3 R2.0

How much can I offer since I don't want to pay 600€?

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9 minutes ago, MrTiC said:

that's waaaay to much

Ive sold my older rig for 650 euro and that had a I7 4770k + Z87 board and a GTX 1060 6GB 12Gb 1600Mhz ram and a 250GB Samsung evo / WD 1TB HDD

I've offered 550€ for it now... he wanted 580€...

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