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Everything posted by Aphexx

  1. I'm love most things about my windows 10 tablet except the integrated windows touch keyboard. Is there a way that I can add a different touch keyboard to my tablet like Gboard that is offered by Google to my windows OS?
  2. https://www.amazon.ca/RX-570-8G-OC-Graphcis/dp/B076Y93L8F/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1541892485&sr=8-2&keywords=rx+570&dpID=510bg1-5eJL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch $219 ..... shit.... its getting so frustrating waiting for black friday a question about the rewards / bonus games you get from purchasing graphics card... I see that assasins creed is offered as a bonus from other vendors... is amazon exempt from it or will I just have to email AMD with proof of purchase of this card to get the bonus game reward?
  3. aaaannndddd I just cancelled my order. its a great deal but we are days out from black friday.... I'm going to wait and see
  4. I'm seeing the 580 as 279 right now ... is it just me? also big thanks. I just purchased it.
  5. cherry poppin daddy's big voodoo daddy Tim Tamashiro or you can go down the swing house side with caravan palace, parov stelar, Jamie Berry there are a tonne of others that just escape me right now
  6. you need to thoroughly soak your foot or whatever you're trying to remove the callous from like soak it till it gets pruney (sp) and then a good extremely rough pumice stone will do wonders or if you're cutting away at it the knife or whatever instrument will go through the callous more easily
  7. Hey all, I don't "phone" much but I picked up a cheap asus Zenfone for on the go etc. the main thing I use my phone for is pairing it with my bluetooth headphones and listening to podcasts or my weekend routine is to listen to longform youtube podcasts on my blutooth headphones but since last night my bluetooth range has become horrible I used to be able to leave my phone upstairs and still listen to it via bluetooth headphones downstairs or if I leave it on a charger while working on my car in the front yard and going to the backyard to pick up a tool or something it would still be in range. since last night the phone would cut out even when left in my jeans pocket. this is the same with all my bluetooth audio devices. my WiFi antennae has also experienced a reduction in range. I used to have no problems with my WiFi router being upstairs and getting reception downstairs or even out in the driveway. today I can't get any WiFi outside the room the router is in. I tried updating the system but it automatically updated 2 weeks ago the build is ASUS_Z00A- I put it into airplane mode using only the bluetooth or using only the wifi and the range is still terrible. is the antennae going down like this a software thing or did I physically damage this thing? thanks in advance
  8. the my 770 doesn't isolate much.
  9. I made Laksa for the first time last night it turned out awesome and now that I have a bunch of the soup paste made I can crank out the next ones in 15-20 minutes. 10 out of 10 highly recommend
  10. as an owner of both the DT770 80ohm and an M50 non X version I say both. but as an all rounder the 770 might have the edge I feel there is way WAAy more detail in the M50 especially the highs and the separation of sounds but everything sounded very 'In head' very enclosed where as the 770 had a better soundstage, I even preferred it for soundwhoring for black ops 2 over my open backed ATH ad700 (but only black ops 2 the ad700 was better in all other games for some reason the blops 2 sound engine was better with the 770) perhaps my 770 is defective or something but it sounds a bit sloppy when compared to the M50 as for clamping force... I've been bending the spring steel headband backwards to relieve the pressure on most of my headphones. I thought this was an obvious fix
  11. Italki is a good site once you are at an intermediate level and want to practice openly with another native speaker. just don't be "that" guy that only talks about anime, looking at all the English speakers looking for Japanese speaking partners and their avatars I can only guess at the levels of Weaboo that goes on there. as far as beginner.... ugh /shrug. start with Hiragana then Katakana and as far as Kanji I hear good things about this paid app called Wanikani there is also a free program that you'd have to set up for yourself as its not that plug and play but Anki is pretty decent. myself, I'm old school I grabbed my cousin's old Kanji textbook and grabbed several hundred index cards and made my own flash cards. starting at Japanese level grade 1 -4. I figure by the time I get to grade 5 kanji I should have enough to read native material and get my practice from there. I'm currently at grade 3 Kanji and I still need a lot of "furigana" to help me out. there is also a Chrome addon called rikaikun that adds furigana/translations to kanji on websites. sorry I'm not so helpful for the beginner I'm only an intermediate/advanced speaker. PS I'm also gearing up to take on the JLPT N2/N3 tests you can also pick up some of those textbooks from Amazon just do a search for nihongo so-matome a beginner would be N5 and advanced is N1 good luck
  12. hey, let me preface this by saying I DONT GAME ANYORE I have an old 7790 that has been serving me well since I only want it for its triple monitor outputs but recently the fan has been making some noises and needs replacing. while I am not against hacking up a different fan and throwing it in there with some duct tape and crazy glue lately my free time has started has started to dwindle so I'm hoping for more of a plug and play option. I did waste some time on the MSI website and found nothing perhaps my Google-Fu skills have become rusty. the card and fan in question is from an MSI 7790 exactly like the one shown in this ebay ad http://www.ebay.ca/itm/MSI-Radeon-HD-7790-DirectX-11-R7790-1GD5-OC-1GB-128-Bit-GDDR5-PCI-Express-3-0-/201478971178?hash=item2ee9151f2a:g:oEUAAOSwwE5WYfAG thanks in advance
  13. Holy shit Cool-k is back! I might just return from lurker mode. ... actually I don't have much time to spend on forums anymore
  14. I need to save on my power bill but I still want to have an HTPC attached in my livingroom that would be nice to be able to hide
  15. I don't daily in ears but if I did and had to rely on them I would sugru every failure point the joint to the jack, volume control and the earphone itself the aesthetics are 100% your skill with the stuff https://sugru.com/
  16. I bought my dt770 and ad700 from Ebay used. also my ws55 and M50 from Ebay new in box at a great price. just be very careful and scour all the resources you have at hand about the seller.
  17. in june I started rollerblading I sucked.... like SUUUUUUCCCKKKEEEDDD at it I didn't fall that much but I looked like a super drunk zombie being all herky jerky with my arms straight out. I would only go out after dark because I didn't want to get seen by anyone. from june to july I went from barely getting around the block to doing 15km sessions nightly. I still suck, I have a hard time doing a proper hockey stop. its not about building your back but its about keeping at it fighting through being awkward to being awesome. I hate to use a Nike slogan but " Just do it "
  18. are you mistaking valve cover gasket with headgasket perchance?
  19. bubbles in the radiator is one of the major signs that its a headgasket failure. first time I did a headgasket on my own it took me a week. of off and on wrenching. today I could do it in 2 days... 1 if I didn't have to take the head in to get surfaced. but that is because I know my engine bay inside out and working inside the cramped space of a japanese import brings complications. I would NEVER say its easy to do and is only a "couple bolts removing the old stuff with a rag" doing a headgasket swap is near the top of the list of most time intensive tasks you can do inside the engine bay.
  20. I'd vote for an inanimate carbon rod over any of the Republican candidates that said I look forward to to tracking the adventures and hijinks of Trudeaus hair for the next 5 years
  21. I've been happy with my cheap I think it was $5 french press from Ikea the design is so simple that I find it extremely difficult to make a bad press. if its a gift you're only paying for aesthetics get one that looks the best. I would have suggested a burr grinder but I don't think there are any for that pricepoint I might be wrong edit I stand corrected but not sure what to suggest I did click on the melitta burr grinder for $73 but the reviews aren't promising
  22. the best 7.1 headphone is the one that doesn't resort to Gimmicky marketing. Open backed is best
  23. at this price point I'd avoid active noise cancelling. I really dislike the "pressure" feeling from anc
  24. I prefer the Xbox controller for playing games. I play FPS shooters with it and I've raided as a frostfire mage using a controller in warcraft and I prefer to grind out boring monotonous daily quests with a controller leaning back in my comfortable chair
  25. from my vantage point of the Texas of Canada: Alberta it looks pretty orange around these parts the lawn signs aren't as one sided orange like they were in the provincial election but its still very orange around here. is this real life? I keep blinking my eyes and pinching myself wondering if this is actually real? Calgary elected a progressive mayor, and the whole province has abandoned its decades of staunchly conservative leaning we didn't just do a left turn we went hard left. and if the lawn signs are any indications its looking like we're going to drop the conservatives for our national representative as well. #OrangeCrush