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Everything posted by Albatross

  1. Just heard this song in a pro-Trump (hilarious) video and really liked it.
  2. I could have sworn this was reported a few months ago...
  3. California is a joke. They get worse and worse every year because they're controlled by morons.
  4. I didn't say it was...it was sort of a "do you have other links?" but okay pal. That means squat. Don't spread around lies or accusations against Trump if you can't even back it up. He hasn't said a thing about how he views NN and appointing people who may have or do have opposing views does not automatically mean he thinks the same way. He disagrees a lot with Ben Carson on things, for example, and he still appointed him. Especially since a Putin close aide basically confirmed that if Hillary won, it would have been war. She was too ready to point fingers and accuse Russia of crimes she had no evidence for (regardless of what her lackeys in the CIA lies about).
  5. Well, most are like that but thankfully there exists people who are idiots incapable of such things.
  6. It is their story and they are free to follow it however they want. If that means gender locks then oh well! People can cry about it all they want but they have no right to dictate other people's creations or strong arm them into them.
  7. Not seeing any verbal/written statements of Trump's stance in any of those. Someone else's views on NN means nothing to my question, but thanks for trying I guess. EDIT Two of those links won't load for me, too. TheDailyBeast and PCworld.
  8. So what if a mentally unwell individual fired off a gun? He probably saw the images on their accounts where they had children duct tapped to tables and finally slid off the cracker. Regardless people will do things like this regardless of information authenticity and you are naive if you believe otherwise. The actions of a mentally unstable man does not automatically means news is false nor should it give liberals the right to dictate what is real or not real news. As I previously stated, MSM said that Hillary's server news was "fake news" before it finally came from sources they would believe. That is but one example that started off with the verbal leaks of man that was instantly condemned as false but months later turned out to be 100% true. If they had their way, they would have had that censored and no one would have known it was fact. That is but one example that shows censorship of what is taken as false news is an extremely ignorant move simply because it could be just like the server issue later on. Removing news even if you disagree with it or because you think it is false, or even if it is truly "false", is still censorship and is not and never will be a solution.
  9. What makes you "sure" he's going to make NN "extinct" OP? Has he ever said anything about it? Ted Cruz being an idiot about it doesn't mean Trump shares the same sentiments. Yes, it just has to be joke if it didn't go according to plan to elect a lying criminal scum or her confirmed paid off lackey. Prize should have gone to the incompetent election rigger.
  10. OP I'm confused on the question man, but if I understand it right, explaining color/sight to a color blind/blind person or sound to a deaf person would be pretty difficult. lol
  11. You can either gently turn the PC around until it falls out (make sure GPU and such are unpluged or secure), use low pressure air to loosen it or take it apart to remove it manually.
  12. Better or equal performance for a reasonable price? Sure/maybe, but no one should be making a switch until benchmarks come out.
  13. Ooops! It was brought to my attention I dun goofed on the spec requirements part. I have now fixed it so it shows the SE requirements.
  14. The lion will be upside down anyway, so it only matters that the back looks nice (and it does okay). Personally, the fans make it look "ugly". The lion would be fine if the fans were a solid black or a different color.
  15. I agree somewhat. Honestly, she sounds kind of mean and not worth the effort. To talk about a previous relationship so negatively publicly around that person you were involved with? Seems really cruel. Just act like she's a nobody/someone different and ignore her elsewhere. Don't feel ashamed OP.
  16. Let me explain my purchase of one. I'm sure it is different for others. I don't have cable or tv services anymore as they were too expensive and useless to me. My TV is embarrassingly small (early 2000 model something I believe) to most people but I was content with it and still am (ye 'ole faithful). I would personally never purchase a tv with such a price tag, however my ma loves huge tvs, always wanted one, so I went out this Black Friday and found a 49" 4k LG tv (120 refresh rate) for $450 (plus $65 for a 5 year warranty) so she could watch with Netflix/PSVue and blurays/dvds. I stood before the tv in the store comparing it to others next to it and the difference was immense next to non-4K tvs. Watching something like Netflix or blurays reveals an insane quality difference, plus there are a ton of features that are actually useful and the 49" is easy enough to see across the room. For a min-theater, high quality experience for non-tv reasons I can understand why people buy them now.
  17. Hmm, I updated my 10 computers and they still have internet (though slow as it always has been). Ouch those who were hit with the problem and had no idea how to resolve it.
  18. I can't get over how beautiful this song is and how incredible Ofra Haza's voice was.
  19. Internet was down the other day for me and I was sick, so I loaded up Witcher 3 (had finished fresh mod installs a few days prior) and took some pictures. I swear they look better than the sites are making them appear. This one looked so gorgeous! I wish I had a better screenshot taker so that I had a high quality version of it. I'll be uploading some Skyrim: SE images soon too.
  20. Korean knock-offs are fake/don't work.
  21. Honestly, I say save your money. It isn't wise to build a rig for Star Citizen right now, especially with a really low budget. Save your money and wait until the game furthers along development and they fix the issues that plague it performance wise. Or...at least wait until Patch 3.0.
  22. I think that is hard to say for sure, but if you kept them clean and took care of them and they still perform great, I don't think they're about to die.
  23. I love the look of Corsair cases. So nice. <33 The case wouldn't work for me though, simply because there are only four total storage slots...unless I just lay HDDs on the inside at the empty space or get two huge HDD/SDDs.