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Posts posted by LukaP

  1. In fairness there is no evidence that bullying played any part in this, you are pulling that out of thin air.

    For a kid to hang herself there has to be a pretty strong reason. one of those is intense bullying, another is mental illness. both of which i mention earlier. Cherry picking posts to make one look good is not nice.



    Bad parenting causes so many problems and if it causes a kid to hang themselves then they need to take a serious look at what they think and question it.

    they need to hang themselves.

  2. My condolences, but I really want to know what evidence she has that this is even remotely connected to wifi.

    my take on it

    1. girl comes home, says something about not feeling well etc
    2. mom being wise as fuck goes on the internets, sees something about why kids feel bad at school from some nutjob blaming EMR from routers
    3. mom being a good scientsist believes that without a doubt, not fact checking, because she refuses to believe her child could be subject to bullying
    4. shit gets worse, mom is retarded does nothing
    5. kid hangs herself
    6. mom is retarded does nothing still, maybe starts another movement of retarded uneducated females trying to ruin shit they dont understand
    1. Bullshit, she was either bullied or suffering from a mental illness

    As hard as this is on her parents, they should be persecuted for neglecting their child and whatever other laws not caring about her problems broke. Fucktard soccer mums thinking the first link on google going to a forum post by some other soccer mum makes them fucking experts

  3. Thanks, But here was me thinking he was doing something really cool. Still brave though as now a days PCBs are layered and though you might not see any cercuts on the surface there may well have been something under the layers. Again though no dout the excess PCB was heat sing support.  

    So get shot of the space killer

    It was actually a lock part required by the ATX/PCIe specification. Part of the spec defines its dimensions, and another says no circuitry may be present on it.

  4. I like Apple, but, I think they're stupid enough to do something like this (not saying they will, but I wouldn't put it past them)

    no they arent. You people give them way too little credit. they know their userbases. they know that removing the fucking headphone jack from a phone is stupid. they also knew many people want an ultrabook but never plug shit into it. and they made one for them

  5. for how many generations is this rumor going already? 2? 3? I wont say anything until apple releases a product.

    im always amazed at how quickly people get their panties in a bunch over this.. every year, 6 months (ish) after the new iPhone, this rumour surfaces (or the crooked looking 3.5mm jack), everyone gets mad, nothing happens. rinse repeat. Apple arent stupid

  6. Haha, Intel has been "on the horizon" for so long I don't think they'll ever be relevant. Yes, they were in the Zenphone 2. But look at them now. Kicked out in favor of Qualcomm.

    Makes me wonder why. I'm guessing their SoC's simply don't offer enough features. Qualcomm packs quite a few value adds into theirs.

    I'm most interested in the SenseID in the SD820.



    I've never understood why people are obsessed with the Snapdragon name. Then again, I often wonder how many people give a fuck at all.

    I think it's mostly a very select group of reviewers. I'd imagine 90% of consumers have no idea what SoC is in their phone, nor do they care.

    CPu wise it was very competitive in the ZF2, if they keep that up, while improving the GPU to Apples level (which they are very capable of) then i dont see what else. their modems are also very good, and getting integrated, and they are selling at cost to help penetrate


    Its mostly the same as the Intel Inside branding on PCs. its branding, that the public recognises, without knowing what it means
