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Asset names and filenames in Mac OSX/Photos

Trying to get better about my backup solutions and I'm in the process of exporting pics from Photos (with iCloud Library on if that makes a difference) to multiple external drives for redundancy. 


TL;DR- is there a way to read asset "numbers", such as asset: 56CDA012-50C8-4065-A1A4-2CF1A22955DF/L0/001 from a Photos Library? 


To elaborate: In the process, used PowerPhotos (v2) to assist. Took overnight, as I have 1.97 TB of photos, but it gave me a handy little log showing that everything exported except for about 400 some pictures. Settings say in log file "

2022-11-24 20:13:32.286 Starting export of 45572 photos to /Volumes/WD 6TB 1

2022-11-24 20:13:32.286 Settings: folder organization: single folder, file naming: filename, file creation date: photo date, file modification date: photo date, existing files: Keep both, photo export type: unmodified original, format: JPG, quality: high, size: full size, include Live Photo videos: true, include all bursts: true, video quality: h264_1080p, and metadata: date, keywords, title, and caption"


I've taken the log (entry="022-11-24 20:15:48.092 An error occurred (-1): PhotoKit returned an error from data request for <PHAssetResource 0x600003f70320> - type: photo, uti: com.canon.cr2-raw-image, size: {3888,2592}, filename: IMG_2167.CR2, asset: 56CDA012-50C8-4065-A1A4-2CF1A22955DF/L0/001: The operation couldn’t be completed. (PHPhotosErrorDomain error -1.)") and stripped it down to just the filenames and determined they are all in sequential order, the ones that are missing. It was nearly solved, but then I realized I had multiple different photos named "IMG_2167" (only 3-4 it seems for each grouping) and I can't seem to tell where the gap is, if there is a gap at all. Now, when I exported them, since there were multiple file names that were the same, it appended a number to some, BUT it did it in a haphazard order (in retrospect I may have been able to change some setting to prevent this). For instance, photos in 2009 are 1838.cr2, 1839 2.cr2, 1040.cr2, 1841 3.cr2 while in 2010 it  was 1838 2.cr2, 1839.cr2, 1840 3.cr2, with no seeming reason in increasing the appended number up or down either forward or backward in time (of when the picture was taken). In looking to type this just now, there was a "1850 2.cr2" photo in 2011, with a "1850 4.cr2" in 2009. 


The missing numbers start at  1838 and end at 2198 (inclusive) and I've sorted the full lot of images both by name and by date taken, and looked around 1836-1837 and 2199-2200 to see if there maybe it was a specific photo project that was missing, but there's absolutely nothing obvious missing when it comes to the files. 


I have these asset numbers/codes that seem to be attached to each photo, and I was hoping to at least try to use those to see if i could locate the error files in the photo library itself, but i've yet to find anything that resembles that code in the standard info pane. 


I really don't want to export 45K photos again-any suggestions?

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