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Madison reveals experiences working at LMG

Message added by SansVarnic,

*03NOV2023: Topic is now locked for the time until the investigation results are released, will not be re-open prior.*



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12 minutes ago, TeraSeraph said:

Bruh I'm a transwoman in trades I'm well aware of discrimination over gender. I haven't gotten the sense gender plays a role in any of this.



I still don't get why you're bringing gender into this? 


The burden of proof is on her or the investigation if she wants this to gain any traction. If she doesn't have any proof then are we supposed to take her word blindly? 

I haven't made up my mind on anything. Suspension of belief doesn't constitute judgement.

I said it earlier, if there is any identity clash here, it isn't gender based, it's age based. A zoomer working with millenials will cause issues. Millienials, Gen X, and Boomers, are from a different time before the internet. This is going back before cancel culture was even a thing, where every comment you make today is going to be judged in 20 years under a different set of social rules than when the comment was made, and god help you if you are a public figure. Millenials/GenX/Boomers enjoy and are comfortable with jokes that would make zoomers want to jump out a window.


Again, this was before the internet was a thing, and before social norms became so politically correct. That is just an assessment from an outside lens, it is not a judgement against zoomers. For all I know, they may lead the world in the right direction and right all the wrongs of our generations. Only time will tell, and god bless them if they do. If you can understand the generational differences though, then you can understand why the zoomers might be offended by tech millenials attitudes in general, calling LTT fans toxic incel fanboys, and complaining about LTT jokes in the videos about "thats what she said" or Ridge Wallet "the bulge in your pants shouldn't be the wallet."

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Just now, kalleth said:

You honestly don't think that women are targeted for bullying, in the workplace, more then men are?

Obviously not, since women are fewer, duh.

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Just now, kalleth said:

You honestly don't think that women are targeted for bullying, in the workplace, more then men are?

I have no comment on that, because that's nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I'm not generalising here, I'm talking about this particular instance.

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8 minutes ago, TeraSeraph said:

 She apparently didn't even read her contract before signing. So yeah I guess a paper trail and evidence from her shouldn't be expected.

I think she meant that when she read the contract, it was different than what had been sold to her about the job verbally and she had already moved, so what choice did she have but to sign it? That's how I understand it at least. Of course she should have demanded everything in writing before moving (lesson learned I'm sure), but I've personally felt the effects of a bait & switch in the workplace before. In fact one time I stood up and walked out of an interview without another word when it became clear that the position I was interviewing for wasn't what I applied for. It happens, but unfortunately she didn't feel like she was in a position to argue. A healthy workplace has no reason to bully people.

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24 minutes ago, CrabbyDadTech said:

 Look at Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard. Most of the media I saw vilified Amber Heard as mentally ill and painted Johnny Depp as a victim, but if you paid attention to all the details it was clear how abusive Depp was as a narcissistic drug addict. But you know, rough childhood, so he gets a pass

Talk about detached from reality.  Proof that propaganda works, right here folks.


The full force of the media immediately vilified Depp, and it was all but written in stone that he was a violent abuser who shit the bed, he lost roles in multiple big franchises, was essentially deleted from Hollywood, all with nothing but Heard's word and help from the NY times, American media, etc.  


The narrative that is somehow in your head that is ridiculously far off from reality, and near opposite.  And this is after all the facts actually came out.  It really shows how propaganda and online bubbles absolutely work.  

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4 minutes ago, RatKnight said:


I understand Madison might have been to young to know this... but paper trails can also be contemporary (to the incident) journals, or things written to yourself.


I record every interaction I have with someone that I think might turn out to be an issue.  I have 4 notebooks, I record dates, times, and my notes on what happened.  Will I ever use any of this?  Well, it has saved my ass already once, so yes.


The other thing is that there are likely record retention requirements.  AFAIK, LMG utilizes Google Workspaces for their e-mail accounts.  I highly doubt her e-mails have been deleted, especially if they thought there might be issues in the future.  Any tampering with those e-mails would also be obvious since actions taken on accounts is logged.


The moment all of this blew up (possibly starting with her exit interview, or even the glassdoor review), I am going to assume LMG consulted some kind of legal counsel, who would have advised them to save every document or piece of information.  If you suspect incoming litigation, or government investigations, the LAST thing you EVER do is delete ANYTHING.  If they find that you deleted something, it can in at least American courts be assumed it contained information that would be bad for you, and used against you.


The balance of power is skewed, but a call to the ministry of labor costs nothing.

I agree the information probably still exists for the reasons you rightly point out here, but that wouldn't be available to Madison unless she was to sue - and I've talked about that already. 


I agree that Madison could have journal'ed about these things - the same as you do. But that comes from experience, and Madison was (and is!) a young woman for whom this was one of her first jobs, at a company she adored - she even said she considered it a "dream job!".

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4 hours ago, HesCalledTheStig said:



As for the meeting, it sounded pretty straight forward to me, except James' dumb joke.

Ya no.  To anyone that's worked in a large company with actual HR and legal oversight that was not a straight forward meeting.  Even more so from an employee perspective. 

Effectively telling people how to cover up and create no trail of issues.  "Go talk to the person individually" is not how you deal with sexual harassment.  Even normal harassment when there is a power imbalance.  

I've sat in as a witness on far too many of those meeting as a witness, there is a a proper way to do it that ends up with a paper trail.  From the leaked audio it's pretty obvious they where avoiding that at the time.



4 hours ago, xg32 said:


Anyone know if it's standard practice for HR to tell the parties to talk to each other? I find it a bit weird. If madison was as emotional as she seems then it's not a good idea, and obvious the part about going to HR failed.

It depends, for co workers yes in simple cases that are not sexual harrassement and doesn't have a power imbalance.   The latter is a whole different procedure typically involving your union rep or other trusted 3rd party as a witness etc

HR doesn't exist to protect the employee, they exist to protect the company, hence the pushing of "just have a conversation", it doesn't create a paper trail and the relvant people don't hear about it.  Plausible deniability.


I don't say this with malice, i've seen may companies who started small and rapidly grow make the same mistakes but it takes a cultural shift when you go from one man do it all band to 150 people.   You're a real company now with real obligations to your staff.


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5 minutes ago, Cosmic Emotion said:

He is not. I want him gone as well. I really thought this was reversible. Linus needs to understand the gravity of his mismanagement. The people who hurt others need to be fired. Perhaps he can have a career on Floatplane. /s

If the allegations are true (and to be clear, unlike Steve's piece, Madison's allegations currently have no receipts, and are just her recollections, with some vague comments by others that are getting interpreted in whatever way whoever is reading them wants to interpret them), and if Linus knew about this behavior and did not deal with it appropriately... then yes, Linus should not be involved in the management of the company at all, whatsoever, and anyone involved should be fired.


All of that being said, I do not think that people should lose their jobs over an accusation, posted on twitter, with no evidence backing it up.  I will wait for the results of the investigation.

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3 hours ago, kewtz said:

The people that are throwing shade at Madison's allegations with zero knowledge or involvement with her alleged experience are part of the problem.


The allegations are serious. It's not your job to play internet lawyer. It's also not your job to defend LTT in this situation.

Blind loyalty for a situation like this is toxic. You're not going to get an internet badge for sticking up for a company that allegedly treated a human-being less than human.


This thread is disappointing. Our cohesive message should be:


  • We hope the allegations are not true.
  • If the allegations are true, they should be taken seriously.
  • If the allegations are true, involved parties must be held accountable.


I feel like the people who are blindly defending LMG are people who have never tuned into the WAN Show...they very much resemble the people that both Linus and Luke have made jokes about more than once...sort of like the random Blue Checks on Twitter rushing to their defense over there....When Ian Miles Cheong is showing up to defend you, you know it's time to reevaluate pretty much everything. 

I agree with your conclusions, but at this point, I fear the allegations are true, or at least largely true, but I also hope that they deal with this in a way that can start to mend fences, rebuild trust, and that they can actually become the sort of company that Linus claims they were to begin with. For all the times I've heard him talk about other companies who found themselves in these situations, you'd think he would have been more proactive in making sure his company wasn't harboring the same toxic shit...A lot of trust is gone (for me at least) and for a company that has built their foundation on "trust me, bro" (even if a joke to some degree), that's not a great thing. 

*edit because I got the name of the fascist grifer wrong

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1 minute ago, Mr_Guillotine said:

When Michael Ian Cheong is showing up to defend you, you know it's time to reevaluate pretty much everything.

I thought the exact same thing.

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Just now, strayts said:

I thought the exact same thing.

eh, just a grifter showing up to grift.  Those people see something going on, and attach themselves like leeches.

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13 minutes ago, kalleth said:

Again, choosing to take legal action means choosing to relive an abusive experience over and over again for years. And if you lose (which no lawyer can promise that you won't) you can be forced to pay the costs of the other side.

I mean yeah, that's the world we live in. That can be applied to literally any legal matter. People probably don't want to relive the murder of a loved one, the robbery that happened to them, the assault, etc.  I don't really know what to tell you, though, other than just because that's an undesirable experience required for a judicial action, doesn't mean we should blindly believe all accusations all the time. That will set an incredibly dangerous precedent.

EDIT: typo relieve -> relive

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2 minutes ago, RatKnight said:

If the allegations are true (and to be clear, unlike Steve's piece, Madison's allegations currently have no receipts, and are just her recollections, with some vague comments by others that are getting interpreted in whatever way whoever is reading them wants to interpret them), and if Linus knew about this behavior and did not deal with it appropriately... then yes, Linus should not be involved in the management of the company at all, whatsoever, and anyone involved should be fired.


All of that being said, I do not think that people should lose their jobs over an accusation, posted on twitter, with no evidence backing it up.  I will wait for the results of the investigation.

It's pretty obvious what's happening. Your love for LTT is blinding you as many other people on here. Try and look at the current situation. Does anyone seriously consider that LMG is gonna get away with this? The only ones that will save them, if that happens, are the normies who will have no idea of what's happened. These posts on Twitter have much more meaning than you think. The will of the people is the will of God when it comes to content creation. Your are riding on a Floatplane if you think anything is gonna be saved after all this.

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Here we go, the original tweets were deleted apparently

To those saying there weren't any ex employees who left without some issues

3735928559 - Beware of the dead beef

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Welp, this is... not fun. uh as a gay... what the actual fuck. This shit is disgusting. And to think i was actually dreaming of working there... Shout out to madison fr.

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Just now, Cosmic Emotion said:

It's pretty obvious what's happening. Your love for LTT is blinding you as many other people on here. Try and look at the current situation. Does anyone seriously consider that LMG is gonna get away with this? The only ones that will save them, if that happens, are the normies who will have no idea of what's happened. These posts on Twitter have much more meaning than you think. The will of the people is the will of God when it comes to content creation. Your are riding on a Floatplane if you think anything is gonna be saved after all this.

I think making predictions about the will of people is a fickle practice, fraught with risks.  Peoples attention is limited, their ability to remain enraged deficient.  


My prediction?  Late this week, or early next, LMG will announce they have hired x company to investigate this.  Then, late next week, they will announce they are cutting the number of videos they need to put out a week, and working on fixing their corporate culture.  There will be some people who leave.  In 2 months, this will come up occasionally from someone on reddit somewhere, and everyone else will forget it was a thing.  In 3 months, a report gets published, and that will either reignite everything, or permanently bury it as people are fired and punished.


The idea that the ADHD ridden public, who is always looking for the next bit of drama, isn't going to immediately forget about this the second that XQC says something stupid or some other public figure does something or says something, or is accused of something.


As for them getting away with it, once again, these are unproven accusations, with no evidence.  While this is not a court of law, I refuse to have my opinions or my beliefs influenced by mere conjecture, or accusations.


I completely agree with Steve on the GN video, and the stuff that LTT needs to unfuck for their videos.  The stuff with Madison is up in the air until there is more information available.

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1 minute ago, RatKnight said:

I think making predictions about the will of people is a fickle practice, fraught with risks.  Peoples attention is limited, their ability to remain enraged deficient.  


My prediction?  Late this week, or early next, LMG will announce they have hired x company to investigate this.  Then, late next week, they will announce they are cutting the number of videos they need to put out a week, and working on fixing their corporate culture.  There will be some people who leave.  In 2 months, this will come up occasionally from someone on reddit somewhere, and everyone else will forget it was a thing.  In 3 months, a report gets published, and that will either reignite everything, or permanently bury it as people are fired and punished.


The idea that the ADHD ridden public, who is always looking for the next bit of drama, isn't going to immediately forget about this the second that XQC says something stupid or some other public figure does something or says something, or is accused of something.


As for them getting away with it, once again, these are unproven accusations, with no evidence.  While this is not a court of law, I refuse to have my opinions or my beliefs influenced by mere conjecture, or accusations.


I completely agree with Steve on the GN video, and the stuff that LTT needs to unfuck for their videos.  The stuff with Madison is up in the air until there is more information available.

Have you even been on Reddit/X? LMG is already gone. I have just grabbed my pop corn for the grand finale. Madison took them out single-handedly which is SOOOO freaking awesome! 🙂

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1 minute ago, Cosmic Emotion said:

Have you even been on Reddit/X? LMG is already gone. I have just grabbed my pop corn for the grand finale. Madison took them out single-handedly which is SOOOO freaking awesome! 🙂

I think you are blinded by exactly the same kind of thinking you accuse me of, and have completely missed my point.


LTT's main channel lost 100k subs in the first day.  Since then, the sub loss seems to have stopped.  Social media is an echo chamber, one in which people convince themselves that reality is something they understand.  Reality is never as cut and dry as you are trying to make it out to be.  Nothing is this simplistic in the real world.

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I'll believe her when she files a police report. Until then, I'll just consider it another social media attention rent where people think that just because they didn't involved the law, that they can say whatever they want without consequences. Hate to put every GenZ in the same bucket, but we have a few in out company who's parent have clearly never said NO to and always got a participation trophy. It's clear that they had no idea what the real world was like and think that criticizing their work = harassment. As for the gropping part, doubt someone with 2 young daughters would ever do or allow someone to do in his company, so again, police report or GTFU.

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1 minute ago, Waifu4Life said:

I'll believe her when she files a police report. Until then, I'll just consider it another social media attention rent where people think that just because they didn't involved the law, that they can say whatever they want without consequences. Hate to put every GenZ in the same bucket, but we have a few in out company who's parent have clearly never said NO to and always got a participation trophy. It's clear that they had no idea what the real world was like and think that criticizing their work = harassment. As for the gropping part, doubt someone with 2 young daughters would ever do or allow someone to do in his company, so again, police report or GTFU.

I almost replied with a screenshot of your profile picture and "😐" but...

It's not that easy, for reasons that have been explained at length over the last few pages.

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5 minutes ago, RatKnight said:

I think you are blinded by exactly the same kind of thinking you accuse me of, and have completely missed my point.


LTT's main channel lost 100k subs in the first day.  Since then, the sub loss seems to have stopped.  Social media is an echo chamber, one in which people convince themselves that reality is something they understand.  Reality is never as cut and dry as you are trying to make it out to be.  Nothing is this simplistic in the real world.

Perhaps you're right.

Many people have remained just to troll/hate/dislike. Don't assume Linus has 15.5 million dedicated folllowers that will put up with anything he does or even wait until proven guity.

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4 minutes ago, Waifu4Life said:

I'll believe her when she files a police report. Until then, I'll just consider it another social media attention rent where people think that just because they didn't involved the law, that they can say whatever they want without consequences. Hate to put every GenZ in the same bucket, but we have a few in out company who's parent have clearly never said NO to and always got a participation trophy. It's clear that they had no idea what the real world was like and think that criticizing their work = harassment. As for the gropping part, doubt someone with 2 young daughters would ever do or allow someone to do in his company, so again, police report or GTFU.

She may not want to fight it legally. At least one former colleague corroborated her story, one active employee sent a tweet out in support of her, and at least one former colleague liked her story tweets. Even if no actually laws have been broken, it seems very likely that all is not well at LMG.

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3 minutes ago, kalleth said:

I almost replied with a screenshot of your profile picture and "😐" but...

It's not that easy, for reasons that have been explained at length over the last few pages.

I don't understand your first sentence


As for a police report, it's not that hard, even if she went back to the States, she can still file one by phone with the local police department of where LMG is located.

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