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Posts posted by GOTSpectrum

  1. 59 minutes ago, Kisai said:

    Also, it's a bit of a scam to be paying separate fees to "rent" the cable modem. They want people to buy it, but also the technology changes so frequently that if you had to buy it every time they changed stuff on the headend you'd be paying a lot more money. With the Fiber, you just change the SFP+ if they change the technology. I could have even used my older DSL modem which had a SFP port on it.

    For residential connections in the UK they can't charge you rent or to own the hardware, they can however charge a "bond" which is repayable when you return the equipment. 


    If you have a business connection then they can charge you for the hardware. (Also if they offer multiple hardware options, such as a base model and then a higher end model (think mesh network) they can either offer to sell it to you as an optional extra or rent that extra hardware to you. In practice renting is rarely done any they either sell it to you or give it to you on the bond model as the base hardware but at higher bond. The base model is legally required to be able to operate at the rated speed of the connection no matter what) 

  2. 5 minutes ago, RONOTHAN## said:

    I do want to put an asterisk on that, since there are times that DDR5 will not work on a given board. The main example I can think of is the 24/48GB DIMMs from Corsair initially on AM5, since those would blue screen on boot up even at 3600 JEDEC for the first few months of their existence before AMD finally released an AGESA that fixed it. 


    In this case yes, it should work, since this memory kit is a Hynix bin that's very well supported from all board board vendors, and instances of that are fairly rare, but it's not something that you can say ALL memory kit work at all times, because that's just not true. 

    True, I just meant that, if they have an up to date bios currently all DDR5 currently on the market should work. 


    But I suppose clarity is important in these things

  3. The QVL exists more for system integrators than it does the public. It's a way of saying, if you buy X ram with this motherboard it will run at X speed 99% of the time... 


    It's not supposed to be an exhaustive list of every RAM kit out there. It's a buy this one and it will almost certainly work at the speed rated on the QVL, buying something else will 100% work, just sometimes you won't get the rated speed of the ram for whatever reason, but in the modern world it is rare that you can't get the rated speed unless it's a stupid high clock, like 5000mt/s on DDR4 for example 


    ALL DDR5 ram will work on your board, but the only guaranteed speed is JEDEC specs, but in practice it's much less of an issue these days than it was in the ddr3 era because the JEDEC specs are much better than back in the day 

  4. On 4/8/2024 at 11:38 AM, Monkey Dust said:

    Given that it's only the more tech-savvy users installing 3rd party browsers, I don't think it's much of an issue.

    Although it's less common today, it still happens where when you install one piece of software, a browser or security software is included in the installation. AND, if the person installing isn't paying attention it's easy for this to make itself the primary browser 

  5. Funnily enough I ordered one of these recently... 


    So it may surprise people that the folding team leader is mining, or well in this case planning to mine. I like to make fermented foods and I have an outside cupboard that I use to make them, well much of the year it needs a 100w heater in there to keep the right temp,  I decided if I'm using that 100w anyway why not throw a miner in there.


    I don't care about profit, but getting back some of the money spend on the electric to head it will be nice 

  6. 13 hours ago, Cev said:

    The reason why it's less controversial is because white people are not historically or contemporarily oppressed or marginalized for the colour of their skin.

    So here's the thing, you go anywhere in the world and there is a group that is marginalised and hated.


    My family had to flee south Africa because of the horrible racism against white people there. 


    How does this relate to Dbrand, well that's simple, a racist will use ANY justification for their actions. They are a big successful company "doing the racism" and to them that justifies the way they treat others who are different to them, no matter if they are white, or another colour. 


    There is no place in the world for direct hate, and Dbrand walks a fine line, and in my opinion often steps over that line

  7. 2 minutes ago, vf1000ride said:

    Mines not accurate on their list.  It shows my first record as 3/16/2020.  I have been folding on/off with the same user name since at least 2006 if not farther back than that.  Before the LTT forum I used to fold for the PcApex (Pimprig) forums;

    Team data is separated... so you see when you started folding for the team you are looking at 

  8. 1 minute ago, vf1000ride said:

    I've used that website for a while but not sure that they have any way to check how many years I have been folding for.  I guess I didn't word my other reply as well.  I was looking to see how many years ago I signed up and started folding.  I used to fold for another forum almost 20 years ago at this point but it would be cool to figure out when I actually signed up and started.

    On the individual stats theres a date of the first WU... Here's mine 



  9. Just now, Erioch said:

    There's a bot user who sometimes posts in the Sponsor Complaint thread that claims to be an Asus Rep.  It goes by the name Asus_NAsupport.  Maybe reach out to it.

    You could at least tag them 



  10. 4 minutes ago, Eigenvektor said:

    Those are dust covers, which helps to prevent dust from getting into the case. You should install them in the empty slots. You should not install them in the slots where your GPU is, otherwise it'll conflict with the GPU's mounting bracket.

    Honestly I go heavy on positive pressure and leave these open so the GPU heat gets out the case quicker (In theory)
