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Friday ; I get a ticket escalation, it's to recover a folder that's been deleted accidentally.


* I recover the folder during the weekend *


Monday ; I close the ticket and give the path to the recovered folder (user had already made a new folder with the same name, containing similarly named files)


Today ; I get a ticket to recover a folder ... the same folder ... erased "accidentally" by the same person ... I see a pattern here! 🤔


* recovers the folder, but not before removing her access to delete the folder *

* close the ticket *


  1. BlueChinchillaEatingDorito


    The joys of being a Tier2/3 support technician

  2. Lurick


    *opens ticket*

    I can't delete this folder!

  3. WkdPaul




    Shut up!


    That's a "tomorrow me" problem!

  4. Lurick


    But what about the next day when they delete the folder again?


  5. Windows7ge


    Why I refuse to start my career in tech support.

  6. WkdPaul



    That's a possibility that I'm not the one that gets the ticket to give her back access to delete that folder


    ... I wish I could add note one group / user combo, so that the next admin that tries to assign the "full access" group for that folder get a warning "hey, she deleted that folder twice, in 4 days, maybe don't give her access to do that again!"





    Worked retail when I was young, that's way worse IMO. People are horrible to retail workers and restaurant staff ! :(

    At least with IT, there's very little "bad" people, but a lot of "dumb" people ;)

  7. Windows7ge


    I'm not sure which I'd prefer. The uneducated people I deal with here on the forum already infuriate me. I can't count how many times I've said "Just let me do it." in my head despite knowing that's not an option.

  8. BlueChinchillaEatingDorito


    "Dumb people"
    Yes indeed. I had a client before where every time she puts in a request, she would type up a giant story as to why this needs to be done. Like ma'am, I get it, you have new employee and they need a user account. I don't need to know when the interview was, which other company they're coming from, or what they'll be doing with each shared folder access. 🤦‍♂️
