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Logitech G930 headset ,Thoughts?


planning on buying a headset and saw this one
it looks good and with 7.1 surround sound (not sure if that's a good/bad thing),the mic sounds well ,and...idk about the rest :P
price range is quite different since my current option is to buy it locally on my country but let's say that it's the same price as on amazon of about 80$ Link Here

so what are your thoughts guys is this a good headset or should i look for alternatives?

edit: the wireless isn't something i was looking for but i guess it would be a good feature

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if your'e not interested on the wireless feature get anything else. I have them and They can get messy bc they need the software to use 7.1, and it bugs when they are on low battery. they arent that loud either; I have to raise volume to 100 on skype/ts in order to properly hear ppl. the range isnt anything special, like 5m, and most importantly probably, they can get super hot, as they dont let your ear breathe and end up soaking all the sweat

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2 hours ago, dalonico said:

if your'e not interested on the wireless feature get anything else. I have them and They can get messy bc they need the software to use 7.1, and it bugs when they are on low battery. they arent that loud either; I have to raise volume to 100 on skype/ts in order to properly hear ppl. the range isnt anything special, like 5m, and most importantly probably, they can get super hot, as they dont let your ear breathe and end up soaking all the sweat

isn't most headsets heat up the ears since they're tagged "closed earcups"?
anyway i've read that people who have gotten this headset complain about the headset makes a peep noise for disconnection or something which made many people not to be happy with the headset
have you experienced such a problem?

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