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Pioneer SE-A1000 Headphones review: A gem in the rough?

Ok guys  This is my review of the SE-A1000 By pioneer. Hopefully my grammar does not make you hurt yourself. this is my first review on this forum. any formatting tips are welcomed (but beware im lazy :P)

I am no audiophile but i do appreciate good sound and dislike beats so take that for what it is worth.



Sound Quality: So this is the most important part about headphones. if they sound like crap why bother with them right? These are an open headphones so there is no isolation. Overall highs are very satisfying, i do not listen to classical music by choice but tried some Mozart and quite enjoyed it. Also listened to the persona 4 OST which includes some piano violen and other instruments along with some Opera-like singing at some points. As far as mids go they were not mind blowing by any means but were definitely there unlike alot of "gaming" and mainstream non-audiophile headphones go.  I also played a few games like Battlefield 4 and such with explosions everywhere. as a result the lows were good, nothing like the Beyerdynamic DT990's but they were still really good. 


Overall sound quality Score: 9/10
Conclusion: Sound overall is excellent.  only thing missing was the head rocking bass that would make gaming a tad bit better. although I may be nit picking here though. Do not think they are sub-par by any means.




Comfort: In terms of the headband its similar to the style of the Steelseries Siberia V2's. it is a suspension band that evenly distributes the weight over your entire head regardless of your head shape. The headband is leather on the top and a cloth material come in contact with your head. Usually you see some sort of pleather or leather material here but these Pioneer's do not. The earcups are pretty a standard circumural (did not spell that properly) size with nice interior foam covered by cloth. Overall this is the most Comfortable pair of headphones i have put on. it doesnt feel like you have anything on your head at all. I keep forgetting i have these headphones on after a long computer session. I cannot stress how much better this system is for headphones. "solid" headphones like my Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro's are much heavier and feel alot more stiffer ( although still a comfotable pair) than these. The only thing is that the headband is a tad too loose but i just tilt the headphones back a tad to make up for this

Overall Comfort Score: 9/10
The headband being a tad loose is definitly a con but one that can be modded here by the post of warrenpchi



Looks: not going to say much here to be honest, as its all about preference. It shouldnt really matter really matter unless you like looking at yourself.

Here is a picture so you can judge for yourselves :D





Price: it obviously depends what country you buy it from, what site and so on. i bought mine from amazon (Canadian) for $100. On the American site they go for $59. that being said for the price these are AMAZING. yes caps were completely necessary. in all seriousness i would have no issue putting these up against headphones at the $150-$200 range. they would be extremely competitive there. this is also the reason i gave such high scores in the sound quality area. they honestly sound like $200 headphones to me. and just so everyone knows they had a $200 MSRP when they first came out its just no one really knew about them so they lowered the price

Overall Price score: 11/10 would buy again
The bang for your buck on these headphones (especially in the US) is just too insane.




Conclusion: I am going to keep this short. BUY THEM! if you want a cheap gaming headphones these will run circles around any typical gaming headset out there by far. I used to have logitech g930's back in the day (a couple of years back) and these are just so far ahead it blows my mind. if you want headphones that are realitivley low-cost and like music these are definitely for you


if you have any questions please feel free to ask and i will answer them to the best of my ability.
If you read most of this review you definitely deserve a cookie because this must have been really difficult to read.

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