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Hello , I need some hlep.


I need some help with a c++ program that would read any input number from 1 to 100 and outout it as text ( without using  100 if statements ;p , for example 21 -> twenty one )

I tried a few of my ideas but all of them failed horribly.

Please help

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I barely know any C++, but couldn't you just take the input, assign a variable to the string version of the input, then output the variable?

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void print(int& count, int unit, int xx, std::string const& units)


int div = unit * (xx==0?1:10);

int index = count / div;

int sub = index * div * (index >=2 ? 1 : 0);

std::string name = names[xx][index];

if (name[name.size()-1] == '-') {


index = (count-sub)/unit;



if (name != "") {

std::cout << name << " " << units << " ";


count = count - (count/unit*unit);


void printNumber(int number)


if (number == 0) {

std::cout << "zero";



print(number, 1000000, 0, "million");

print(number, 100000, 0, "hundred");

print(number, 1000, 1, "thousand");

print(number, 100, 0, "hundred");

print(number, 1, 1, "");


int main()


int number;

std::cin >> number;


std::cout << "\n";


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There's enough examples of this from a simple Google search:

#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;int main(){    string numStr;// for user entered number    // names for use in output    string onesName[] = { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" };    string teensName[] = { "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen" };    string tensName[] = { "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety" };    string illion_preName[] = { "m", "b", "tr", "quadr", "quint", "sext", "sept", "oct", "non", "dec" };    string decillion_preName[]={ "un", "duo", "tre", "quattuor", "quin", "sex", "septen", "octo", "novem" };    char repeat = 'y';    do// as long as user wishes to enter number for naming    {        cout << "Number = "; cin >> numStr;        cout << "power = " << numStr.size() - 1 << endl;        if( numStr.size() > 66 )        {            cout << "The number's too damn big! Try again." << endl;            continue;        }        while( numStr.size()%3 != 0 )            numStr = '0' + numStr;// pad the string with leading '0' until size = multiple of 3        // for each group of 3 digits from most to least significant        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < numStr.size(); i += 3 )        {            if( numStr[i + 0] > '0' )// treat the hundreds place                cout << onesName[ numStr[i + 0] - '0' - 1 ] << " hundred ";            if( numStr[i + 1] == '0' || numStr[i + 1] > '1' )// treat tens and ones digits for non-teens case            {                if( numStr[i + 1] > '1' ) cout << tensName[ numStr[i + 1] - '0' - 2 ] << " ";                if( numStr[i + 2] > '0' ) cout << onesName[ numStr[i + 2] - '0' - 1 ] << " ";            }            else// special teens case                cout << teensName[ numStr[i + 2] - '0' ] << " ";            // naming each factor of 1,000            unsigned int j = ( numStr.size() - i )/3;            if( j == 2 ) cout << "thousand ";            else if( j > 2 )            {                if( j <= 12 ) cout << illion_preName[ j - 3 ];// 'xx' before "illion" cases                else if( j <= 21 ) cout << decillion_preName[ j - 13 ] << "dec";// 'xx' before "dec" + "illion" cases                else if( j == 22 ) cout << "vigint";// special 'xx' before "vigint" + "illion" case                cout << "illion ";// the "illion" suffix            }        }        cout << endl << "Repeat? (y/n): ";        cin >> repeat;    }while( repeat == 'y' );    cout << endl;    return 0;}
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A nice python example here, if you can translate it?

import mathnumber = int(input("Enter number to print: "))unit_array = ["zero","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine"]teen_array = ["ten","eleven","twelve","thirteen","fourteen","fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen"]decades_list =["twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety"]if number <= 9 and number > 0:    print(unit_array[number].capitalize())elif number >= 10 and number <= 19:    tens = int(number % 10)    print(teen_array[tens].capitalize())elif number > 19 and number <= 99:    ones = math.floor(number/10)    twos = int(ones - 2)    tens = int(number % 10)    if tens == 0:        print(decades_list[twos].capitalize())    elif tens != 0:        print(decades_list[twos].capitalize() + "-" + unit_array[tens])else:    print("Input out of range")

Eeh, by gum.

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