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Portal Stories: Mel


Well as this is the gaming section of the forum ill post my game review here. 

So I recently (like earleir today) finished playing Portal stories: Mel, the best fangame ever made. 

If you havent played Portal then you should be ashmed of your self and go play both of the games RN, Portal and Portal 2 are some of the best video games ever made and every gamer should play them. Portal Stories: Mel is set between the first and second games, probably in the 50's or 60's. 

let talk about the game for a bit. you play as Mel, yes the same Mel from half life. She went to do be a test subject at appature science, as part of the test she went to sleep and she woke up sometime later. when she gets out of the chamber she was sleeping in she discovers that there are no humans left and that the whole facility is in very bad shape. she finds and befriends a core named Virgil. and together they try to get mel out of the facility. 

Oh and there is also a very unmemerable vilon called a.i.g.e.s but he is not relevent until you have to "fight" it at the end of the game. 

The game fallows mostly the same pattern of the OG games where you test and generaly wonder around the appture facility. 

Icant call the puzzles harder then the harder puzzles of portal 2 but the game isnt easy. the puzzles just have a different appruch to them. and i like it, they pay around with concepts that the OG games didnt have the time to play around and some of the sulotions are reallly clover and sometime made me just feel like im stupid. 

The environments are really good, they look so good and so beliveble and just make the game feel more real. also the different style of portal gun really helps it stick out. 

Virgil is very nice written, funny and the voice actor did a good job with it. Aiges the vilion is very forgettable and never a threat but at list it doesnt really have to the plot. 


Overall I think that this game rises up to the very high standert that the 2 Portal games set, it has good puzzles, fits in very well with the lure, and I really liked Virgil. 

It gets a 9 out of 10 from me and anyone who has Portal 2 should downlaod this game 


Did I say that its free on steam if you own Portal 2????

It has its own steam page and it feels like an offical game. 

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